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How To Reset Skills And Stat Points In Diablo 2 Resurrected - How To Make Token Of Absolution
12/31/2021 11:38:02 AM

Today we are going to be going over 2 different methods to reset your attributes and skill points on your character class in Diablo 2 Resurrected and show you how to make the token of absolution. So if you've made an error or you just want to reset all your skills back to normal, this guide is for you. 

Diablo 2 Resurrected How To Reset Your Attributes And Skill Points 

Here are the 2 different ways in which you can reset your character class in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Get your character respecced fast with these 2 methods on how to reset D2R skill points and stats and how to combine the different essences and what essences are needed in order to make the token of absolution.

Token of Absolution

Token of Absolution

Miscellaneous Item

Allows you to reset your skill/stat points

1. Speak to Acara

Once per difficulty level when you've completed the Den of Evil, you'll be able to go straight back to Acara and when you speak into her you'll notice that you'll be able to reset your stat and skills. Remember this can be done once per difficulty level. So, on your standard difficulty once you complete that Den of Evil, you've kicked out the last baddie from it and it pretty much lights up and tells you you've completed it, then you'll be able to go back to her and you'll be able to unlock this feature. 

Meaning you can reset your class and allocate all of skill points again. So all you do is you click on it and you can see in the background everything's reset back to zero and you can redistribute them on how you want to. You can do this three times in total once for standard difficulty once for nightmare and and of course with a hell difficulty. If however you have managed to completely botch your build up a few times or you really like changing things around a lot and you've completely used all three of these up, there is another option but it is a little bit tougher to do.

2. Beat bosses in hell difficulty

This next part is not quite as simple as you will need to be at endgame to be able to do this activity, but it will net you a token of absolution. And with this, you'll be able to actually reset exactly the same as previously all of your stats and all of your skills. To do this however is definitely a lot harder and you will need to be in that health difficulty and you will need to have a little bit of rng about it. So what you're going to need for this one is to be farming essences. In all, you're going to need four of these essences, the blue, the yellow, the red and the green. And you'll need to combine them in order to create that token of absolution which will reset your character. However, there is quite a bit of rng involved with these drop in and you will have to be able to beat these bosses on hell difficulty. 

Act 1 – Andarie Monastery Catacombos – Twisted Essence of Suffering – 1 in 14

Act 2 – Duriel Tal Rasha’s Tom – Twisted Essence of Suffering – 1 in 7

Act 3 – Mephisto Durance of Hate – Charged Essence of Hatred – 1 in 17

Act 4 – Diablo Chaos Sanctury – Burning Essence of Terror – 1 in 17

Act 5 – Baal Tbrone of Destruction – Festering Essence of Destruction - 1 in 17

Once you have farmed all of these bosses, don't think you will farm them once and they will drop it each time, it is down to a lot of luck and they will drop it pretty much rng based like everything else. However, once you've obtained all of them, you're going to pop them straight over to your horizon cube. And press “transmute” which is going to give you the token of absolution. If you hold on to the “A”, you're going to reset all of your stats and all of your skill points. 

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