In this D2R Uber budget Smiter Pally guide, we show the skills and items you need to defeat Ubers the first few days of ladder in Diablo 2 Resurrected, helping you build high runes at the start of ladder and finish your enigma in no time.
D2R Uber Budget Build Smiter Paladin For Ladder 2.4
It’s so cool to drop D2R ladder runes and random games for the community and help your friends finish their enigma or infinity? Have you ever wondered how players become so wealthy in the first 2 to 3 weeks of a fresh ladder start? Wealth is normally built early on by clenching your bloodthirsty fingers in the torch market and it's all possible by running around with this little budget Smiter and we are going to show you exactly how you can do it. Befriending a few sorks on your journey to level 80, not only can they assist you with that key grind, they can also supply you with random low-budget items from the fisto.
FoH farming
If you're taking the solo approach using foh and conviction and chaos runs to gear up, it's effective enough to get you up and running. The three basic items to recommend would be a spirit, sword shield and a lore helm which will provide plus five skills. Here's a quick basic faux skill tree without getting too much into it, there are a few different ways to spend your points as a faux paladin, so please leave your pitchforks at home.
Smite Tree
Time to get into the meat and potatoes of this budget smiter build guide. This is the exact skill tree to use during the testing and we left out points to show you the power of this build. Max out smite, holy shield and fanaticism, 1 point in the zeal, it could come in handy while you deal with ads sometimes but you can just them for the most part. 1 point to salvation which is normally used while fighting uber mephisto just to counteract his conviction aura. Putting 1 point into prayer cleansing and vigor can also come in handy if you're ever in a pinch. If you are trying to be as efficient as possible, dump all remaining points into defiance because it's the synergy for the holy shield. Hybrid foh smiters are getting a lot of hype right now but it’s not recommended to try it until you get some end-game gear.
Budget Gear
- Black: Using the rune word black in a 3 socket flail that shopped in normal from pharah in act 2. This provides us with 40% much-needed crushing blow.
- Guillaume’s Face Helm: A g-face socketed with a full rune, a Ral or Ort rune would work just as well to cover that specific res that you're missing. Nokozan Relic Amulet: If you haven't found one of these, a rare amulet with random resistances would do just fine.
- Akaran Rondache: The shield is a 45 res paladin base shield.
- Akaran Targe: Finding some random 20 to 30 all res paladin shield and using a socket quest for 4 open sockets to put 4p diamonds inside will give you over 45 res.
- Cruel Greaves Boots
- Order Whorl Ring
- Smoke Armor
- Treachery: Keep treachery in inventory to swap in and out for that level 15 fade proc.
- Grim Lash Belt: This is the bloodcraft belt that requires a towel rune, perfect ruby, jewel and a mesh belt or Mithril Coil. It rolls 5 to 10% Open Wounds which you will need during your encounters.
- Raven Frost Ring: The ring cannot be frozen is huge for this build, you might be able to get around without one but you can try to trade for one asap if you're planning on doing torches day one. It's most likely the most expensive part of this build minus the lamb for treachery.
- Lighting of Hands for the gloves: It is mainly for the is and fire res, rare gloves with is and res will do just fine, you could also use a pair of blood fists or venom grip gloves if you have them.
- Bone Wand of Life Tap: If you don't have a pair of Dracul’s gloves, you'll need to shop a life tap wand from drognan and act 2 nightmare. While you're at it, get yourself a teleport staff, it will come in handy while looking for some of the mini ubers.
- Charms: The charms are random res charms mixed with a few life small charms that you should keep and collect while you're on your journey.
Just remember as long as you overcap your resistances to deal with Mephisto's conviction aura, have a Life Tap Wand, Open Wounds and Crush and Blow with a few rows of Full Juvz, you're going to be just fine.
So you slide your way through the mini ubers for your organs, go to the river of flame, unequip your shield and stand in the fire with your treachery to proc your level 15 fade before starting your next encounter. Re-equip your smoke armor and resistance shield and open up uber tryst. Start by luring the fisso through these three burning buildings, running salvation during the Mephisto fight for added safety but it's not necessary depending on your resistance situation. Swap to your lifetap one and curse Mephisto with it, normally ignore Mephisto's adds they shouldn't be a big problem but if they are you could always deal them down. As long as your life tap is up, you should be strong enough to afk smite. After Mephisto dies, you'll most likely be poisoned, so having one point into cleansing will come in handy.
For Baal, run clockwise to the east corner of the map. Baal normally tries to telestomp your ass when you run by this house. Life tap bail and switch to fanaticism, you no longer will be needing salvation but you will need a row of menopause during this phase because you will be mana drained most of the time. So having some extra mana pots in your inventory can come in handy. Diablo is probably the easiest to kill, life tap him up and smite his ass down while using fanaticism. Once your uber farmer is up and running, you can be self-efficient by charging players four sets of keys for an unidentified torch. So for every 3 runs that you do you can acquire your own set of personal keys to farm your own torch.
Just remember that torches are a hot topic the first few weeks of the ladder and will fall off over time the deeper we get into it. This might not be the most exciting way to build currency in Diablo 2 Resurrected during the fresh ladder start, but it's one of the most efficient.

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