Today we cover some tips and things of what you need to do when you're out there farming torches and you don't have a perfect character. So if you ever want to get out there and farm torches anytime soon, make sure you follow these different tips and tricks.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Uber Farming Tips - Farm Ubers For Perfect Torch D2R
1. What character you choose to do it
Ubers are incredibly hard so you can't do with literally any type of build in the entire game. If you're rocking that Nova sorcer, it's great for getting out there and farming the keys to farm torches, but then to actually farm the torch, that's not gonna work out for you. But in Diablo 2 Resurrected, melee characters reign supreme as far as it comes to farming torches. There's many reasons for that, everybody knows the main character that everybody uses that sider, he absolutely can wreck with just budget gear really and a few other things to throw on there. Smite is a skill that literally never misses and obviously if you never miss when you attack, it really helps you out. There's some other melee characters, you can do it with a barbarian, not the most powerful but it can definitely be done because melee characters, the kicks in is an expensive build, you could build a budget too. So these melee characters are going to be the ones that work the best due to some of the other tips.
With that Smiter being the absolute best one, as far as casters, there's really only one Caster in the game and that's now that you have the sunder charms, the blade sorceress wrecks everything in the entire game, Bar None it used to struggle with cold immunes obviously, but now it doesn't even have to worry about that. You can slaughter everything in the entire game of the blizzard sorceress and now the Ubers are no different. Now that you can take out all of the different add-ons, all the different monsters that pop up around them with no problem. So Blizzard Sorceress is the really the only Caster that you can take out these Ubers.
2. Melee characters are the best for farming Ubers
The next section is going to be a few different things but it's all the different reasons why the actual melee characters are the best for farming Ubers.
The first one is crushing blow. Crushing blow doesn't deal the amount of damage then that the weapon would do, what it does is chops off a percentage of the monsters health, every time that proc, so the higher percentage of crushing blow you have on your character, the more chance that the crushing blow will happen chopping off a percentage of the health. So if a monster has 70 bagillion health, it chops off the same amount of the life bar, it doesn't matter if you're dealing one damage or 70 Gillian damage. So in general, you're going to want to Stack a bunch of crushing blow on characters at least some, so that that crushing blower proc, chopping down their monsters, these Ubers have very high health pools.
Next up, you're going to want to have along with that crushing blow is open wounds. There's other ways to get around this as well, open wound seems to be the easiest and most obvious, you can just throw on a pair of Gore Riders, you can get a little bit of crushing blow, get a little bit of open wounds and you're done. What is this open wounds really good for, what it does is it stops the Ubers from re-healing their health back. They might actually heal their health back faster than you can deal damage to them at times. You might be thinking you throw on prevent monster heal and while this does work with Diablo clone, it does not work in any manner with these Ubers. So don't fall victim to that mistake. Open wounds really is the best bet, but also having them poisoned will also stop them from healing while they're poisoned, that doesn't necessarily last all that long usually in most circumstances, open wounds really is the best option.
Another reason that the melee characters are great is a form of lifesteal, but it's not the regular lifesteal, the percentage you get on stuff, it's a spell called life tap. You can get life tap either for the Smiter that's why a lot of people will use Exile, you can use these gloves called Dracul’s or an even easier way and even if you have Dracul’s maybe you might want to go and get one of these wands, that actually have life tap spells on them. Not the life tap that goes towards the Necromancer, but life tap charges. The most common place to buy these is go to a car in act 1, you just keep flying in and town and out of town and her inventory will reset and eventually you can find one of these wands with life tap on it. What life tap is is it's essentially like lifesteal on steroids. If you have a Smiter or frenzy, any of these melee characters, once you get life tap to be on the Uber as long as you keep attacking, it is very difficult to die.
3. Hit the Ubers
Making sure you can hit the Ubers and that is that you need to stack a ton of attack rating on your characters with the exception of one, in order to make contact because if you're not making contact, the crushing blows not hitting, you're not life tapping back and you're going to have a real bad time. Now that one skill is Smite, Smite hits every time no matter how much attack rating you have, that's why it's so overpowered for farming Ubers. But if you're doing any of the other builds, you want to make sure you have a ton of attack rating. Good way to get attack rating, super mega budget style, throw on Dual angelics, you automatically get a thousand attack rating. Another way you can get attack rating is by having a demon limb and you go ahead and use the enchant charges, that'll boost up your attack rating a ton as well, allowing you to strike the Ubers more often.
4. Using pre-buffs before you go out and farm the Ubers
Don't be afraid and make sure you're using different pre-buffs before you go out and farm the Ubers. There's a lot of different things like that, one example for the melee characters, the enchant charges on the demon limb. Another one that almost everybody uses is they make themselves a treachery, they go out somewhere, they go stand in Flames. At the river of flames, you could run out to Elgin shank and just get hit a bunch and wait for fade to proc. What fade does is it gives you a bunch of extra resistance and it even has a physical damage resistance on it as well. This is incredibly helpful and you could even if you want to depending on what your gear is, you can take that treachery off throw on a different armor and fade will still be on your character. So you'll get the benefits of having that fade, while throwing on a different armor, getting more damage or more resistance even or whatever you need to take them out. Also don't forget to have that CT on switch if you can't afford it and make sure you always re-up your battle orders as often as possible. Every time before you go out and fight a monster you never watch your battle orders to run out mid Fisto fight and you'll just get taken out instantly.
5. Have differeng gear option in your stash
Don't be afraid to have different gear options in your stash. Instead of having the gore Riders on or g-face instead of arreat’s face, all different type of options like that, feel free to in the shared stash, you get three shared stash pages and one normal stash page, make sure you have other options for gear maybe even strictly form a Fisto you want to do something different like throw on Guardian Angel and cure us to get a ton of resistance, maybe you want to throw on something specifically to get more lightning res like t-gods a wisp projector, maybe you're gonna throw on a lightsaber just to get more lighting absorb for going after Uber and Fisto. So don't be afraid to have other options of gear in your stash and swapping them back and forth and swapping them around as needed for each individual Uber.
6. Have enough rejuvenation
Make sure you have enough full Rejuvenation potions, you usually want to have at least a full belt and you may even want to have more in your inventory in your stash to go ahead and take these on. If you don't have a perfect character, you might be flying through these and there's nothing worse than running out of potions on your Smiter or something like that. And then you have to jump out and go out and take out rocking issue, take out random Champions around, just fingers crossed hoping they drop some Rejuvenation potions, so you can continue your Uber run. So even though it seems basic maybe take your sorcers out, go ahead and go out and get some full Rejuvenation potions or you can do things like Gathering up chip gems, transmuting them with different potions, different cube recipes to get Rejuvenation potions that way or you can even at the beginning of ladder or anytime, you can just trade for full Rejuvenation potions, people would just give you some for a few perfect gems or something like that.

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