In this D2R Terror Zone Drops Guide, we break down the loots and drop rates of Terror Areas (Maps) in Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Season 2!
Diablo 2 Resurrected Terror Zone Drops & Item Drop Rate Guide
In the Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.5 patch, the introduction of Terror Zone not only makes hitting 99 levels in Ladder Season 2 easier but also brings new enthusiasm for running maps for high valued Diablo 2 items to players, especially the addition of Sunder Charms. So what kind of precious loot can we get in Terror Zone and what is their drop rate? In this guide, we will refer to the post of veteran player Zax to explain the questions about Terror Zone Drops.
D2R 2.5 Terror Zone Drops (Loots)
In theory, any item in the game can drop in these Terror Zones, since once a specific area turns into a Terror Zone, the drop rates in these affected zones will be raised to Treasure Class 87 - the highest category of item rarity in the game.
In an effort to find the best and rarest game stuff, this will keep farming more interesting class-specific items or max varies 95%-100% items and enable players to explore particular places they may not have done before.
D2R 2.5 Terror Zone Loot Level
In Diablo 2 Resurrected, Terror Zone added in the 2.5 Patch are referred to the areas or maps that get terrorized with increased monster levels, thus the level of the loot that can drop from them will be increased.
So Loot Level in Terror Zones Works like this:
You kill a terrorized monster that is two levels above yours and it will drop loot like a monster that's two levels above you. The same with champions and elite monsters.
Simply Input: The loot is affected by monster level, not only can anything drop from any TZ once your lvl83 but as you push higher you have higher chances at items being elite type. And +2 skill rare amulets will start drooping once your level 90, and high-life skiller, also Sunder Charms are can only be found in TZ.
D2R 2.5 Terror Zone Drop Rate
While we have a chance of finding any in-game item in Terror Zones, we're not guaranteed to find a long-sought item 100% of the time. Terror Zone drop rates are still affected by many factors including Character Level, Areas Level, and TC.
Terror Zone Drop Rate Affected by Character Level & Monster Level
Obviously, the drop rate of Terror Zone is affected by the character level and monster level, so Zax summed up the following tips in his Post, which we think will be very helpful for you to understand the item drop chance of Terror Zone:
You need to create Terror Zone with characters at least level 85 so all monsters and objects can drop all Unique Items
You need to create Terror Zone with characters at least level 83 so all unique and champion monsters can drop all Unique Items
You need to create Terror Zone with characters at least level 86 so all unique items can drop from weapon racks and armor stands
You need to create Terror Zone with characters at least level 85 so super unique monsters in ACT I-IV can drop uniques snd sets from Treasure class 84
You need to create Terror Zone with characters at least level 88 so super unique monsters in ACT I-IV can drop uniques and sets from treasure class 87.
You need to create Terror Zone with characters at least level 89 so you can get +45 life skiller and high elemental damage small charms from all monsters and objects
You can create the Terror Zone with your highest character and then join the game with another one who didn't kill Baal yet and terrorized zone stays at the original level of the character who made the game
Elite monsters in terror zones in hell can drop sunder charms.
It is possible to use the Find item skill to get Sunder charms also
Monsters in the Terror zone have increased stats so they can be harder to kill, ranged monsters are especially deadly
Normal, Unique, and Champion monsters have no better drop from higher treasure classes than monsters in area85 zones as 85 is high enough for them to drop all TC 87 item bases
Increased level of monsters has an effect on item quality of dropped items, increase for bosses and some special monsters are around +1-3%, its less for anyone else.
Terror Zone Drop Rate Affected By Treasure Classes
It is revealed that Treasure Classes for bosses are increasing in Terror Zones. For instance, Diablo's Treasure Class has raised from 84 to 87, allowing him to drop all unique and set items on the Hell difficulty. Although server-side confirmation of the level brackets for the highest new Treasure Classes for bosses is not available, it is reasonable to assume that they indeed follow the same setting as in offline files.
