![Enigma[Archon Plate(15 ED)][775 Defense] Enigma[Archon Plate(15 ED)][775 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Beast[Berserker Axe][260-274% ED & 30-40 Str] Beast[Berserker Axe][260-274% ED & 30-40 Str]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Beast[Berserker Axe][270-285% ED & 30-40 Str] Beast[Berserker Axe][270-285% ED & 30-40 Str]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Beast[Berserker Axe][Random] Beast[Berserker Axe][Random]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Breath of the Dying[Berserker Axe(ETH)][385-410% ED] Breath of the Dying[Berserker Axe(ETH)][385-410% ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Breath of the Dying[Berserker Axe(ETH)][Random] Breath of the Dying[Berserker Axe(ETH)][Random]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Call To Arms*[Crystal Sword][4-6BC & 6BO] Call To Arms*[Crystal Sword][4-6BC & 6BO]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Call To Arms*[Crystal Sword][6BC & 6BO & 4BC] Call To Arms*[Crystal Sword][6BC & 6BO & 4BC]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Call To Arms*[Crystal Sword][Random] Call To Arms*[Crystal Sword][Random]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Call To Arms*[Flail][6BC & 6BO & 4BC] Call To Arms*[Flail][6BC & 6BO & 4BC]](/Images/D2/flail_graphic.png)

![Chains of Honor[Archon Plate(15 ED)][Random] Chains of Honor[Archon Plate(15 ED)][Random]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Chains of Honor[Archon Plate(ETH & 15 ED)][Random] Chains of Honor[Archon Plate(ETH & 15 ED)][Random]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Chains of Honor[Sacred Armor(15 ED)][Random] Chains of Honor[Sacred Armor(15 ED)][Random]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

![Chains of Honor[Sacred Armor(ETH & 15 ED)][Random] Chains of Honor[Sacred Armor(ETH & 15 ED)][Random]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

![Death[Berserker Axe(ETH)][350-384% ED] Death[Berserker Axe(ETH)][350-384% ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Death[Berserker Axe(ETH)][385-400% ED] Death[Berserker Axe(ETH)][385-400% ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Doom[Berserker Axe][330-349% ED] Doom[Berserker Axe][330-349% ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Doom[Berserker Axe][350-370% ED] Doom[Berserker Axe][350-370% ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Doom[Berserker Axe][371-385% ED] Doom[Berserker Axe][371-385% ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Doom[Berserker Axe][50-59% CR & 350%+ED] Doom[Berserker Axe][50-59% CR & 350%+ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Doom[Berserker Axe][60% CR & 350%+ED] Doom[Berserker Axe][60% CR & 350%+ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][750-759 Defense] Enigma[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][750-759 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][760-774 Defense] Enigma[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][760-774 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][775 Defense] Enigma[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][775 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Archon Plate(15 ED)][750-759 Defense] Enigma[Archon Plate(15 ED)][750-759 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Archon Plate(15 ED)][760-774 Defense] Enigma[Archon Plate(15 ED)][760-774 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Mage Plate(15ED)][750-759 Defense] Enigma[Mage Plate(15ED)][750-759 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Mage Plate(15ED)][760-774 Defense] Enigma[Mage Plate(15ED)][760-774 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Enigma[Mage Plate(15ED)][775 Defense] Enigma[Mage Plate(15ED)][775 Defense]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Exile[Sacred Targe(ETH & 40-44 Res)][14-15 DA & 240-260% ED] Exile[Sacred Targe(ETH & 40-44 Res)][14-15 DA & 240-260% ED]](/Images/D2/targe_graphic.png)

![Exile[Vortex Shield(ETH & 40-44 Res)][14-15 DA & 240-260% ED] Exile[Vortex Shield(ETH & 40-44 Res)][14-15 DA & 240-260% ED]](/Images/D2/crownshield_graphic.png)

![Exile[Vortex Shield(ETH)][14-15 DA & 240-260% ED] Exile[Vortex Shield(ETH)][14-15 DA & 240-260% ED]](/Images/D2/crownshield_graphic.png)

![Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 10-14 ED)][13-14FA & 2Skills] Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 10-14 ED)][13-14FA & 2Skills]](/Images/D2/reflexbow_graphic.png)

![Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 10-14 ED)][15 FA & 1 Skills] Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 10-14 ED)][15 FA & 1 Skills]](/Images/D2/reflexbow_graphic.png)

![Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 10-14 ED)][15A & 2Skills] Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 10-14 ED)][15A & 2Skills]](/Images/D2/reflexbow_graphic.png)

![Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 15 ED)][13-14FA & 2Skills] Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 15 ED)][13-14FA & 2Skills]](/Images/D2/reflexbow_graphic.png)

![Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 15 ED)][15A & 2Skills] Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill & 15 ED)][15A & 2Skills]](/Images/D2/reflexbow_graphic.png)

![Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill)][15A & 2Skills] Faith[Grand Matron Bow(3 Bow skill)][15A & 2Skills]](/Images/D2/reflexbow_graphic.png)

