![Rotting Fissure[Poison Res -(71-75)%] Rotting Fissure[Poison Res -(71-75)%]](/Images/D2/rottingfissure_graphic.png)
Rotting Fissure [Max Varies 95%-100%]

Monster Poison Immunity is Sundered
Poison Resist -(
)% What is Rotting Fissure[Poison Res -(71-75)%] in D2R?
In Diablo 2: Resurrected, Rotting Fissure sunder charms are special D2R items that provide Poison resistance when held in a character's inventory. Poison resistance is one of the possible affixes that can appear on a charm. However, specific Rotting Fissure sunder charm types with certain percentages of poison resistance can't be precisely found or farmed as the game features a random loot generation system.
What is Rotting Fissure[Poison Res -(71-75)%] Good For in D2R?
When an enemy's poison immunity is "sundered", it means that the enemy's resistance to the specific type of damage is reduced to 95%, rather than being completely immune to it. This is true regardless of how high their Poison resistance was before being sundered, and it is the first change that is made to their Poison resistance before any other modifiers. However, it's important to note that even after their Poison immunity is sundered, the enemy is still considered to have been immune to that Poison damage. This can have some unusual effects, such as certain skills that require a target to be immune to a specific type of damage to be triggered, no longer being triggered after the Poison immunity is sundered.
Which Builds are Rotting Fissure[Poison Res -(71-75)%] Good For in D2R?
In Diablo 2 Resurrected, several builds will benefit from having poison resistance, especially when facing enemies that deal poison damage or areas that feature environmental poison hazards. Here are some examples of builds that would benefit from Rotting Fissure with -70% to 75% poison resistance:
Amazon: The Amazon class has access to the Poison Javelin and Poison Arrow skills, making it a popular choice for a poison-based build. However, this also means that Amazons are vulnerable to poison damage themselves.
Necromancer: Necromancers can summon poison-based minions such as Poison Skeletons, and also have access to the Poison Nova skill, which deals poison damage in a large area. Necromancers may also encounter enemies that deal poison damage, such as Poison Spitters.
Druid: The Druid class has access to the Poison Creeper and Carrion Vine skills, which deal poison damage over time to enemies. Druids may also encounter enemies that deal poison damage, such as Poison Bugs.
Barbarian: While not as dependent on poison skills as the other classes mentioned above, Barbarians may still encounter enemies that deal poison damage and should have some level of poison resistance to prevent being quickly overwhelmed.
In general, any build that relies on close-range combat or melee attacks should have some level of poison resistance, as these builds are more vulnerable to poison damage. It's also a good idea to have some form of poison resistance when exploring areas with environmental poison hazards, such as the jungles in Act 3.
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![Rotting Fissure[Poison Res -(70)%]](/Images/D2/rottingfissure_graphic.png)

Small Charms[20Life & 1-71Lighting Damage]$151.05 ~ $2088.9
Crown of Ages[2S & 15%DR & 30Res & 130+Def]$149.11 ~ $834.9
Steelrend[60%ED & 20STR & 200+DEF]$149.11 ~ $730.4
Grand Charms(Sorceress)[45 Life & 1 Lighting Skills]$138.16 ~ $341.6
Grand Charms(Sorceress)[45 Life & 1 Cold Skills]$98.37 ~ $227.7
Titan's Revenge[ETH & 200% ED & 9LL]$81.26 ~ $1034.55
Hellfire Torch(Paladin)[20 ATTR & 20 RES]$56.9 ~ $72.37
Grand Charms(Barbarian)[45 Life & +1 Warcry Skills]$68.27 ~ $303.6
Hellfire Torch(Sorceress)[20 ATTR & 20 RES]$68.27 ~ $71.16
Grand Charms(Sorceress)[43-44 Life & 1 Cold Skills]$66.9 ~ $130.8
Hellfire Torch(Necromancer)[20 ATTR & 20 RES]$37.9 ~ $54.59
Hellfire Torch(Assassin)[20 ATTR & 20 RES]$49.24 ~ $52.15
