Some players doubt some of the best NBA 2K21 cards are eventually going to get out of class. But what are the cards that never get outdated in MyTEAM? At Utplay.com, we are going to be going over the top 10 best cards in NBA 2K21 current gen and next gen MyTEAM.
Top 10 NBA 2K21 Best Cards -The Most Overpowered Cards In 2K21 MyTEAM
MyTEAM continues to update various themed cards, for example, Gauntlet Spotlight Sim Cards, Season Rewind Cards, Dynamic Duos, Team USA Pantheon Cards, Olympic Cards and more you can expect in NBA 2K21. With so many options in the market, try to choose the NBA 2K21 best budget cards according to your preference. Next, is the top 10 best player list that you should get with NBA 2K21 MT, including Invincible, Gauntlet Spotlight Sims, Out of Positions, Dark Matters and more.
Top 10 - NBA 2K21 MyTEAM Best Card
Bill Russell (99) - C/PF, 6’10’,215 lbs, 99 offensive overall, 99 defensive overall
This overpowered defensively and offensively Invincible Bill Russell card came out just about a month and a half ago. He is 6’10’’ in height, 7’4’’ wingspan and hot spots from everywhere. What calls for attention is that he has 61 hall of fame badges and 10 gold badges, moreover, 98 or above in every stat (98 three ball, 99 standing dunk, 99 speed, 99 acceleration, 99 lateral quickness, 98 speed with ball, 99 steal, 99 block) and a Ray Allen Base. Invincible Bill Russell is the best 2K21 card to play at the power forward position, with that you can green consistently on both current gen and next gen.
Top 9 - NBA 2K21 MyTEAM Best Card
Ben Simmons (99) - PG/PF, 6’10’, 230 lbs, 99 offensive overall, 99 defensive overall
Dark Matter Ben Simmons comes in at number 9 on the top 10 best player NBA 2K21 list. He is a 6’10’ player who has hot spots from everywhere. For incredible stats, he has 94 three ball, 95 driving dunk, 90 standing dunk, 95 speed with ball, 96 speed, 96 acceleration and 97 lateral quickness. He’s got 17 gold badges and 44 hall of fame badges are Showtime(HOF), Range Extender(HOF), Handles For Days(HOF). Though he doesn’t have many hall of fame badges compare to other NBA 2K21 god tier cards, still solid in shooting, playmaking and defending. He has Pro 2 Size Up Escape Packages for next gen, Pro 2 Moving Behind the Back for current-gen which isn’t great, but burst is all you need for current gen.
Top 8 - NBA 2K21 MyTEAM Best Card
Shaquille O’Neal (99) - C/PF, 7’1’, 325 lbs, 99 offensive overall, 99 defensive overall
The New Dark Matter Invincible Shaquille is one of the best player cards in NBA 2K21 MyTEAM. Shaquille is 7’1’ and 7’7’’ wingspan. He has 98 three ball, 99 speed with ball, 99 standing dunk, 99 speed, and 99 lateral quickness. With 65 hall of fame badges and 6 gold badges, he can cover you with every hall of fame defensive badge. As a matter of fact that, Shaquille can't run fluid on current gen, but he doesn’t really need to run anyway. Furthermore, he has Danilo Gallinari on very quick, quick dribble style, pro 2 size escape which he's not going to be able to curry. But he has pro 2 moving crossover and pro 3 moving behind the back.
Top 7 - NBA 2K21 MyTEAM Best Card
Kawhi Leonard (99) - SF/SG, 6’7’, 230 lbs, 99 offensive overall, 99 defensive overall
Dark Matter Kawhi Leonard is an overpowered 2K21 card that you can play forever. He's only 6’7’ with the lowest wingspan and has 97 three ball, 95 driving dunk, 85 standing dunk, 97 speed, 98 stamina, 95 speed with ball and 99 lateral quickness. For his tendencies, Ray Allen on very quick, upper release is release 102, shifty dribble style pro 2 size escape, pro 3 moving behind the back. He’s going to beat people over the defensive with 56 solid hall of fame badges and 14 on gold. The pros are that he is a green machine and the best card NBA 2K21 of Kawhi Leonard. The cons are that he is only six foot seven.
Top 6 - NBA 2K21 MyTEAM Best Card
Giannis Antetokounmpo (99) - PF/SF, 6’11’, 242 lbs, 99 offensive overall, 99 defensive overall
Invincible Giannis Antetokounmpo deserves a spot on the top 10 list. He is 6’11 and has 7’4’’ wingspan. He has every stat in 99 except for 96 three ball and almost perfect in every hall of fame badge. He has Giannis Antetokounmpo on both lower base and upper release, shifty dribble style, as well as pro 2 size up escape packages. Giannis is an incredible card in NBA 2K21, but it comes down to you have to be green with that release off the catch and shoot.
