In NBA 2K21 Next Gen, we've gotten a ton of new badges and this is the first time we saw them, so you are gonna need to learn them all over again. But here at, after we did our research, understand these badges, now we know which ones you should use and which ones you shouldn't use and we also will show you exactly what they do and the threshold. because each badge is different, some badges actually have a number of threshold on them. For example, to unlock the hall of fame for the quick first step, you'll need a 94 speed with ball; the hall of fame for the ankle breaker needs 94 ball control, and this applies to every badge. So if you want to know about the badge thresholds, what badges do the best, badge layouts to run, or just want to learn more about these badges, then this is the article for you to read!
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1. Shooting Badges
Deep Threes
The most important badge we all know, deep threes is the limitless range from previous years. you need deep threes, to unlock deep three's hall of fame in this game, you need to have 94 three-point shot. even if you have a 93 three-point shot, the max you can have is gold deep threes, which means that you can max your player out to have a 93 pointer because at 99, when you unlock the plus four, you can unlock d3's hall of fame.
Hot Shot
It's one of the new badges in this game, technically just like deep threes, even though this is another version of limitless. But hot shot is an entirely new badge. And it can boost takeover meter after hitting jump shots, it's an absolutely insane badge. You'd make two jump shots, you can have your primary takeover, but if you make three jump shots, you can have both takeovers and if you make four jump shots you have team takeover. This is probably the most overpowered badge right now, it's insanely good.
Hot Zone Hunter
A very important badge if you want to be able to shoot consistently. obviously, you got to get your hot zone on, so that this badge actually activates. but hot zone hunter just makes you shoot way more consistently. it's it was in the game in 2k20 and 2k21 current-gen, everyone knows about hot zone hunter if you played those two games. consistently been one of the best shooting badges in the game, definitely recommend this badge.
This is another tier-one badge in the game, deadeye hall of fame will make you hit more shots, definitely recommend hall of fame deadeye. This badge has been in every 2k game since 2k15 so we all know what dead eye does. it doesn't need much explanation further.
2. Playmaking Badges
Ankle Breaker
This badge is insanely overpowered this year, you do one snatch back, one behind the back ankle breaker will be activated, and there's another badge that cancels ankle breaker out that people are going to start using. but as of right now super effective, but you do need a 94 ball control to use this badge.
Quick First Step
You will need a 94 speed with a ball to unlock this badge on the hall of fame.
Quick First Step, Handles For Days, Unpluggable
You probably all know what those badges can do, they're basically the three most important ones. If you have nine playmaking badge points put all three of those on gold. If you have 12 points, put all three of them on hall of fame. easily those are tier-one A, and Ankle Breaker, Ball Out, Bullet Passer are more like tier-one B.
Hall of fame bailout makes you throw accurate passes this year out of stuff that normally would. It would go out of bounds because you do pass stuff out of bounds this year out of shots and layups. but with the hall of fame bailout, it'll throw it accurately.
Bullet Passer
This is a new badge, it hasn't been seen in the previous 2ks it's really really good. it makes your passes, almost all your passes not only leave your hand faster, but it makes you throw it faster so it gets to your teammates quicker and you might be surprised that it's tier-one but it's just a really good badge, highly recommend you try it out.
3. Finishing Badges
Posterizer, Slithery Finisher
As you can see there are only three tier-one finishing badges: Giant Slayer, Posterizer, Slithery Finisher. Most builds are not gonna have more than 10 finishing badges and If you don't, It's recommended to use Posterizer and then Slithery Finisher. Posterizer can help you to get more contact dunks. when you're not going to get a Posterizer, the refinisher will kick in and make it so you avoid contact. it might sound like these two badges contradict themselves but they actually work really well together.
Giant Slayer
the last tier-one badge is giant slayer, it's excellent, but there is a lot of 6'6", 6'7" point guards, and then all centers are 6'8", 6'9", so you're not really going against 7'3" so giant slayer is not going to activate as much as you would like it to. because they're only one or two inches taller than you. so it's a great badge but the tiers of the height don't matter as much.
4. Defensive/Rebounding Badges
Here we have your tier one defensive/rebounding badges: Ankle Braces, Chase Down Artist, Clamps, Intimidator, Pick Dodger, Pick Pocket, Rebond Chaser. These are all for guards, obviously, for centers it's different, but for guards, these are your tier one badges.
Clamps, Intimidator, Pick Dodger, Pick Pocket
These four are pretty much the four best defensive badges in the game. Clamps 100% the best defensive badge, If you can get that badge, max it out. next, Intimidator. whatever you can max your Intimidator on, you put that whether it be gold, whether it be the hall of fame you can, unlock Intimidator, max that out and then you can see how it makes people miss shots more often. Next, Pick Dodger. it's always going to be a tier-one badge in case people use screens. but this year Pick Dodger is not going to matter as much. And then Pick Pocket will help you to get even more steals.
Rebond Chaser
Now you guys are probably wondering why for a guard. would this be tier-one remember if you have a 6'7" guard, and when you are playing with shooting centers when you try to pass to them, you will get so many offensive rebounds if they miss, at 6'7" with high rebounding and here is the hall of fame rebound chaser come in, it will make it really hard to out rebound you for the opposing guard.
Ankle Braces
Lastly is this new badge: Ankle Braces, to the contrast of Ankle Breaker, which is a very op badge this year. and ankle braces here can completely cancel it out. it will help your player not to get broken a lot less.
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