![Faith[Shadow Bow(13-14 ED)][13-14FA & 2Skills] Faith[Shadow Bow(13-14 ED)][13-14FA & 2Skills]](/Images/D2/longbow_graphic.png)

![Fortitude[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Fortitude[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Archon Plate(10-14 ED)][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/lightplate_graphic.png)

![Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH & 10-14 ED)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH & 10-14 ED)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

![Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH & 10-14 ED)][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH & 10-14 ED)][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

![Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH )][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH )][1.5 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

![Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res] Fortitude[Sacred Armor(ETH)][1.25-1.375 LF & 25-30 Res]](/Images/D2/ancientarmor_graphic.png)

![Grief[Berserker Axe][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS] Grief[Berserker Axe][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Grief[Berserker Axe][Random] Grief[Berserker Axe][Random]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Grief[Phase Blade(10-14ED)][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS] Grief[Phase Blade(10-14ED)][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Grief[Phase Blade(15ED)][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS] Grief[Phase Blade(15ED)][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Grief[Phase Blade][35-39IAS] Grief[Phase Blade][35-39IAS]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Grief[Phase Blade][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS] Grief[Phase Blade][360-399DAM & 35-39IAS]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Grief[Phase Blade][Damage +360-399] Grief[Phase Blade][Damage +360-399]](/Images/D2/crystalsword_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][255-259 ED] Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][255-259 ED]](/Images/D2/warscythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][260-299 ED] Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][260-299 ED]](/Images/D2/warscythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][300-324 ED] Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][300-324 ED]](/Images/D2/warscythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][325-334 ED] Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][325-334 ED]](/Images/D2/warscythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][335-340 ED] Infinity[Giant Thresher(ETH)][335-340 ED]](/Images/D2/warscythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][255-259 ED] Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][255-259 ED]](/Images/D2/halberd_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][260-299 ED] Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][260-299 ED]](/Images/D2/halberd_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][300-324 ED] Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][300-324 ED]](/Images/D2/halberd_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][325-334 ED] Infinity[Great Poleaxe(ETH)][325-334 ED]](/Images/D2/halberd_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Great Poleaxe[(ETH)][335-340 ED] Infinity[Great Poleaxe[(ETH)][335-340 ED]](/Images/D2/halberd_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Scythe][-50-54LR] Infinity[Scythe][-50-54LR]](/Images/D2/scythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Scythe][-55LR] Infinity[Scythe][-55LR]](/Images/D2/scythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][255-259 ED] Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][255-259 ED]](/Images/D2/scythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][260-299 ED] Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][260-299 ED]](/Images/D2/scythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][300-324 ED] Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][300-324 ED]](/Images/D2/scythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][325-334 ED] Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][325-334 ED]](/Images/D2/scythe_graphic.png)

![Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][335-340 ED] Infinity[Thresher(ETH)][335-340 ED]](/Images/D2/scythe_graphic.png)

![Mosaic[Runic Talons(+3Phoenix)][240%+ED] Mosaic[Runic Talons(+3Phoenix)][240%+ED]](/Images/D2/claws_graphic.png)

![Oath[Berserker Axe(ETH)][+260-339% ED] Oath[Berserker Axe(ETH)][+260-339% ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![Oath[Berserker Axe(ETH)][+340-345% ED] Oath[Berserker Axe(ETH)][+340-345% ED]](/Images/D2/waraxe_graphic.png)

![phoenix[Monarch(15ED)][13-15 RA & 370+ Def] phoenix[Monarch(15ED)][13-15 RA & 370+ Def]](/Images/D2/kiteshield_graphic.png)

![Pride[Giant Thresher(ETH & 10-14ED)][17-19CR] Pride[Giant Thresher(ETH & 10-14ED)][17-19CR]](/Images/D2/warscythe_graphic.png)

![Pride[Great Poleaxe(ETH & 10-14ED)][17-19CR] Pride[Great Poleaxe(ETH & 10-14ED)][17-19CR]](/Images/D2/halberd_graphic.png)

![Spirit[Monarch(10-14 ED)][35FCR] Spirit[Monarch(10-14 ED)][35FCR]](/Images/D2/kiteshield_graphic.png)

![Spirit[Monarch(15ED)][35FCR] Spirit[Monarch(15ED)][35FCR]](/Images/D2/kiteshield_graphic.png)

![Spirit[Monarch][27-34FCR] Spirit[Monarch][27-34FCR]](/Images/D2/kiteshield_graphic.png)

![Spirit[Monarch][Random] Spirit[Monarch][Random]](/Images/D2/kiteshield_graphic.png)

![Spirit[Sacred Targe(40-44Res)][35FCR] Spirit[Sacred Targe(40-44Res)][35FCR]](/Images/D2/targe_graphic.png)

![Spirit[Sacred Targe(45Res)][35FCR] Spirit[Sacred Targe(45Res)][35FCR]](/Images/D2/targe_graphic.png)

