This a short guide to level a Frenzy Barbarian in Travincal from the beginning of level 85 to the start of 91, offline. According to experience calculations, this is about 1000 runs, taking into account that we got an 8 % Anni from a dropped SoJ at level 87.
Part 1
The gear did not change much during the runs except we swapped Shako for Arreats when we found it, and equipped an Anni at level 87:
-Weapons: Grief and Unbending Will. We'd make a second Grief, but in two months of playing all the characters, we found only one 5os Phase Blade.
-Armor: Duress. This resulted in 2-4 destroyed corpses each run.
-Helmet: Shako (85-86), Arreat's Face (86+)
-Rings: Ravenfrost, +life leech +str, +min damage, some other stats ring
-Amulet: Highlord's Wrath
-Boots: Gore rider
-Belt: String of Ears
-Decent Torch and shitty Anni (11/12/8) which we got from selling SoJ to a vendor and killing a Dclone
-decent max damage, ar, and life charms
Merc had an upped Duriel's Shell, non-eth Reaper's Toll, and Tal's Mask. He wasn't dying, because he was stuck behind the fence most of the time.
Notable drops in no particular order:
-SoJ - I sold this one for a Dclone kill
-2x Vex
-2x Gul
-Arreat's Face
+1 Cold Skills, +15 life GC
+1 Lightning Skills GC
+1 Cold Skills GC
+1 Elemental Skills, +29 life GC
-5/3 Cold Facet and 3/4 Fire Facet
+34 All res Skin of the Vipermagi
-Dracul's Grasp 9/12
Part 2
Part one was more to get us to level 90 faster. The next 1000 runs were now the "real" runs. We got rid of all cold damage gear and used Skullder's Ire for the armor. Again, the experience was used to calculate the number of runs, taking into account our 8 % Anni. This time we skipped most boss groups in the council chambers. Our magic find was 223 % throughout the runs. We finally found a base for a second Grief while playing our sorceress when our Barb was 91.2. That improved farming speed a lot.
Notable drops, this time in order:
-10max dmg/70ar/+6str GC
+1 to Javelin and Spear Skills, +5 to Life GC
-Tal's Amulet
+1 to Javelin and Spear Skills GC

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