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Diablo 2 Resurrected Werewolf Druid Guide- Druid Fury Werewolf Training
11/9/2021 2:24:45 PM

Druid is an important character in Diablo 2, the Druid controls both the power of nature and the essence of magic, his natural powers give him the ability to control fire, earth, and wind, his original pact with nature allows him to dominate many beasts and plants, summoning eagles, wolves, Solar Creeper, and even nature spirits to do his bidding. He can also change his form, for example into a giant bear or a fearsome wolf, and use these forms to further his powers. This guide focuses on Druid's Fury Werewolf training and provides a detailed reference for players. D2R runes will help you make a good performance in the game. 


Diablo 2 Resurrected Werewolf Druid Guide- Druid Fury Werewolf Training


Shape-Shifting: Lycanthropy max, Shape-Shifting max, Frenzymax for a total of 62 points

Summoning: Oak Sage19, Raven4, Summon Spirit Wolf4  

Elemental: Cyclone Armor 1 point

The remaining points can be added to Heart of Wolverine, Summon Grizzly, Wild Berserk, Volcano, Cyclone Armor.

-Attribute points

Strength: 156 enough to take WMD

Agility: 237 block 75%

Physical strength: all

Energy: 0



         1. 3 empty 40ias 300ed Frostwind 85ias 4f.

         2. 3 empty 40ias 300ed Mad Death Cleaver 60ias 5f.

         3. +3 deformation skill stick for secondary hand

Hat: wmk in 40ed/15max

Necklace: Highlord's Wrath

Clothes: 24fhr Mang Song's Lesson 2 in 40ed/15max 1 in 30#, 1 in 32#

Shield: WMD in 13# (Lidless Wall with 1 skill in secondary)

Gloves: 6leech xxstr xxdex xxlife xxres

Rings: 11leech xxstr xxdex xxlife xxres 2

To belt: 8leech 15wm belt

Shoes: Gore Rider

sc: 5fhr 4 r sc 13 to try to get fhr up to 86, other all life/max ld fd 4r

- Instructions

If the selector is 2 skills necklace, then the response skills Raven3, Summon Spirit Wolf 3, Oak Sage18, shoes best with wt.

- The way to play

This wolf stands out for its high dam, high blood, high 4r, a very balanced character, pk when possible, let 5 Raven, 5 wolves or bears around you; and Telekinesis can be used as a trap for Attracc opponents to attack; when the opponent wants to attack you, it is best to turn around and strike. When you encounter a btchar such as a bb, make full use of Oak Sage's blood replenishment bug to get around them.

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