There’s been a lot of changes to NBA 2K20 dribbling, EA has revealed the full list of the NBA 2K20 dribble moves. Here Utplay.com presents some best dribble moves on NBA 2K20, in depth with handcam tutorial on how to use them effectively! Make sure you practice all of these dribble moves in NBA 2K20 MyTeam, so you can become a dribble god!
NBA 2K20 Dribble Tutorial & Guide - 6 Best Dribble Moves To Turn You Into A Dribble God In NBA 2K20
Half Spin Move
This is one of my favorite dribble move in NBA 2K20. If the ball is in your right hand while in a standing dribble, rotate the right stick from right to up after completing the animation. It’ll launch you forward, this will be great with that quick first step.
Hard Stop Stutter
To this, you just simply tap the left trigger while dribbling towards your defender, it says this is a great way to change up speed to break a defender off or set up an open shot. It’s also useful for freezing defenders for a stop-and-go blow by to the hoop.
SIG. Behind The Back
Simply hold the right trigger and tap the right stick down or away from your defender. In 2K19, this dribble command was an escape dribble, but now we will use this move to combo some basic dribbles for a set up that’ll get your defender leaning. So you can blow past them.
Momentum Shamgod
First you want to start with the momentum dribble while understading jumbled, if the balls in your left hand, tap the right stick towards your non-ball hand, immediately hold the right trigger, then tap down on the right. This one is tough, so definitely practice.
Basic Shamgod
Simply tap the right stick up to the corner towards your ball hand and them immediately flick the right, stick left or right towards your non-ball hand. If the ball is in your right hand, you need to tap the right stick up to the right corner and then immediately tap the right, stick to the left. It’s in one quick motion right stick up corner, right, then left. Opposite controls from the left and you can even combo into this move. Now this move is a stunner, so you will freeze your defender and then blow by him with that quick first step.
Running Stutter Shamgod
While dribbling forward tap the left trigger to do that stutter and then do the shamgod. If you are a slasher with some high ball control, you will get ankles and a body with this.
How To Change Dribble Moves In NBA 2K20
Firstly, you need to buy dribble moves from the animation store with NBA 2K MT Coins or VC. Then enter the Myplayer menu, you will be greeted by a number of options. Dribble Moves is the second option on the screen and it is what we want to change. To create or change your Dribble Moves, select the type you want to change and set a new move. Once you’ve activated new moves you can then use these moves during games.
Just give some of these best dribble moves a try and practice more to become a dribble god in NBA 2K20. For more tips and news, head over to our news page, and we’ll keep updating.