TC Upgrades for Each Terror Zones
Andariel Normal TC upgrades at monster levels: 32, 48
Andariel NM TC upgrades at monster levels: 57, 73
Andariel Hell TC upgrades at monster levels: 74, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, 96
Duriel normal TC upgrades at monster levels: 22, 36, 48
Duriel NM TC upgrades at monster levels: 55, 63, 73
Duriel Hell TC upgrades at monster levels: 88, 90, 93, 96
Mephisto Normal TC upgrades at monster levels: 26, 38, 48
Mephisto NM TC upgrades at monster levels: 59, 66, 73
Mephisto Hell TC upgrades at monster levels: 87, 90, 93, 96
Diablo normal TC upgrades at monster levels: 40, 48
Diablo NM TC upgrades at monster levels: 67, 73
Diablo Hell TC upgrades at monster levels: 94, 96
Baal normal TC upgrades at monster levels: 60
Baal NM TC upgrades at monster levels: 75
Baal Hell TC upgrades at monster levels: 99
Radament Hell TC upgrades at monster levels: 86, 90, 93, 96
Summoner Hell TC upgrades at monster levels: 80, 84, 87, 90, 93, 96
Council Members Hell TC upgrades at monster levels: 85, 87, 90, 93, 96
Hephasto Hell TC upgrades at monster levels: 93, 96
Nihlathak Hell TC upgrades at monster levels: 95
Blood Raven Hell TC upgrades at monster levels: 88, 90, 93, 96
Smith Hell TC upgrades at monster levels: 73, 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, 96
Izual Hell TC upgrades at monster levels: 90, 93, 96
Cow King Hell TC upgrades at monster levels: 86, 90, 93, 96
Countess Hell TC upgrades at monster levels: 82, 84, 87, 90, 93, 96
Items Drop Chance & MF Farming Tips in Terror Zone Locations in Diablo 2 Resurrected
From the above info about TC upgrades and Terror Zone drop rates, we can get the following conclusions:
Area Level Required for TC Upgrades
Area level 87 is required for Act 1-4 super uniques and bosses to roll TC84.
Area level 90 is required for Act 1-4 super uniques and bosses except for Diablo
You need to get mobs at level 96 for the final TC upgrade, that means the area needs to be 93, not 96 as super uniques are +3. area93+3= level 96 for the highest TC upgrade.
Diablo & Baal Doesn't Need any Special Level for the first TC Upgrade
Diablo doesn't need any special level for the first TC upgrade to drop TC87 as he is already level 94 naturally so it doesn't matter on which level is he terrorized in hell. LVL 96 is his next final TC upgrade for higher tc87 probability.
Baal is the same case as Diablo, he has only one desecrated level to increase TC, and thats terrorized 99 level which is always no matter how high the level will make the game.
Mephisto only Has TC78
Mephisto didn't get fixed with TC upgrades so he doesn't upgrade past his first TC upgrade which is still TC78, and he should not be dropping higher TC items unless they fixed it on the server and not in files only.
LvL 89 Is Enough To Get ilvl91 Charm for +45 Life Skiller from any Terror Zones
If you have level 89, unique, champions, normal monsters, and also unique items can drop everything in terror zones with exception of some ultra-rare magic/rare items with magic suffixes /prefixes which are not important at all.
You need to create terror zone with at least level 89 so you can get +45 life skiller and high elemental damage small charms from all monsters and objects.
Super Unique Monsters and Bosses Have Normally Limited Treasure Class in Some Terror Zones
Baal Hell can drop items from the highest TC 87. Game basically makes roll on TC87 items first. If it fails, it goes down to TC84, and down and down until you have success with the roll and the item base is picked.
Diablo Hell has only TC 84 so he can't drop TC87 bases like Diadem, corona, or sacred armor for example. That's why he never drops these unique items even as he has monster level 94 high enough to drop the unique version. But since he can't even drop the TC87 base, logically he can't drop a unique version of that item either.
91 Character Level is The Best Spot To Farm Terror Zones To Get The Most Benefits
The best to keep farming character at level 91 where you have all benefits from Terror Zones, leveling up more will result only in harder monsters and a tiny bonus from item quality calculation. At level 91, to have super uniques and bosses at level 96 so they reach the highest TC class. Higher levels do increase the chance but the effect of it is so tiny it's basically nonexistent at that point.
There are multiple level brackets for super unique monsters and bosses. Treasure classes are increasing together with their monster level. So suddenly our diablo hell with the monster level being your level +5 so 89+5=94 will reach the first level bracket of terror zone for him. So he will have access to tc87 bases. Basically, he will have drops as Hell Baal.
But there is one higher level bracket, previously unused for bosses and the majority of super unique monsters. Special treasure classes can be accessed with the monster being at level 96.
For that you need to create Terror Zone with level 91: TC87 is maximum for armor and weapon types, but their new TC will roll for TC 87 items twice and then it goes to lower TC where it rolls on TC87 once, then again it goes down until successful roll pick the item base.
So basically your character at level 89 getting loot from killed diablo hell will have one roll for tc87 weapon/armor. But my barb at level 91 will have 3 rolls for tc87 items so definitely a higher chance. Because my diablo hell in terror zone will be 91+5 so 96.

- 1. Purchase D2R Class Specific Items For Sale On Utplay.com
- 2. About Diablo 2 Resurrected Class Specific Items
- 3. How Do Class Specific Items Work In Diablo 2 Resurrected?
- 4. Where To Farm Class-Specific Items in Diablo 2 Resurrected?
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