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WoW SoD P3 Prequests Leveling for 40-50 (Alliance)
3/26/2024 2:48:33 PM

Unlike the earlier leveling segments for Season of Discovery, the focus for speedrunning the 40-50 section is to dungeon grind rather than complete quests. This is especially true for Alliance players, due to a well-known lull in quest availability in this section. The quest log focuses on holding completed quests for the outside world, that would otherwise not be convenient or efficient to complete while dungeon grinding, with the plan to then collect the quests you will be completing anyway during your dungeon grind. This should help assist in maximizing your efficiency through the whole 40-50 section.

XP @ 40Required
Quest name > denotes chain continuationQuest items needed

Whether it needs to stay in your log or not
Colour sets denote chain continuation - darker colour for initial quest, lighter colour of the same shade for subsequent quest(s)

Don't forget to use your Cosy Sleeping Bag for the XP buff (3 minute stack) and the Student Fodder. Rest for 1 minute prior to your 3x stack dropping off to refresh it to 3 stacks. The buff does apply to quests and you can apply it before launch.

Have your hearth set to Booty Bay. Start at Steamwheedle Port, Tanaris

Tooga's Quest

Tanaris - Steamwheedle Port5900YES
WANTED: Andre Firebeard

Tanaris - Steamwheedle Port3900YES
Ship SchedulesShip ScheduleAccept quest from item in inventory and turn inTanaris - Steamwheedle Port4850
ZUL'FARRAK: The Prophecy of Mosh'aru
Pickup quest in Steamwheedle for Zul'FarrakTanaris - Steamwheedle Port

The Scrimshank RedemptionScrimshank's Surveying Gear
> Insect Part Analysis

> Insect Part Analysis 2

WANTED: Caliph ScorpidstingCaliph Scorpidsting's Head
Water Pouch Bounty5 Wastewander Water Pouch

ZUL'FARRAK: Gahz'rilla
Pickup quest in Shimmering Flats for Zul'FarrakShimmering Flats

Keeping Pace
*Complete quest chain to this point, pickup and turninShimmering Flats1650
> Rizzle's Schematics

Shimmering Flats1650

Ride back to Gadgetzan and Fly to Thalanaar, Feralas

Thalanaar DeliveryUndelivered ParcelAccept quest from item in inventory and turn inThalanaar2800

Fly to Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas

Freed from the Hive

Feathermoon Stronghold4050YES
> A Hero's Welcome

Feathermoon Stronghold6050
Pristine Yeti HidePristine Yeti HideAccept quest from item in inventory and turn inFeathermoon Stronghold2200

Ideally get a port to Darnassus at this point, else fly there and take a break

Doling JusticeJer'kai's Signet Ring
Prayer to ElunePrayer to Elune
A Donation of Silk60 Silk Cloth
A Donation of Mageweave60 Mageweave Cloth
> Rise of the Silithid


Hearth to Booty Bay

Facing NegolashSmott's Cutlass
Booty Bay10600YES
Stranglethorn FeverHeart of Mokk
Booty Bay5850YES
Cracking Maury's FootMaury's Key
Booty Bay7050YES
GNOMER: A Fine Mess
Pickup quest in Booty Bay for GnomereganBooty Bay

If you have Green Hills to turn in, ride to Nesingwary and complete hand ins. If not, you should pick another quest to complete for handin instead of Big Game Hunter and skip this turn in section.

If you have Dalaran Relics to turn into Dalaran Agent, fly or ride to Darkshire and ride into Deadwind Pass to turn them in as below. If not, you should skip this turn in section.

Big Game HunterHead of Bangalash
STV - Nesingwary7750YES
Green Hills of Stranglethorn IPages 1,4,6,8
STV - Nesingwary780
Green Hills of Stranglethorn IIPages 10,11,14,16
STV - Nesingwary780
Green Hills of Stranglethorn IIIPages 18,20,21,24
STV - Nesingwary780
Green Hills of Stranglethorn IVPages 25,26,27
STV - Nesingwary780
> Green Hills of Stranglethorn

STV - Nesingwary4700

Curious Dalaran RelicCurious Dalaran Relic
Dalaran Agent1550
Curious Dalaran RelicCreepy Dalaran Relic
Dalaran Agent1550
Curious Dalaran RelicGlittering Dalaran Relic
Dalaran Agent1550
Curious Dalaran RelicOdd Dalaran Relic
Dalaran Agent1550
Curious Dalaran RelicSlippery Dalaran Relic
Dalaran Agent1550
Curious Dalaran RelicWhirring Dalaran Relic
Dalaran Agent1550
Curious Dalaran RelicHeavy Dalaran Relic
Dalaran Agent1550
> A Service to Dalaran

