Sprite Monarch Shield is an absolutely amazing Diablo 2 Resurrected item to have. If you are a caster, you should get this item as soon as you can. If you don't know how to farm D2R Spirit Monarch Shield, this is a Diablo 2 Resurrected Monarch Shield farming guide and detailed the best way to get the Monarch Shield updated D2R.
D2R Sprite Monarch Shield Farming Guide - Where To Find 4 Socket Monarch Shield In Diablo 2 Resurrected
You need a four-socket of Monarch Shield to activate spirit which gives you +35% 2 to all skills, +35% lightning resist, +35% poison resist, +107 to all mana, and more. The actual Monarch Shield is actually hard to find. If you just transition from nightmare to hell and you look for this Diablo 2 Resurrected item, it's quite hard to find.
How Do You Get The Sockets Onto The White Shield?
Once you have done x5, talk to our friendly barbarian Larzuk over and he will add the maximum amount of sockets just once to a white item. So you're looking for the white one, not the shield, you pop this in there hit add sockets and you will add the four sockets to it. You can do this once per difficulty, save them, and don't waste your socket quest. You can always twink a character and get that one pretty quick anyway. If you do Monarch and use all the sockets.
What Are The Best Places To Farm Monarch Shield In D2R
The only Diablo 2 Resurrected Monarch Shield drop location will be in hell mode. There are two easy dungeons actually that you can do to farm Monarch Shield updated in Diablo 2 Resurrected.
NO 1. D2R Spirit Monarch Shield Farm Location
One is the Mausoleum, you can just kill and loot everything. Kick on all the chairs, kick all the barrels and kill every monster. There are also armor stands that will eventually drop the shield. The main thing you must do is not have any magic found in your character when you're doing this method. If you have magic find on, you're probably going to get a blue or a yellow one which you really don't want, because you can't add the sockets to it from Larzuk at times. So make sure you turn off your magic find and it's very important.
NO 2. D2R Spirit Monarch Shield Farm Location
Another dungeon is the Crypts in hell difficulty. There's super chess in both areas as well. Especially the barrels, just kill and loot everything. There's a boss there who has a good chance to drop Monarch Shield. Because it's in hell modes, you will get some runes as well. Then zip through all the barrels and all that to place up the barrels but kill everything and definitely look for those armor stands. Due to the fact that armor stands were your best shots. One of the best ways to do it is hell cows but if you don't have access to hell cows you need to basically complete the whole game.
NO 3. D2R Spirit Monarch Shield Farm Location
There is another place you can go to if you've got act 3 and you've got lower cross unlocked. Lower Kurast in hell difficulty is really good D2R Monarch Shield farm spot. Because there are multiple armor spots where you can farm this. You just to come out and go to the left, sometimes you find just armor stands or inside the houses. This is quickly looking for some exact as much movement speed. If you are on the sorceress, then it's no problem. You're just going to be blasting through super quick and keep looking. It's random when they spawn but they tend to be in the houses sometimes just out in the open sometimes. But there's a lot of chess you can click on this area that can drop a lot of loot inside these huts and stuff. If you see some campfires in the heart to the west, there'll be some super chests that don't glow. These are classic superstars sometimes they drop runes.
This Diablo 2 Resurrected Monarch Shield farming guide is more for someone who's literally just done nightmare. Nightmare bails coming to an into hell act.1 looking for that Monarch Shield. Go to the Cold Plains, go to Rouge Encampment farm the manual, and the crypts. Eventually, it will drop so that you can go make Monarch Shield with spirit.

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