Diablo 2 Resurrecteda Druid leveling guide is going to be a way to get your character from the start of the game to the end game, where you can then respect into the D2R build that you want to assume that you are going to play through the game and not just get rushed all the way, through which of course is technically the fastest way right, but if you're playing through this is the Diablo 2 Resurrecteda leveling guide.
How To Level A Druid For Diablo 2 Resurrected? Stats-Skills-Gear
The first thing that goes over is how to skill this character in Diablo 2 Resurrected. From a fire druid into a wind druid that is going to be where, won't touch anything in the shape-shifting, and then can touch a little bit in the summoning if desired, it's usually a little help a little bit later on to do so.
Go firestorm when you hit six
How to skill this character well, it's actually one of the easiest skilling things ever you go firestorm when you hit six, you can put a point or two into the molten boulder, it can just be helpful in some of those tricky areas, then you can just keep going firestorm until you hit level 12 where you will simply max out fissure.
Putting points into a firestorm
Once the fissure is maxed out, you can just keep putting points into a firestorm, if you happen to max firestorm out, you can start putting points into a volcano since that is a synergy of that it is that simple.
It's just fissure everything and you just crush all the way right, so you're gonna do this until you get, until act four of a nightmare once you get to act four of a nightmare, your fire damage is gonna fall off a lot technically, you still could play through with your fissure Diablo 2 druid.
If you so desired and had over-leveled enough, and then you could honestly take this all the way into early hell, but for the purposes of this and the fastest leveling at that point, you would generally respec start a fact for nightmare and you're going to respect into this.
Max tornado, max hurricane
So you'll go like this and you're going to max tornado, you'll probably be around like level 45 or so. You can max tornado, you can max out hurricane as much as, it'll let you let's say you'd hit like 16 points at level 45, then you can put the rest of the points into cyclone armor, this is going to be the building right, and it's just going to simply work as that you're going to put on your hurricane, you're going gonna put this on, and you'll run around and cast your tornadoes easy as that from there you will just continue to max out your D2R hurricane in 46 47 48 49, you'll finish that up you should have both these skills maxed, and then you can start putting points into cyclone armor to increase the absorb as this is elemental damage absorb 100 in Diablo 2 Resurrected.
Summoning grizzly
It's absolutely amazing now if at any point, once you get these two maxed, you feel like you want to have a little bit of extra safety, feel free to go ahead and drop some points like this and get a point into summoning grizzly. You could actually put a few points in into here, if you want to like boost the life up of the summon grizzly or whatever but getting a single point in the summon grizzly is very nice, he's not there for damage, he's not there to kill everything, his sole purpose is to just be a big old tank that you can just cast whenever you need, there's no cooldown on him either.
So anytime he dies anytime you need him somewhere else you just cast it and he's very helpful, you can also run in that oak sage if you would like just to kind of have it somewhere in the back, but it will die very quickly often, so that's kind of up to you depending on how much you want to do that, going to be your stats or your skills very easy for your stats, you're going to want to run vitality pretty much for the entire way though at levels about 9,10 and 11. To put 10 points into strength, so that wear a belt that is it just. Put a belt on, get these three or the 12 slots for potions instead of eight from a sash or whatever other than that though you shouldn't ever need energy on this character, you're not really going to be needing any dexterity, you might want a little more strength later.
Just to wear like your ancients pledge or something, so going up to 34 going up to 45 strength, you'll probably see yourself do and then everything else will just be in vitality, you're just going to be pumping vitality for this character unless you need a little bit of more strength or dex for something that's really nice for the Diablo 2 Resurrected character.
Get a leaf
Now looking at gear, look for the kind of early on going to start off, look for the basics right, go for stealth which is talleth going to go for nadir, go for a leaf as well.
How to get yourself a leaf, so you get two open socket staff from the act, one acara you can buy them for 168 gold you go and you get the D2R runes from the countess, which is tier and ral and you make a leaf, this is plus three to fire skills that's including your fire skills over here, as you can see it's four right. So you're actually getting the boost from the staff, it's such a good rune word, so stealth and leaf are very nice, you could also make in a deer or tier or row or whatever you want in there to get some more resistance or mana per kill or whatever.
Look for rings
It is you're gonna look for Diablo 2 Resurrected rings that have life and d2r resistance on them, faster cast rate doesn't matter too much for this character, but you'll look for just rings that are like this has strength in all reds, that's really nice, that'd be a good ring for this character to use right something like that if you can find a belt that maybe has some like life on it cool.
If you can find hisaris or you can find blood fist gloves things like that life mana stats resistances, that's going to be what we're really aiming for and this is kind of a really nice setup that you could have carrying you through all of act one right or all of normal.
Nightmare countess
Once you get to nightmare, you can start doing some nightmare countess, you can upgrade to a lore helm get another plus two skills you can get that ancient to pledge going if you wanna have a little more safety and there you can get into the fcr as well with it because even like a 20 fcr one that you could shop very easily from acara or from drognan or wherever when you're a nightmare.
This will be really nice, once you get into wind druid because once you're there, then your cast speed actually does matter for your tornadoes right. So it's actually going to have an effect right there, other upgrades you know maybe finding a better belt with bigger life on it, some resistances like these could be really nice finding a belt like this, that you could shop with big life that's worth putting a little more strength in to get 91 to life from a belt.
If you want but for the most part, this right here would be a pretty solid character that you could take through and maybe like here's a better amulet 30 life 10 all res, this right here like, this would be a very nice build, and then you're just kind of looking to slowly upgrade each piece as you go along, so maybe you find an fcr piece, that's a little bit better or maybe make a spirit sword talthole or am not that difficult get a crystal sword longsword or broadsword from the normal cows guaranteed to get four open sockets at larsek or you can find one in a nightmare, that's already with four open sockets, you can just take that socket it put these runes in three of these come from the normal counter.
Crystal Sword
1H damage: 5-15
Base speed: [0]
Class speed: Ama, Asn, B, D, P, N - Fast
S - Normal
Adds range: 1
Durability: 20
Req Strength: 43
Quality level: 11
Treasure class: 12
Max sockets: 6
One of them comes from the normal countess, you could make Rowland or tynthol from the rouse if you wanted but all the D2R runes come from nightmare countess. So within a nightmare, you could get all these Diablo 2 Resurrected runes to get this character built up like this, and you'll be in a very good spot and can continue to dominate until you get over into hell and kind of destroy everything there.
Easiest classes to level
This is one of the easiest classes to level, it's very simple and straightforward with how you're skilling just in the fire and then in the winning tree. If you want to get a summon grizzly or something to come tag along and help out you can just do that and it's very simple very fun you have physical damage from your tornadoes.
They actually do D2R physical damage and your hurricane does cold damage, so between the two of those skills, you're able to take out a majority of monsters that are going to be difficult for you to fight normally. So other than that it's pretty easy, give this character like a 9 out of 10 if not higher for just its leveling very strong all the way.
Though you'll have very few issues, the biggest issue in Diablo 2 usually is just his life pool can be a little bit low without a good oak sage and stuff, so anyways hope this was helpful good luck in the end game.

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