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Naj's Puzzler

Naj's Puzzler [Set Items]

Naj's Puzzler Damage: 200 To 232 (216 Avg)
Required Level: 78
Required Strength: 44
Required Dexterity: 37
Durability: 35
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+150% Enhanced Damage
+50% Damage To Undead
Adds 6-45 Lightning Damage
+30% Faster Cast Rate
+1 To All Skills
+70 To Mana
+35 To Energy
Level 11 Teleport (69 Charges)
Naj's Puzzler


Price 3.7 USD

What Can Naj's Puzzler Do In Diablo 2 Resurrected?

D2R Naj's Puzzler is a strong choice for characters who want to focus on spellcasting and offensive abilities. It provides a significant boost to damage output, mana, life, and resistances, making characters more effective in combat. Additionally, the Teleport and Chain Lightning skills can be useful for quickly moving around the game world and dealing damage to multiple targets. When equipped along with the other pieces of the set, it provides the following bonuses:

+200% Enhanced Damage - This bonus increases the damage output of the staff.

+1 to All Skills - This bonus increases the level of all skills the character has by one, making them more powerful.

+30 to Energy - This bonus increases the character's maximum mana, allowing them to cast more spells.

+10 to Vitality - This bonus increases the character's maximum life, making them more durable.

All Resistances +15 - This bonus increases the character's resistance to all elemental damage types.

Level 12 Teleport - This bonus provides the character with the Teleport skill at level 12, allowing them to quickly move around the game world.

Level 9 Chain Lightning - This bonus provides the character with the Chain Lightning skill at level 9, allowing them to deal damage to multiple targets at once.

What Is The Best Class For Naj's Puzzler In Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Naj's Puzzler is a strong choice for characters who specialize in spellcasting and offensive abilities in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Here are some of the best classes for Naj's Puzzler:

Sorceress - Naj's Puzzler is an excellent choice for a Sorceress, as it provides a significant boost to energy and all resistances, allowing them to cast more spells and be more resistant to elemental damage. Additionally, the bonuses to all skills and damage output can help improve the effectiveness of the Sorceress's abilities.

Necromancer - A Necromancer can also benefit from Naj's Puzzler, as it provides a significant boost to energy and all resistances, making them more effective at casting spells and more resistant to elemental damage. The bonuses to all skills and damage output can also help improve the effectiveness of the Necromancer's abilities.

Druid - A Druid can also benefit from Naj's Puzzler, as it provides a significant boost to energy and all resistances, allowing them to cast more spells and be more resistant to elemental damage. Additionally, the bonuses to all skills and damage output can help improve the effectiveness of the Druid's elemental abilities.

Is Naj's Puzzler Beginner Friendly In Diablo 2 Resurrected?

Buy D2R Naj's Puzzler can be a bit difficult for beginners to use effectively, as it is geared more towards spellcasters who have a good understanding of the game mechanics and are able to manage their resources effectively. The staff provides significant bonuses to energy, all resistances, and damage output, which can make it a powerful choice for characters who specialize in spell casting.

However, beginners may find it challenging to manage their mana effectively when using the staff, as it can be quite mana-intensive. Additionally, the Teleport and Chain Lightning skills provided by the staff require some skill and strategy to use effectively and can be risky to use in certain situations.

That being said, if a beginner is interested in using Naj's Puzzler, it can be a rewarding choice once they become more comfortable with the game mechanics and have developed their skills as spellcaster. With the proper strategy and playstyle, the staff can provide significant benefits to a character's offense, defense, and mobility.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R Naj's Puzzler Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Naj's Puzzler Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Naj's Puzzler are ranged from 1.51USD to 3.7USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Naj's Puzzler trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Naj's Puzzler is priced at 1.51USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 1.51USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 128 D2R items in this Set Items, welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

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