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Lost Ark Honing (Upgrade) Calculator Guide - How to Calculate Upgrade Materials & Honing Cost
5/11/2022 3:07:04 PM

To find the most cost-effective way to hone your gear in Lost Ark, you can actually use some tools to save time and make correct decisions. One of the most useful tools you can’t miss is the Maxroll’s Lost Ark Honing (Upgrade) Calculator, which can calculate upgrade materials and honing costs exactly for T1 -T3 weapons and armors at different phases.  

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Where to Find Lost Ark Honing Calculator 

There is a Lost Ark Upgrade/Honing Calculator tool on Maxroll used to help players to calculate the estimated upgrade material and currency costs for gear honing to reach the desired item level in the game. If you have the questions about whether to use a material, when to use it and how much cost you need to spend, the tool can help you, especially when upgrading the upcoming new class in Lost Ark. You can tell whether it’s worth it to use additional honing mats based on the cost required. 

Click here to start your calculation. 

lost ark honing calculator

How to Use the Lost Ark Honing Calculator - How to Calculate Upgrade Materials and Honing Cost in Lost Ark

You need to select each condition and press “Add”, the digit after “From” presents the starting level of your gear, and the digit after “To” is the target level of your gear. The “Count” number refers to how many items you want to upgrade, you can leave it by default. The critical thing is failed attempts and Artisan's Energy. There are other two important settings, go with the Average scenario and Optimal materials. Then click “Recalculate”, and it will recalculate based on the prices you put in.

Here is an example from AlanzqLOA. 

1. Let’s assume we are gonna be starting for +8, and honing up to +15 tier 2 weapon, and we have a character that’s already in T3 and has stronghold research, we take T2 extra chance and feed cost. Then press OK and click Add.  

2. Depends on how rich are you in Lost Ark gold and silver, if you are rich in silver, put this at zero value, those are the gold values, if you are rich in gold but poor in silver, make silver at 0,001, this means you pay 1 000 gold for 1 million silver, but most of the time you'll be putting here zero and gold obviously one. 

3. Check the price of these T2 materials on the market and set the value in the table. They put the price that you pay gold for 10 pieces of the mats on the calculator, you put the price for one unit, so you have to divide that price by 10. 

4. Press “Recalculate”, it shows how much of each resource you need to get a weapon from plus 8 up to plus 15, and what and when you should use it in terms of resources. 
