The gamble in Diablo 2 Resurrected is a real financial abyss, for a fairly low return. However, as gold is not very useful, you might as well try your luck because you sometimes unearth small wonders. On this subject, there is a gambling trick (bugs) to get more Coronets, Tiaras, and Diadems when you gamble on the circlets.
D2R Coronet Circlet Gamble Bug - How To Increase The Chances of Gambling Kira’s Guardian and Griffon’s Eye
When you gamble, whether at Gheed, Anya, or another NPC, Circlet-type D2R items, namely helmets that give the impression that the character is not wearing one, can take two forms:
Coronet (formerly Crown in the original version of D2)
When you gamble a Circlet, you always receive a Circlet. When you gamble a Coronet, you usually get a Coronet, but sometimes you get a Tiara or Diadem.
What you need to know is that when you receive a Tiara or Diadem and the appearance of the Circlet is always a Coronet, the next gamble you make on the Coronet will ALWAYS be a second Tiara or a second Diadem. It's 100% safe.
As soon as the Coronet becomes a Circlet in the gambling window, there is no point in gambling on it because you will then systematically receive a Circlet.
You gamble a Coronet and receive a Tiara. On the gambling screen, the item has kept its Coronet appearance. Well gamble on it again and you will receive a new Tiara.
You gamble a Coronet and receive a Diadem. On the gambling screen, the item lost its Coronet appearance and became a Circlet. There is no longer any point in gambling, it is better to refresh the gambling screen.
Why Only Gamble Coronets?
Well on the one hand because only Tiaras and Diadems can have 3 gem/rune slots, and on the other hand because it also gives you a chance to come across the unique items Kira's Guardian and Griffon's Eye whose stats are more than correct, you will agree.
If you are still confused about how does the gamble bug work, watch the below video made by MacroBioBoi to learn more details:
This trick on gambling Circlets is definitely a bug. It is, therefore, possible that it will be corrected by Blizzard in the future, but perhaps never. In the meantime, you can take advantage of it to increase your chances of getting a Tiara or Diadem.

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