In this guide, we're going to be talking about Diablo 4 and the information that was released about it at the xbox conference. So if you've been wondering what's happening with the game in terms of character customization, couch co-op, release date, read on to find out more.
Diablo IV Revealed: Release Date, Character, Beta, Gameplay More
The Necromancer Class
For starters, the first thing revealed was the fifth and final class the necromancer which shouldn't be too shocking to anyone this is an iconic class throughout the Diablo of franchise history. So if you're a big fan of playing the necromancer, you can look forward to that in Diablo 4. Without going into too many details on the Necromancer, it does seem like you're going to be able to summon the classic skeletal mages and golems that you've seen and like Diablo 2 as well as a whole group of different other summons including defenders and reapers. So if you like that summoning play style as a necromancer, you're going to be able to explore much more deeply in Diablo 4 than you have in previous Diablo games.
Non-Linear Diablo
Diablo games have been extremely linear in the sense that you would go from one zone to the next zone or one act to the next act following a specific course of levels, however you wanted to do those levels but it was always from one to the next. That has changed in Diablo 4, this isn't a huge revelation, but the way that the game will play will be drastically different than previous Diablo games, simply because of this one aspect. Players are going to be able to group up and do quests together and take on world bosses as they explore the world and in some ways, this makes the game much more of an mmo than previous games.
Dungeons and End-Game Content
There are over 140 dungeons to the game as well as dozens of side quests, there are seems like the game was designed with a lot of end game content. End game for isometric rpgs has always been a crucial factor, what do you do when you get through the campaign? You just go through the campaign again like on a harder difficulty or are there actual endgame activities. Different isometric rpgs have handled this differently and it seems like Diablo 4 is building it, with that in mind again this is more of an mmo specifically because they talked about expanding on this over time and adding content to this over time and that's something you typically get in an mmo. Just like Diablo 3, there is going to be a paragon system of some sort that allows you to gain increases and power to your character after you reach max level. It's going to follow the same format as the current paragon system in Diablo 3 or if it's going to change it a little bit. And there are also objectives and bounties to be done when you reach end game this is similar to the way the end game activities are in Diablo 3 right now. So you're going to be able to go out and take out a boss or do some other objective that's going to reward you with egendary gear. So if you're looking to get those sweet legendaries, then this is going to be a way to get that.
Diablo 4 Character Creation
You're going to be able to customize your character down in this game making your barbarian or your necromancer, your druid look exactly the way that you want them to look. This is a huge thing for players these days because role-playing is all about role-playing, if you want to make a character and play that role, you want it to look how you want it to look, you want it to sound how you want it to sound. So this is a huge advancement for Diablo and it's another one of those things that this game might be a little bit more of an mmo than previous things because that's a huge thing in mmos.
PC and Console Release
The game is both cross play and cross progression which means that if you have a save on playstation, you can keep continuing it on pc or if you have a save on xbox, you can keep continuing on playstation. And you're going to be able to play with other players on different platforms, this means there'll be one giant community. As far as pvp goes, that's probably going to give pc players a huge advantage. The game is coming to playstation with last gen and this gen ps4 and ps5 and xbox, same deal xbox one and xbox series xns and pc sometime next year, they have not said exactly when it's coming next year, but we do know the game will be releasing in 2023 which isn't that far away.
Closed Beta
There is going to be a closed beta, we don't have any information yet on when exactly that closed beta is going to occur, but you can sign up on blizzard's website by pre-registering for that beta and potentially being selected to check it out. What do you guys think about the announcements about Diablo 4 so far? Is blizzard going to redeem themselves with Diablo 4? Do you think it's going to be just full of micro transactions and other nonsense? Do you like the persistent online aspect of Diablo 4 or you wish it was more like their classic Diablo games where they were just like single player with the option to have multiplayer in them?