This is a Diablo 2 barbarian leveling guide, this isn't going to be your end game whirlwind bar with all of the crazy gear or anything like that this is how to get the character leveled up. Now the barbarian is going to be a very difficult character to level up, this guide will bring new inspiration.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Barbarian Level Up Guide-STATS - SKILLS - GEAR
Stats and skills
Mace mastery
Starting at level one you're going to get a point in bash, and then you're just gonna put a couple of points into something like mace mastery. Using some mace mastery early, you get scepters early on you get flails and act two.
Double swing
You're going to put some points in a double swing. To put about six points in here, it's slightly less damage that you're overall going to be getting when you're putting the points in double swing, but the mana cost when you have six points is basically zero when you have nine points. It's actually zero and anything above nine points in double swing actually returns your mana every single time you hit with it.
Double throw & Frenzy
Just gonna keep pumping up mace mastery right here, and just going for that until getting to a point where need to change something up, so can use this mace mastery, and then get a point at 23 into the double throw, so that at 24, can get a point into a frenzy, start pumping frenzy up as well and the reason of course for this is frenzy is going to be a little bit nicer for some move speed and attack rating and all of that stuff to hit. Then you can actually swap between, show that in a second you can swap between frenzy and double swing to build up some of your speed, and then attack very quickly with a double swing.
Battle Order
Jumping into battle orders immediately, as going to be respected pretty quick out of it, but if you really feel like you want to, you can take a couple of points off from that mace mastery right there, and get a point or two into battle orders, just to start to get yourself a little bit of extra life but honestly, this is something that would do a little bit later personally.
Once get to level 30 31, usually like to wait until like can get a couple of points in it, so either of those but maybe at 30 as well, just because the barbarian really starts to slow down and how well he could kill stuff at 30, you can do a respec, and this is where actually turn into a shouting barb.
Diablo 2 gear help
Now you could stick with frenzy and all of that if you do have a little bit of gear help, D2R items also will be useful, if somebody gets you some attack rate, you know like the angelic ring and halo right or halo and wings. That's what it's called the ring and amulet that can be really nice, somebody gets you a raven frost, somebody gets you to know some of those basics or give your character some of that stuff.
Otherwise, if you're going like a complete soul cell phone on this leveling purpose, it's going to be very difficult to continue that way, it's possible frenzy guided play-throughs up that you can use, but it is going to be a lot more difficult for the character overall. This is just useful, so you can get a crushing blow weapon a little bit.
Skill points putting details
Later on, just use that on the bosses, but other than that you're gonna be coming over here, and putting the points like this, and you'll get one point into battle command, one point into a war cry, and then you can put the rest of your skills here, you can see howl taunt and battle cry, actually putting the points into battle cry is really useful, you can notice minus defense and minus damage.
So battle cry points are actually super helpful for the barbarian, as you can just drop the amount of damage that the monsters are actually doing to you which increases your survivability a lot from there, you'll have even more points, you can put them in a taunt, you can also put a few points into battle orders.
Since you're doing casting and you're not being slowed by that, so you're just gonna continue with this, and just continue maxing out a war cry, you'll max war cry all the way, then once you do that you'll put into battle cry also, you can have one point into like mace mastery right here, and then when you do go for that level 30, and maybe put like two three or four points into natural resistance that's going to be very helpful.
So one in whichever weapon you're carrying right now, and then just a few points into natural resistance that'll just help boost your resistances up, when you do get into hell, you're gonna be a little bit better equipped right with your resistances, and not have to worry quite. So much about dying, so quickly between that your battle orders, you're going to be pretty tanky overall, so max out your war cry, then max out your battle cry, and then you can decide if you want to put your points into taunt or if you want to try and get more battle orders whatever it is, but getting your damage up for war cry can generally be pretty good for this character. As the damage is a little bit lower than you would normally expect or desire now to gear your and stats.
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