![Verdungo's Hearty Cord[120-140%ED & 40 Vit & -15% DR & 13 Life Rep] Verdungo's Hearty Cord[120-140%ED & 40 Vit & -15% DR & 13 Life Rep]](/Images/D2/Verdungo-s-Hearty-Cord.png)
![Verdungo's Hearty Cord[120-140%ED & 40 Vit & -15% DR & 13 Life Rep] Verdungo's Hearty Cord[120-140%ED & 40 Vit & -15% DR & 13 Life Rep]](/Images/D2/Verdungo-s-Hearty-Cord.png)
Missions Details:
Den of Evil(Rewards: Add 1 Skills Points)
Radament's Lair(Rewards: Add 1 Skills Points)
Horadric cube(Rewards: Horadric Cube)
The Golden Bird(Rewards:Add 20 Life)
Khalim's Will(Rewards: Add 5 Skills Points)
The Fallen Angel(Rewards:Add 1 Skills Points)
Siege on Harrogath(Rewards:Get 1 chance to socketed any items)
Prison Of Ice(Rewards: Add 10 All Res & open Nihlathak's Temple)
Betrayal Of Harrogath(Rewards: Naming rights of any items)
Eve of Destrauction(Rewards:Add 1 Skills Points)
Missions Details:
Den of Evil(Rewards: Add 1 Skills Points)
Radament's Lair(Rewards: Add 1 Skills Points)
Horadric cube(Rewards: Horadric Cube)
The Golden Bird(Rewards:Add 20 Life)
Khalim's Will(Rewards: Add 5 Skills Points)
The Fallen Angel(Rewards:Add 1 Skills Points)
Siege on Harrogath(Rewards:Get 1 chance to socketed any items)
Prison Of Ice(Rewards: Add 10 All Res & open Nihlathak's Temple)
Betrayal Of Harrogath(Rewards: Naming rights of any items)
Eve of Destrauction(Rewards:Add 1 Skills Points)
Missions Details:
Den of Evil(Rewards: Add 1 Skills Points)
Radament's Lair(Rewards: Add 1 Skills Points)
Horadric cube(Rewards: Horadric Cube)
The Golden Bird(Rewards:Add 20 Life)
Khalim's Will(Rewards: Add 5 Skills Points)
The Fallen Angel(Rewards:Add 1 Skills Points)
Siege on Harrogath(Rewards:Get 1 chance to socketed any items)
Prison Of Ice(Rewards: Add 10 All Res & open Nihlathak's Temple)
Betrayal Of Harrogath(Rewards: Naming rights of any items)
Eve of Destrauction(Rewards:Add 1 Skills Points)
Missions Details:
Den of Evil(Rewards: Add 1 Skills Points)
Radament's Lair(Rewards: Add 1 Skills Points)
Horadric cube(Rewards: Horadric Cube)
The Golden Bird(Rewards:Add 20 Life)
Khalim's Will(Rewards: Add 5 Skills Points)
The Fallen Angel(Rewards:Add 1 Skills Points)
Siege on Harrogath(Rewards:Get 1 chance to socketed any items)
Prison Of Ice(Rewards: Add 10 All Res & open Nihlathak's Temple)
Betrayal Of Harrogath(Rewards: Naming rights of any items)
Eve of Destrauction(Rewards:Add 1 Skills Points)

Diablo 2 Resurrected Season 6 offers players a fresh start to race to Level 99 and collect powerful loot along the way. As you progress through the game, having a strong endgame farming build becomes crucial for efficiently farming Ubers, Chaos Sanctuary, and Area Level 85 zones. In this article, we...3/31/2024 2:11:58 PM
Caster amulets are the most popular crafting items in Diablo 2 Resurrected, they're really strong items that are very endgame orientated, while how can you make caster amulets and caster rings in the game? We’ll break down the recipes, materials, process, and tips for the best D2R caster amulet & ri...3/26/2024 10:59:46 AM
Set items are critical for enhancing your character in Diablo 2 Resurrected, to get the most powerful builds, here are some top-tier D2R set items worth keeping on the tier list. D2R Set Items Worth Keeping - Diablo 2 Resurrected Sets Tier ListSets in Diablo 2 Resurrected are a group of items with p...3/12/2024 5:12:05 PM
Fire Trap has emerged as one of the strongest and most versatile builds for Assassins in Season 6 of Diablo 2 Resurrected. In this guide, we will explore the best gears, skills, and gameplay tips for the Fire Trap Assassin in the endgame of Season 6 Diablo 2.Best D2R Season 6 Assassin Endgame Build ...2/27/2024 5:53:53 PM
This a guide to the Sanctuary Aura skill for Paladins in Diablo 2: Resurrected. It examines how to acquire, level up, and maximize the damage absorption provided by this vital aura, which bolsters party resilience by reducing damage taken by allies within its radius.Diablo 2 Resurrected Sanctuary Au...11/27/2023 11:08:12 AM
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