![Vortex Shield[4S & ETH & 40-44 Res] Vortex Shield[4S & ETH & 40-44 Res]](/Images/D2/crownshield_graphic.png)
Vortex Shield[4 Sockets & ETH & 40-44 Res [Runewords(Bases)]
Sale [4 Sockets]Sale [ETH]
Sale [+40-44 Res]
Vortex Shield [Runewords(Bases)]

Durability: 90
Req Strength: 148
Req level: 66
Quality level: 85
Treasure class: 87
Max sockets: 4
Weight: Light
Base block: 19
Class block: P: 49%
Paladin smite dmg: 5-87
What Is Vortex Shield [4S & ETH & 40-44 Res] In Diablo 2 Resurrected?
A Vortex Shield with 4 sockets, ethereal quality, and 40-44 resistances is a powerful shield in Diablo 2 Resurrected that provides excellent elemental resistance and durability.
The Vortex Shield is a unique shield that provides a bonus to resistance against all elements and has high defense. By adding four sockets to the shield, players can further enhance its capabilities by adding socketed gems or runes to it, which can provide additional bonuses such as increased resistance, life steal, or other effects.
The ethereal quality of the shield means that it has increased durability but cannot be repaired. This can make it a risky choice for some players, but the high resistances and added sockets can make it worth the risk.
The 40-44 resistances suffix indicates that the shield provides a bonus to resistance against all elements between 40 and 44. This is a very high bonus that can be very helpful in later difficulties where enemies can deal significant elemental damage.
How To Get Vortex Shield [4S & ETH & 40-44 Res] In Diablo 2 Resurrected?
Getting a Vortex Shield with 4 sockets, ethereal quality, and 40-44 resistances in Diablo 2 Resurrected can be a challenging task, as it is a rare and valuable item. However, there are several ways to increase the chances of obtaining one:
Random drops - Vortex Shields can be found as a random drop from monsters in the game, although the chances of finding one with the desired attributes are relatively low. The difficulty level and the level of the monster can affect the chances of obtaining a Vortex Shield with high stats.
Gambling - Players can gamble for shields with specific prefixes and suffixes by spending gold at a gambling vendor in certain towns. The chances of gambling a Vortex Shield with the desired attributes are low, but it is possible.
Trading - Players can trade with other players to obtain Vortex Shields with the desired sockets and modifiers, either through in-game trading or through third-party websites or forums.
Which Builds Are Good To Use Vortex Shield [4S & ETH & 40-44 Res] In Diablo 2 Resurrected?
A Vortex Shield with 4 sockets, ethereal quality, and 40-44 resistances can be a valuable item for any character that wants to improve their elemental resistance and defense.
Here are some builds that may benefit from using this shield:
Sorceress - Sorceresses rely heavily on elemental damage and are vulnerable to elemental attacks themselves. A Vortex Shield with high elemental resistance can help reduce the amount of damage taken from elemental attacks, allowing Sorceresses to survive longer in combat.
Paladin - Paladins have access to a variety of auras and defensive skills that can enhance their elemental resistance and defense. A Vortex Shield can be a valuable addition to a Paladin's arsenal, providing an additional boost to their already impressive defenses.
Amazon - Amazons can benefit from the high defense and elemental resistance provided by a Vortex Shield, allowing them to survive longer in combat while dealing ranged or melee damage.
With our reliable and timely updated D2R Vortex Shield[4S & ETH & 40-44 Res] Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Vortex Shield[4S & ETH & 40-44 Res] Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Vortex Shield[4S & ETH & 40-44 Res] are ranged from 9.45USD to 24.6USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Vortex Shield[4S & ETH & 40-44 Res] trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Vortex Shield[4S & ETH & 40-44 Res] is priced at 9.45USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 24.6USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 99 D2R items in this Runewords(Bases), welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.
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![Vortex Shield[3S & 40-44Res]](/Images/D2/crownshield_graphic.png)
![Vortex Shield[3S & 45Res]](/Images/D2/crownshield_graphic.png)
![Vortex Shield[4S & ETH]](/Images/D2/crownshield_graphic.png)
![Vortex Shield[4S & ETH & 45 Res]](/Images/D2/crownshield_graphic.png)

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