Dalaran Agent3900

Fly to Stormwind

Bring the Light
Dungeon: Razorfen DownsStormwind5500YES
A Donation of Silk60 Silk Cloth
A Donation of Mageweave60 Mageweave Cloth
GNOMER: Gyromatic Excavationers
Pickup quest in Stormwind for GnomereganStormwind

Fly to Searing Gorge

Rise, Obsidion!Head of Lathoric the Black, Heart of Obsidion
Thorium Point11100YES

Set Them Ablaze!Torch of RetributionComplete chain to this pointSearing Gorge11100YES
> Trinkets...
Open the chest twice, save Molt

Fly to Loch Modan

The Horn of the BeastMargol's Gigantic HornAccept quest from item in inventory and turn inLoch Modan - Pebblebitty7850

Fly to Arathi Highlands

Summoning the PrincessEldritch Shackles
Attack on the TowerTrelane's Phylactery, Terlane's Orb, Trelane's ember agate
Wanted! Marez Cowl

Wanted! Otto and Falconcrest


Fly to Ironforge and SET HEARTH

> Proof of Deed

A Donation of Silk60 Silk Cloth
Ironforge - Dwarves1650
A Donation of Mageweave60 Mageweave Cloth
Ironforge - Dwarves3300
A Donation of Silk60 Silk Cloth
Ironforge - Gnomes1650
A Donation of Mageweave60 Mageweave Cloth
Ironforge - Gnomes3300
GNOMER: Data Rescue
Pickup quest in Ironforge for GnomereganIronforge

GNOMER: Essential Artificials
Pickup quest in Ironforge for GnomereganIronforge

GNOMER: Save Techbot's Brain!
Pickup quest in Ironforge for GnomereganIronforge

GNOMER: The Grand Betrayal
Pickup quest in Ironforge for GnomereganIronforge

Check you set your hearth, then ride out of IF to Kharanos

GNOMER: Gnogaine
Pickup quest in Kharanos for GnomereganKharanos


During Gnomeregan at safe area turn in the following:

Grime-Encrusted RingGrime-Encrusted RingAccept quest from item in inventory and turn inGnomeregan4000

After Gnomer is complete hearth to IF

Data RescuePrismatic Punch Card
Essential Artificials12 Essential Artificial
Save Techbot's Brain!Techbot's Memory Core
The Grand Betrayal

The Mad KingThermaplugg's Engineering NotesAccept quest from item in inventory and turn inIronforge

> Return of the Ring

> Nogg's Ring Redo1 Silver Bar, 1 Moss Agate, and the ring

The Shattered NecklaceShattered NecklaceAccept quest from item in inventory and turn inIronforge4500
> Lore for a Price5 Silver Bars

ULDAMAN: Reclaimed Treasures
Pickup quest in Ironforge for UldamanIronforge

Ride out of IF to Kharanos

GnogaineFull Leaded Collection Phial

Fly to Loch Modan

ULDAMAN: Uldaman Reagent Run
Pickup quest in Thelsamar for UldamanThelsamar

> At Last!

Loch Modan - Pebblebitty6800

Ride into Badlands

Tremors of the EarthBlacklash's Bindings, Chains of Hematus, Sign of the Earth
Fiery Blaze EnchantmentsBlack Drake's Heart
A Sign of Hope
Complete quest chain to here (turn in map)Badlands1350

Coolant Heads PrevailFrost Oil
Badlands - Lotwil2850
Gyro... what?Gyrochronatom
Badlands - Lotwil2850
Liquid StoneHealing Potion, Lesser Invisibility Potion
Badlands - Lotwil2100
Stone is Better than ClothPatterned Bronze Bracers
Badlands - Lotwil2550
This is Going to be Hard 1-3Lotwil's Shackles of Elemental BindingCheck notesBadlands - Lotwil4850

Barbecued Buzzard Wings4 Buzzard Wings
Badlands - Rigglefuzz2350
Pearl Diving9 Blue PearlsPrecollect for turnin if you haven't already done thisBadlands - Rigglefuzz5250
ULDAMAN: Power Stones
Pickup quest at Rigglefuzz in Badlands for UldamanBadlands - Rigglefuzz

