Among the most popular uniques in Diablo 2, we have maces - the most balanced of the basic blunt weapons, they're all one-handed with a solid mix of speed requirements and power that hit the sweet spots between the heavy hitting hammers and the faster low requirement clubs. So this is where you probably want to look if you're just needing something reliable for your melee characters that want to use blunt weapons.
D2R Best Unique Maces & Weapons For Melee Characters
Unique Normal Maces
1. Crushflange
While it packs the knockback attribute, it is a great source of crushing blow for early boss killing since it has ok speed, +15 to strength and +55% fire resist. It is very handy for a lot of early builds.
2. Bloodrise
It is a generally all-around decent weapon to find early on and can even be used in a pinch and nightmare if you upgrade it to exceptional. This is because it packs itself with just decent stats, +10% increased attack speed, +120% enhanced damage, that's important and 50% bonus to attack rating. It's not going to be best in slot, but it is a competent item and will be competent in slot.
3. The General’s Tan Do Li Ga
It has a faster attack speed of 20%, +59 enhanced damage, it's not even that it has bad stats for a normal weapon, it does have a great speed mana leach and even slow target which is extra handy while using zeal to keep a crowd in control. But it doesn't scale as nice as the other two since it only has a small enhanced damage percent boost and relies on a plus min max to make up the gap, meaning it does not upgrade well, so unlike the crushing blow on crush flange and the triple digit enhanced damage on blood rise making this a nought will just feel mediocre. So it keeps this relegated to normal difficulty.
Unique Exceptional Maces
1. Sureshrill Frost
We still get a fairly reasonable enhanced damage boost on top of packing in 63-112 cold damage, +3 freeze target cannot be frozen the works, and even though it will never be your best in-slot end-game weapon, it's still quite good for nightmare difficulty since it does okay damage and that cannot be frozen can save your butt a lot if you do not have a raven frost.
2. Moonfall
This is probably the weakest of the three exceptional. It's basically the fire cousin of sureshrill with similar damage albeit a slightly slower swing. Since it packs such similar damage even down to the amount of elemental damage it does, the main things that set this weapon apart are the magic damage reduction and the chance to cast a meteor which can make it an interesting enchantress weapon as you're progressing through a nightmare. Since these boosts do get a fairly significant benefit from your fire mastery skill on top of the double-dipping on enchant itself.
2. Baezil’s Vortex
As with most flail bases, it's speedy and unlike the tandem laga, it packs a reasonable amount of enhanced damage by percent. On top of that, though it also has a very nice lightning theme with the same amount of average elemental damages churchill and moonfall though higher max, albeit in the usual highly variable format lightning is known for, that minimum damage is tiny, this combined with chance to cast nova and a solid bit of lightning resist and it rounds out the three major elements for the group of weapons. One oddity that is helpful but a little odd on this weapon though is that it also packs a good chunk of extra mana which while unnecessary is still very nice for keeping you topped off, because maximum mana determines your mana regeneration.
D2R Unique Elite Maces
1. Baranar’s Star
Before the days of rune words like passion and grief, Baranar’s Star was one of the mainstays of a number of characters from some zealot builds all the way to the melee sorceresses. Mostly thanks to packing a triple threat of each element's damage, a great +50% increased attack speed boost, 200% bonus to attack rating, as well as boost to strength and dexterity, all stacked with a solid +200% enhanced damage. While it's nowhere near as high as it used to be on the weapon totem, it's still a very solid weapon that can give you a good chance all the way through the end of hell.
2. Horizon’s Tornado
The less impressive of the two but still fun weapon, it packs really good +50% increased attack speed on top of an already fast base, good enhanced damage by 280% and even a couple of fun perks in the form of slow target and 20% chance of casting a reasonable level tornado on striking. And with its lowered requirements, it's not even that difficult for characters to equip, while outside of a couple of builds, it's still a more than competent weapon.
3. Stormlash
It is basically a grown-up version of horizons with a bit less enhanced damage and attack speed. The reason for this though is so sod after, at least is usually the fact that it's in a special zone of having really good attack speed on top of both crushing blow and a chance to cast static field to quickly zip the life of larger bosses down. It does this with some other nice traits though like extra lightning damage, damage absorb and retaliation, all of the lightning variety as well as casting a slightly better tornado than horizons, it's just a really solid weapon that does a lot of things very well.

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