Once you start the game on next-generation consoles, you have to familiar with the system and new features of NBA 2K21, but obtaining Mypoints is still very important because a higher overall can boost all your attributes. Then what's the fastest way to get Mypoints in 2K21 next gen and how to get 99 overall? In this article, let’s explore the fastest way to get 99 overall in NBA 2K21 next gen, which can max out your badges at the same time.
Related Read: What Happens After 95 Overall in 2K21
How to Get 99 Overall in NBA 2K21 Next Gen - Fastest Way to Get MyPoints and Max out Badges 2K21
Once you hit 95 overall, your overall fluctuates based on how well you play. And with each overall you go up between 95-99, you will get +1 to all your attributes. So if you reaches 99 overall, you can get maximum attributes. How to increase overall in 2K21? When you earned enough MyPoints to fill the cap of the current overall level, your overall will upgrade to the next level, such as 95 overall to 96. Also, you can do lots of things in the game to gain MyPoints and increase your overall. Check out the following methods that can help you hit 99 overall and max out badges fast in NBA 2K21 next gen.
1. Warehouse Challenges
When you start the game on next-gen, you will go through Rookieville, once you rank up to Pro 1 in Rookieville, you can access The City. After you completed the first thing, go to your 2K Journal, and focus on the Warehouse Challenges, which is brand new in NBA 2K21 next gen, these 24 challenges are overpowered for badges. Walk around The City and look for non-player characters, talk to these characters, you can unlock your warehouse challenges. The warehouse challenges will easily get you more than half of your badges when you complete them, the main one you should focus on is your shooting badges. In these warehouse games, strictly focus on shooting, you're not gonna shoot perfect, you're gonna miss, you don't have all your badges but what this helps you do is get hot zones which is one of the most important things to make you green shot. If there is some space between you and a computer, just pull it and make sure you jump shot quickly and make your release as fast as possible. You also want to play defense and go for rebounds every time the computer shoot, that’s how you get your defensive badges. When you win in warehouse challenges, you can get increased points and maybe a new max overall rating, badge points, NBA 2K21 VC and upgraded MyRep level, and everything times two. If you lose these challenges, you can keep doing them repeatedly.
Further Read: NBA 2K21 Next Gen Warehouse Challenges Location & How to Do It
2. MyCAREER Games & Settings
Before you start playing the games, go to the MyCAREER Settings, make the Game Difficulty on Hall of Fame and the Quarter Length to 12 Minutes. Because the Hall of Fame Difficulty will give you a huge points bonus. For the team, it’s recommended to go with the Lakers, you can also choose other teams you want. In MyCareer, you can get 99 overall in the quickest way. Once you become a starter, you can get up to 70K and even 100K MyPoints. You can get a ton of points from alley-oop assists, attack assists, pick & roll assists, and more. You also need to get your rebounds and play defense well, which gains points for you as well. In addition, win the game will of course earn extra points. What’s more, it’s very easy to get points for playmaking badges in MyCareer.
3. JORDAN REC Center
Jordan Rec Center is a great method for both overall and badges upgrading. This can be the best way to get defensive badges and help you get the most rep. What you want to do with your five players is on defense, which is the most important part. You'll want to play a 2-3 zone where the point guard and shooting guard is at the top and the other three players are in the back, the center in the middle, and then two people on the sides, play that 2-3 zone with your teammates and you'll get a lot of stops, you're gonna get all your defensive badges. After each game, you can also earn MyPoints for raising your overall rating and VC as the currency, if you requires NBA 2K21 MT, enough stock is available for all consoles.