Top 5 - NBA 2K21 MyTEAM Best Card
Andrei Kirilenko (99) - SG/PG, 6’9’, 235 lbs, 99 offensive overall, 99 defensive overall
Andrei Kirilenko(Out of Position) is one of the best shooting guards in NBA 2K21, as well as one of most overpowered card in 2K21. He is six foot nine, seven four wingspan, and has 95 three ball, 85 standing dunk, 95 speed, 95 acceleration, 94 speed with ball, 90 driving dunk and 90 ball handle. He might not have the greatest stats compare to NBA 2K21 S tier cards, but he does acquire insanely defensive stats. For badges he has Showtime(HOF), Ankle Breaker(HOF), Range Extender(HOF), Unpluckable(HOF), Clamps(HOF) and Intimidator(HOF). The best part about Anrei Kirilenko is his base 98 on very quick, turns out he is literally a green machine. He can curry slide on next gen, but he’s better in current gen.
Top 4 - NBA 2K21 MyTEAM Best Card
LeBron James(99) - SF/SG, 6’9’, 250 lbs, 99 offensive overall, 99 defensive overall
The New Pantheon Team USA Lebron James is the best NBA2K21 card if you prefer a shooting guard, Invincible Lebron James is better if you prefer a small forward, but they are basically the same cards. Lebron James(Pantheon Team USA) is 6’9’ and 7’0’’ wingspan. He has 96 three ball, 90 standing dunk, 98 driving dunk, 96 speed with ball, 93 ball handle, 97 speed and 97 lateral quickness. He’s got Showtime(HOF), Catch And Shoot(HOF), Range Extender(HOF), Ankle Beaker(HOF), Clamps(HOF) and Interceptor(HOF). He has Dante Exum base on very quick, quick dribble style, pro 2 size up escape and pro 3 moving behind the back. He is going to an elite primary ball handler whether on next gen or current gen.
Top 3 - NBA 2K21 MyTEAM Best Card
Tacko Fall(99) - C, 7’5’, 289 lbs, 99 offensive overall, 99 defensive overall
Invincible Tacko Fall is the top 3 best cards in MyTEAM, which is the final reward of NBA 2K21 Gauntlet Spotlight Sim Challenge. He is 7’5’ and 8’2’’ wingspan, has every stats about 95. With a total of 59 hall of fame badges and 3 gold badges including Showtime(HOF), Catch And Shoot(HOF), Quick First Step(HOF)Range Extender(HOF), Clamps(HOF) and more key badges you need. With great jump shot 47 release on very quick, shifty dribble style, pro 2 escape packages and pro 3 moving behind the back, makes him unstoppable on next gen and current gen. The only problem is that he lacks hot spots.
Top 2 - NBA 2K21 MyTEAM Best Card
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar(99) - C/PF, 7’2’, 225 lbs, 99 offensive overall, 99 defensive overall
Kareem is the second-best Invincible card in NBA 2K21, he is 3 inches shorter than Tacko, but he has hot spots from everywhere and every stat above 97. Features 62 hall of fame badges and 5 gold badges, like the hall of fame Showtime, hall of fame Corner Specialist, hall of fame Hot Zone Hunter, gold Range Extender, hall of fame Clamps and hall of fame Unpluckable. He’s got Jump Shot 21 on very quick, shifty dribble style, Pro 1 Size Up Escape Package, Pro 3 Moving Behind the Back and burst is all your need for Kareem on NBA 2K21 current gen.
Top 1 - NBA 2K21 MyTEAM Best Card
Bol Bol(99) - PF/SF, 7’2’, 208 lbs, 99 offensive overall, 99 defensive overall
As we know know that Dark Matter Invincible Bol Bol is the best player card in NBA 2K21 MyTEAM current gen and next gen. He is 7’2 and 7’7’’ wingspan, as well as 99 in every stats. Bol Bol is famous for his versatility small forward, power forward, more than a center power forward. Bol Bol comes with 65 hall of fame and 4 gold badges, Flashy Passer, Lob City Passer, Giant Slayer, Tear Dropper and Steady Shooter are the only badge he doesn’t equip. He can meet your demand with perfect movement and burst for players on current gen, with pro 2 size up escape packages that can curry and pro 3 moving behind the back for players on next gen. You will love this god tier best Invincible card that has Brook Lopes base on very quick in NBA 2K21.