ULDAMAN - Level 43 1 run

During Uldaman complete/continue and turn in the following quests:

> Back to UldamanTalvash's Phial of Scrying
> Find the GemsShattered Necklace Ruby, Sapphire, TopazUse the Phial of Scrying to turn inPhial4800

The Lost Dwarves


> Amulet of SecretsHammertoe's Amulet

The Platinum Discs
*Make sure you remember to speak to golem etcUldaman5400

After Uldaman is complete, ride back out into Badlands

Power Stones8 Dentrium Power Stone, 8 An'Alleum Power Stone
> Prospect of Faith


If you completed the reagent run, ride to Loch Modan to turn in

Uldaman Reagent Run12 Magenta Fungus Cap** limited supply prior to entering dungeon, can skip **Thelsamar4650

Hearth to Ironforge

> Restoring the NecklaceShattered Necklace Power Source
> Restoring the Necklace 2


> The Platinum Discs 2Miniature Platinum Discs
> The Platinum Discs 3


> The Hidden Chamber


Reclaimed TreasuresKrom Stoutarm's Treasure

> Prospect of Faith 2

> Passing Word of a Threat

> Passing Word of a Threat 2


Fly to Stormwind, train, clear bags, collect items as required for next big grind at ZF

Gyrodrillmatic Excavationers24 Robo-Mechanical Guts
> Malin's Request


Fly to Booty Bay

A Fine Mess

Booty Bay4000
Zanzil's Mixture and a Fool's StoutTimed quest: 2 hoursPickup quest in Booty Bay

Boat to Ratchet, fly to Theramore

Optional: ride into Dustwallow to collect quest Tiara of the Deep

Fly to Gadgetzan, set hearth

ZUL'FARRAK: Divinomatic Rod
Pickup quest in Gadgetzan for Zul'FarrakGadgetzan

ZUL'FARRAK: Scarab Shells
Pickup quest in Gadgetzan for Zul'FarrakGadgetzan

ZUL'FARRAK: Troll Temper
Pickup quest in Gadgetzan for Zul'FarrakGadgetzan

ZUL'FARRAK - From Level 43

When these quests are completed, turn them in at your convenience. Don't forget to stop and train at the right time. Safe travels to 50!

Divinomatic RodDivinomatic RodZul'FarrakGadgetzan7500
Scarab Shells5 Uncracked Scarab ShellZul'FarrakGadgetzan5100
Troll Temper20 Troll TemperZul'FarrakGadgetzan5100

The Prophecy of Mosh'aruFirst and Second TabletsZul'FarrakTanaris - Steamwheedle Port6450

GahzrillaGahz'rilla's Electrified ScaleZul'Farrak (Carrot on a Stick) Need the Mallet firstShimmering Flats8850
Zanzil's Mixture and a Fool's StoutTimed quest: 2 hours
Shimmering Flats3750
> Get the Gnomes Drunk


Tiara of the DeepTiara of the DeepZul'FarrakDustwallow Marsh7250



The Super Egg-O-MaticHippogryph EggTanaris turn in - level 42Gadgetzan4200

First Aid 225Theramore3900

Show Your Work (Goblin)20 Big Iron Bombs, 20 Solid Dynamite, 5 Explosive SheepEngineering 225 Goblin Engineer specialisationGadgetzan3150
Show Your Work (Gnome)6 Mithril Tubes, Accurate Scope, 3 Advanced Target DummyEngineering 225 Gnome Engineer specialisationBooty Bay3150

To Gadgetzan You Go!
Cooking breadcrumb - pickup main cityGadgetzan970
> Clamlette Surprise12 Giant Eggs, 10 Zesty Clam Meat, 20 Alterac SwissCooking 225Gadgetzan3900

Elemental Leatherworking2 Heart of Fire, 2 Globe of Water, 2 Core of Earth, 2 Breath of WindLeatherworking 225 specialisationSearing Gorge4200
Tribal LeatherworkingWild Leather Vest, Wild Leather HelmetLeatherworking 225 specialisationFeralas - Caryssia4200
Dragonscale Leatherworking2 Tough Scorpid Breastplate, 2 Tough Scorpid Glove, 10 Worn DragonscaleLeatherworking 225 specialisationAzshara4200