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Diablo 2 Resurrected Sets Guide- Most Confused Sanders Folly Set in Diablo 2
5/23/2022 2:28:13 PM

Sanders is a Diablo 2 set that fails so hard, it even fails at failing, even the second-worst Diablo 2 resurrected set in the game, but due to how it's set up and how confused it is for what it wants to do you're pretty much guaranteed to never see anyone running, this full set with people generally only deciding to use the good parts of it as placeholders until they get more desirable Diablo 2 items.

Diablo 2 sets

Diablo 2 Resurrected Sets Guide-  Most Confused Sanders Folly Set in Diablo 2 

In terms of the global bonuses for wearing the full Diablo 2 set, this set at least matches its level to an extent, but even then it's a bit Anemic, basically looking like an even further underpowered cousin of the disciple with plus one all skills 50 magic find a pitch of attack rating defense mana and life leech which leans it into looking like a low-level melee set which would make it a little bit better. This Diablo 2 resurrected set uses up your weapon slot with a wand without any real special perks.

- Diablo 2 sets- Sanders Bone wand

In terms of the melee, the wand has enhanced damage by per cent, as well as an actually reasonable amount of gold damage combined with the mana leech and if this was on a different base, it would look like a reasonable low-level melee weapon, but instead, it's on a wand that even if you upgraded it to elite, you'd only do about 8 to 54 damage and that requires much higher levels to wield. 

Sander's Superstition

Bone wand

One-Hand Damage: 5 To 12

Staff Class - Very Fast Attack Speed

Durability: 15 Of 15

Required Level: 25

+20% Faster Cast Rate

+75% Enhanced Damage

Adds 25- 75 Cold Damage 

8% Mana Stolen Per Hit

+25 To Mana

+50% Damage To Undead

+1 To All Skills 

+ 75 To Attack Rating

4% Life Stolen Per Hit

+50 Defense

+50 Te Mana

50% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items

Sander's Folly

Sander's Superstition 

Sander's Taboo

Sander's Riprap

Sander's Paragon

Maybe look at it as a caster weapon, even at that it's lackluster since while it does pack 20 faster casts and some flat mana you can get better in mundane magical D2R items of the same level in a similar, why is it that way kind of vibe.

- Diablo 2 sets- Sanders Cap

The hat with defense per level is okay, but just trickling in an underwhelming amount of reflecting damage and a moderate amount of magic find and as you may have noticed no partial D2R set bonuses to compensate for it, at this point, you may be wondering what parts of this D2R set do people actually use since the full Diablo 2 set is obviously confused and bordering on useless well that falls to the gloves and boots.

Sander's Paragon


Defense: 93

Durability: 12 Of 12

Required Level: 25

+89 Defense (based En Character Level) 

Attacker Takes Damage Of 8

35% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items

+1 To All Skills

+ 75 To Attack Rating

4% Life Stolen Per Hit

+50 Defense 

+50 Te Mana

50% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items

Sander's Folly

Sander's Superstition 

Sander's Taboo

Sander's Riprap 

Sander's Paragon

- Diablo 2 sets- Sanders Heavy Gloves

With the gloves being basically competitors for other attack speed gloves, with 20 increased attack speed, but with a tiny amount of poison damage, and an amount of flat life at least for gloves, they can tide you over, but they are definitely at the low end of attack speed gloves, generally only being used, because you have not found some rares or something like laying of hands or lava gout.

Sander Taboo

Heavy Gloves

Defense: 30

Durability: 14 Of 14

Required Level: 28

+ 20% Increased Attack Speed

Adds 9-11 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds

+ 25 Defense

+ 40 To Life

+1 To All Skills

+ 75 Te Attack Rating 

4% Life Stolen Per Hit

+50 Defense

+50 Te Mana 

50% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items

Sander's Folly 

Sander's Superstition

Sander's Taboo

Sander's Paragon

- Diablo 2 sets- Sanders Heavy Boots

Similarly, the boots are just competitors for other run-walk boots though these at least have a bit more of an argument with them since they pack a few boosts to strength and dexterity as well as a bonus to attack rating on the top of theirs. Zippy 40 faster run-walk, definitely a few notches below stuff like immortal kings or alders, but nowhere near as bad or confused as the rest of the Diablo 2 set.

Sander's Riprap

Heavy Boots

Defense: 5

Durability: 14 Of 14

Required Strength: 1 8

Required Level: 20

+40% Faster Run/Walk

+100 To Attack Rating 

+5 To Strength 

+10 To Dexterity

+1 To All Skills

+ 75 To Attack Rating

4% Life Stolen Per Hit

+50 Defense

+50 To Mana

50% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items

Sander's Folly Sander's Superstition

Sander's Taboo

Sander's Riprap

Sander's Paragon

As far as whether upgrading the Diablo 2 set, probably not all you'd gain is a pinch of defense on the two worth, while parts and not enough to justify the rune cost.

For now, would love to see it being made into a Diablo 2 set design for a niche variant in future ladder seasons, all they would need to do is lean hard into the melee with the global bonuses and you could see a potential drummer barb become viable with it. It would definitely require tweaking, not the least of which being corrections for damage attack speed and crushing blow since it eats up so many slots for these types of improvements.

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