Hellfire Torch(Amazon)[20 ATTR & 20 RES]$46.94 ~ $56.9
Titan's Revenge[ETH & 200% ED & 7-8LL]$40.9 ~ $479.6
Griffon's Eye[-20% LR & + 15% LD]$36.81 ~ $56.9
Grand Charms(Sorceress)[43-44 Life & 1 Lighting Skills]$36.19 ~ $265.6
Hellfire Torch(Barbarian)[20 ATTR & 20 RES]$28.4 ~ $36.19
Grand Charms(Sorceress)[40-42 Life & 1 Cold Skills]$27.23 ~ $102.3
Hellfire Torch(Druid)[20 ATTR & 20 RES]$27.23 ~ $52.15
Titan's Revenge[ETH & 200% ED]$27.23 ~ $531.96
Grand Charms(Barbarian)[36-39 Life & +1 Warcry Skills]$11.2 ~ $24.6
Grand Charms[10Max & 70AR & 40-45Life]$21.76 ~ $23.36
Stormlash[ETH & 290-300ED & 7-9LA]$17.65 ~ $76.86
Grand Charms(Sorceress)[40-42 Life & 1 Lighting Skills]$17.03 ~ $87.2
Stormlash[ETH & 280-289ED]$16.28 ~ $48.36
Stormlash[ETH & 290-300ED]$16.28 ~ $54.05
Verdungo's Hearty Cord[120-140%ED & 40 Vit & -15% DR & 13 Life Rep]$15.62 ~ $218.35
Grand Charms(Barbarian)[30-35 Life & +1 Warcry Skills]$7.4 ~ $15.1
Stormlash[ETH & 270-279ED]$13.55 ~ $38.85
Grand Charms[14max & 70-75AR]$9.45 ~ $94.9
Grand Charms(Barbarian)[40-42 Life & +1 Warcry Skills]$9.44 ~ $136.4
Grand Charms[14max & 65-69AR]$9.4 ~ $75.9
Hellfire Torch(Sorceress)[18-20 ATTR & 18-20 RES]$8.89 ~ $33.15
Annihilus[20 ATTR + 20 RES]$8.83 ~ $90.6
Grand Charms[10max & 70+AR & 35-39Life]$8.5 ~ $34
Tomb Reaver[ETH & 3S]$2.76 ~ $166.1
Grand Charms[10Max & 70AR & 30-34Life]$8.46 ~ $24.52
Grand Charms (Paladin)[25-29 Life & +1 Combat Skrills]$5.52 ~ $7.5
Titan's Revenge[ETH & +190-200% ED]$6.83 ~ $103.4
Annihilus[19-20 ATTR & 19-20 RES]$6.77 ~ $45
Top 5 Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R) Builds for Different Classes in Ladder Season 62/22/2024 10:28:13 AM
Aldur's Watchtower Angelic Raiment Arcanna's Tricks Arctic Gear Berserker's Arsenal Bul-Kathos' Children Cathan's Traps Civerb's Vestments Cleglaw's Brace Cow King's Leathers Death's Disguise Griswold's Legacy Heaven's Brethren Hsaru's Defense Hwanin's Majesty Immortal King Infernal Tools Iratha's Finery Isenhart's Armory M'avina's Battle Hymn Milabrega's Regalia Naj's Ancient Vestige Natalya's Odium Orphan's Call Sander's Folly Sazabi's Grand Tribute Sigon's Complete Steel Tal Rasha's Wrappings Tancred's Battlegear The Disciple Trang-Oul's Avatar Vidala's Rig
Aldur's Watchtower Angelic Raiment Arcanna's Tricks Arctic Gear Berserker's Arsenal Bul-Kathos' Children Cathan's Traps Civerb's Vestments Cleglaw's Brace Cow King's Leathers Death's Disguise Griswold's Legacy Heaven's Brethren Hsaru's Defense Hwanin's Majesty Immortal King Infernal Tools Iratha's Finery Isenhart's Armory M'avina's Battle Hymn Milabrega's Regalia Naj's Ancient Vestige Natalya's Odium Orphan's Call Sander's Folly Sazabi's Grand Tribute Sigon's Complete Steel Tal Rasha's Wrappings Tancred's Battlegear The Disciple Trang-Oul's Avatar Vidala's Rig
Aldur's Watchtower Angelic Raiment Arcanna's Tricks Arctic Gear Berserker's Arsenal Bul-Kathos' Children Cathan's Traps Civerb's Vestments Cleglaw's Brace Cow King's Leathers Death's Disguise Griswold's Legacy Heaven's Brethren Hsaru's Defense Hwanin's Majesty Immortal King Infernal Tools Iratha's Finery Isenhart's Armory M'avina's Battle Hymn Milabrega's Regalia Naj's Ancient Vestige Natalya's Odium Orphan's Call Sander's Folly Sazabi's Grand Tribute Sigon's Complete Steel Tal Rasha's Wrappings Tancred's Battlegear The Disciple Trang-Oul's Avatar Vidala's Rig
Aldur's Watchtower Angelic Raiment Arcanna's Tricks Arctic Gear Berserker's Arsenal Bul-Kathos' Children Cathan's Traps Civerb's Vestments Cleglaw's Brace Cow King's Leathers Death's Disguise Griswold's Legacy Heaven's Brethren Hsaru's Defense Hwanin's Majesty Immortal King Infernal Tools Iratha's Finery Isenhart's Armory M'avina's Battle Hymn Milabrega's Regalia Naj's Ancient Vestige Natalya's Odium Orphan's Call Sander's Folly Sazabi's Grand Tribute Sigon's Complete Steel Tal Rasha's Wrappings Tancred's Battlegear The Disciple Trang-Oul's Avatar Vidala's Rig