Where to find the BER Diablo 2 runes and the SUR D2R runes that is up to BER and up to SUR, once you get into Cham Rune, you need to look into act four of hell difficulty, but going to be farming act three and that is because there are two places in act three that really can be considered, the best places to find the BER runes and SUR Diablo 2 Resurrected runes.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Runes Guide-Best Way to Find BER and SUR Runes in D2R
There are two possibilities here, number one you're playing single-player not on battlenet, and if that's the case you are going to want to head on over to lower curos. What you're looking for is a bonfire with a bunch of torches around this and a nice little circle, the huts nearby are going to contain super chests you may need to carry some keys with you.
Super chests
Now the super chests will have a very good chance or at least a very fast-acting chance of dropping high Diablo 2 Resurrected runes, so basically what you do is you'll load up your inventory with keys and other such things and you just keep making games, you know exactly where the huts are each time because well they're fixed on your map right and that's why this works for single player, but not as well on the battle net, because on battlenet you get random maps every time and that slows things down quite a lot.
So your map may contain one or two of these bonfires now, where did it go there it is, it may contain one or two of these bonfires not always two sometimes just one, now you might consider re-rolling your map if you only get a map with one bonfire and the way to do that is to enter the game into a different difficulty like a nightmare or normal difficulty, and then come back again into hell difficulty until you get two bonfires that are nice and close to your waypoint, then you can just so quickly farm these and get your high D2R runes that way.
Show you the most viable way to do this, and just going to pretend that have two huts on map here's what going to do all right lower curas you know exactly, where to go right you know exactly where those bonfires are at, and they're nice and close to your waypoint all right, there's a thor rune right, so you hit your super chest and then once you're done hitting both of your super chests come back to the waypoint just go to pandemonium fortress, and then you're good to log out and come back into the game and do it again.
You will be right beside the waypoint by comparison, if you are logging in to the curos docks here on act 3, if you just log out of the game without coming back to Panamanian fortress, as you can see it takes about 10 seconds or so to get to the waypoint and execute your next run now, you could also just get some nice fast movement speed stuff like mavina's belt some 40 movement stuff and just like blaze through the trail right and run really fast and not worry about teleporting back to your waypoint that would also probably be comparable.
Players three-four
One more thing if you are playing single-player, players three-four is the most optimal players, if you are specifically going after high D2 resurrected runes if you're going after other items like skiller charms and various other things like that you might want to use player seven and eight, but if you're just going after high D2R runes as far as.
Players 3 and 4 is the most optimal player count to go after that statistically your chances are about 1 in 65 000 every time. You open a chest and there are six chests, if you get six chests per run assuming two bonfires, so you can kind of divide that by six maybe one in ten thousand chance of getting one of the high d2 runes either vex ohm low SUR or BER for every 10 000 runs you do, you might get one of those statistically if those numbers are entirely accurate but that's according to the best research. The support that's good for the single players right, but if you're playing battle net, this may not be as viable because of randomization everything slows down a whole bunch.
The next best spot, so these are the probabilities and these are actually the best probabilities for but the BUR rune dropping the SUR rune is a little bit easier even, but the BUR rune one in eighty thousand. Like one in fifty or sixty thousand, these probabilities may not look good, but they're also about the best you're gonna get by comparison even if you're farming bosses well bale here has a one in fifty-four thousand chance.
So that's barely better than the super unique bosses found in act three that is in travinco. The council members are right, so all three of these have a good chance comparatively speaking by comparison to everything else.
Farming the council
That's going to be farming now, magic find does not affect your rune drop chance at all, so you can gear up to be maximum damage of course farming the council can also drop a lot of other really good stuff.
So you know to find your own balance, here's what going to want to do in terms of farming the council and surviving, because these are tough know thee then that the council does both fire and lightning and damage for those reasons you will want to be getting your lightning and your fire resistance up items, such as hell-mouth gauntlets are nice they have a little fire absorb that actually turns fire damage into healing. If you get hit by hydras some of that will heal you, this is especially good for light amounts of rapid damage. So hydras in particular fire absorb really nice, alders battle boots are also a really good option for getting your fire resistance up, there are our older's battle boots.
Blizzard sorceress
For the most part, if you're playing the build that going to suggest which is a blizzard sorceress and check out guides if you want to see how this character's put together, she's really great she does this run really well, the only problem she has is keeping that mercenary alive, you could potentially do this without a mercenary, but there is one cold immune council member which the mercenary can be very helpful at taking out.
The reaper's toll
Equipped with the reaper's toll, this is really nice for that life steal, equipped with Kira's guardian, this increases his resistances a lot getting his fire and lightning resistance up is really helpful and then have treachery, you could also use fortitude, so some gear like that you could also use bone hue something nice and high reaper still is really nice, because it has that built-in life steel, if you're using Kira's guardian, then you don't have that lifestyle from something like on Dario's visage or tel rash's her rajik crest.
To get that lightning and fire resistance up and make him a little bit more survivable, he really has a hard time with the hydras. If you wanted to you could leave the mercenary at home and ignore the cold immune council member, but find this works pretty well, not only does the council have one of the best drop rates, they're also the easiest to find right, so what to do is locate where they are drop-down a blizzard teleport a screen away, let the blizzard do some of its work come back drop-dow,
Mercenary alive
Another blizzard keeping mercenary alive here, mostly because that blizzard's gonna do its work really fast, but as you can see that mercenary when you get that amplified damage on top he's gone you know and that's the hard thing is keeping that mercenary alive. So you know if you want to leave them at home and ignore the what's it called ignore, the cold immune you can do that this has been a tough run, so far okay let's do another one that was about as bad as, it can go all right.
Locates the council drop-down
The first step locates the council drop-down that initial bl what doing wrong place drop-down initial blizzard kind of get out of the way, let blizzard take out. Some of the council members whilst at the same time, keeping mercenary alive, it's a lot of teleporting right, but blizzard left on its own can do a lot of good work by the time, you come back a lot of the council's already down.
These can drop a lot of really good loot too, in addition to d2r runes, this D2 resurrected runes has been kind of medium, seen them go a lot faster, go a little worse are these both immunes. They're both immune to cold, drop down another blizzard kind of get out of the way, let the blizzard do its work and blizzard does work so quickly and so fast right, so try to keep that mercenary alive, it's just a lot of teleporting around and that amplified damage really hurts.
They move so fast that you know you're really teleporting around quickly and kind of slowly taking them down, as you drop blizzards and get out of the way, there's the last one torque ice fist with this cold immune that our mercenary is good enough to take down, that time that's usually how the runs go the first two are kind of the worst-case example, but it's actually kind of not well not the worst gold fine charm all right. That's where you go to find d2r runes and that is as seen from the perspective of a blizzard sorceress, you might find a better character to do this like maybe a whirlwind barbarian.
Set up a nice gold fine barbarian
Another thing you can do is set up a nice gold fine barbarian. Have a nice guide for a 200 gold fine barbarian and then you can kind of kill two birds with one stone your mercenary, of course, take out the council members and you can get your rooms, and you can also get lots of gold for gambling up some nice rare amulets rings and tiaras diadems that sort of thing.
That's another option for you check out the guide, kill two birds with one stone well, it's not that it's good to kill birds, not condoning the killing of birds, unless your cat, and even still you know eat your cat food it's got no birds in it unless it does, unless it's some sort of organic hippie cat food, then you just don't know it might have birds in it.

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