There are some absolutely trash helms in Diablo 2 Resurrected such as Darksight Helm, Howltusk Great Helm, and Coif of Glory Helm. On the other hand, there are some absolutely amazing ones that are used by a ton of characters and a ton of builds. Today we list the top 5 best helms in Diablo 2 Resurrected for 2.4 PTR builds and explain why these helms are so great in the game.
Most Unique Helms In Diablo 2 Resurrected - Best Helmet Runes For 2.4 Builds
Before choosing the helms in D2R, we should first consider how many different builds these helms are used on, what are people actually looking for on these helms that make them so great? First of all, you want things to help out your kill speed these things include but are not limited to things like anything to the skills for your character, you can get minus two enemy resistances, you can get plus to a particular type of element of damage that you deal and all different things along those lines. The other thing you want to look for is things that are going to help you survive because if you're dying all the time you're losing experience and you're wasting time. These type of things are like damage reduction, you can get life or you can even get things like life leech. There's also something that if you're out there farming and trying to get better items you want, that doesn't necessarily fall into either one of those categories but that is the ever important magic find. The more combination of these types of things that you can get on a helm that will make it better.
Now let’s check out the top 5 unique Diablo 2 Resurrected helms list:
1. Nightwing’s Veil
It's kind of more for very specific builds but it is very good for those builds. The main thing that sets this apart from other helms is the percent to cold skill damage. It also has other stuff to help your character out such as the two to all skills 10 to 20 dexterity and it does also have cold absorb. It's only used on two builds, one of them is an incredibly Niche build that you play kind of just for fun and one other one is that Cold Sorceress. Usually you'll be going blizzard, but if you're not going to go with the magic find version where you'd use a different helm, this was the maxed damage version where you use the Nightwing’s helm. Another build that you use on the niche one is the Freezing Arrow Amazon, it has never been the most powerful build in the past, but it is a fun one to use and maybe after the 2.4 patch it gets a little bit of boost here.
2. Crown of Ages
Attributes on this helm will help you out safety, it's got 30 faster hit recovery, it has 20 to 30 to all resistance and very important for safety, it has 10 to 15 to damage reduction. You can make this helmet give you even more safety with the one to two open sockets if you're looking for value and the ones you really want to use, it's really going to be two sockets or bust. It does indeed have one to all skills as well to help your character out.
3. Andariel’s Visage
Generally, nobody uses this helmet on their character, that's because everyone puts it on their mercenary. It has some absolutely perfect stats to help out that act 2 mercenary such as the extra strength which will make your character able to use your very good infinity or insight base earlier rather than have to get into the levels like 90 or so, in order to get enough strength to wear things like the Colossus Voulge, it also has 20% increased attack speed along with a bunch of life leech because the faster you attack, the more damage you put out, obviously you're killing monsters faster but also you will leech more life if you deal more damage. It does have a pesky -30% to your fire res which a lot of people will put a socket into this with the larger quest and just plug a railroad to completely negate that negative effect on your act 2 mercenary. So because when your act 2 mercenary or any mercenary for that matter does not lose durability on its items when it is wearing them, a lot of people will search out the ethereal version of this though it is incredibly hard to find. It's so rare, it's so powerful for the builds.
4. Griffon’s Eye
It's specifically used on lightning casters, that's because of the 25% faster cast rate, it has 15 to -20 to enemy lightning res and 10 to 15 to your lightning skills damage. So this is an absolute must-have for any of those lightning casters or any lightning skills damaged characters in general such as the Lightning Sorceress or 2.4 patch Nova Sorceress and even though not generally used for the cast rate on Lightning Fry Javazones because that minus enemy lightning rounds and plus your lightning skills damage is crazy powerful. When you switch from whatever other helm, you're using to this one, you will notice a massive kill speed boost, you can boost that kill speed up even more with an open socket and plugging in a lighting facet. This isn't as quietly widely used on the list but it's so powerful, so rare, so valuable and it's just so good for the builds.
5. Harlequin Crest
No one in the entire world is shocked because if you ever jumped into a cow game or a c-bale game or any game, that's not pvp in Diablo 2 Resurrected, you'll be seeing every character running around with this green helm on. That's because even though this isn't the rarest helm in the game, it has so many good stats on it that how could you not use it if you're going for magic finding player verse monster. So as most people know because everybody has used this at some point in their life, this helm has two to all skills, it's got one and a half points to life and mana based upon character level, 50% better magic find, physical damage reduced by 10% and 2 to each attribute, this helmet is almost always socketed and then stuck with a perfect topaz to get that magic find even higher. So this kind of ends up being a no-brainer because almost every single build in the entire game uses this helm when they're out there magic finding or out there farming monsters.

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