November is a big month when it comes to promos in FIFA 22 ultimate team. There's going to be a massive event by the end of the month that will give content, plus it'll most likely bring a new market crash where even the expensive players drop slightly in price. This is the FIFA 22 Black Friday event. In this FIFA 22 Black Friday Market Crash guide, we go through the Black Friday promo events that you can expect, whilst also tips to prepare for Black Friday Market Crash.
FIFA 22 Black Friday Market Crash Guide - What To Expect & How To Prepare Black Friday
FIFA 22 Black Friday will begin on the 26th of November this year in 2021. The following Monday is Cyber Monday. Between these two dates, EA will hold a Black Friday promo event in FUT 22. Normally there's a lot of stuff for those who want to open packs complete SBC's and go through objectives. There are different events throughout the whole year of ultimate team, FUT 22 Black Friday isn't at the top of the list. Most people think about Team League, Team League Season, the different Rulebreaker cards we get around Halloween going into different types of cards we get around Christmas. Some even start to think about FUT's birthday before they even start to think about Black Friday. Black Friday can still be a massive event with an ultimate team. It can have a massive effect on the market depending on what types of packs EA releases or what type of SBCs and another type of content they release at the same time.
FIFA 22 Black Friday Promo Events
Lightning Rounds
Lightning rounds are most likely to happen this Black Friday FIFA 22. Due to the fact that it's always been a part of the Black Friday event and it's not going to be any different this year. It's a way for EA to provide content. Whilst also still be able to make a lot of money out of us. Lightning rounds are simply packs but they are there for a limited amount of time. Normally EA does this in one of two ways. The first way is that they provide a pack that is connected to a time limit. This normally could be anywhere between five minutes all the way up to an hour. In that time you need to open those packs before they expire. The second way is that they'll do community packs, this will have a set number of packs for the whole community.
As everyone is trying to open these packs all at the exact same time as they scurry to go and try and get the best players. Then the number drops very quickly where it's only available for about five or ten minutes before all the packs have gone. The reason why they sell out incredibly quickly is that they do offer double the chance of a normal pack of getting an 84 or a high rated player and this just makes the whole FIFA community go crazy especially for those that are happy to use the money to buy FIFA points and use those FIFA points to open packs or at least those that use their FIFA 22 coins to open packs.
This is also the reason why there's most likely going to be a Black Friday market crash in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team across this weekend. It's likely that you're going to see those that do still have some value in the game to be even less than what they are currently. For a lot of traders and those to open packs, this is somewhat being a bad thing because they want to open packs or make trades with those that are a lot more expensive. Whereas those that just want to buy players stall them in their team and actually play with them this has been a good thing. Other people are able to build their dream teams a lot earlier on. This FIFA 22 Black Friday Market Crash could either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your situation.
Flash SBC’s
One thing that can somewhat hold the market is the Flash SBC's. Whilst player prices are going down, people are also looking to buy some of these cards to usefully Flash SBC's. These Flash SBC's are somewhat similar to the Lightning Rounds in that they are time-limited. This is content for those who will most likely not have the money to open packs. Instead, they can go through the SBCs, complete the challenge, and then they'll be able to receive a pack for their efforts. These Flash SBC's will give various rewards whether it be different types of kits, badges, FUT 22 coins, packs, and cards.
Dynamic Events
Dynamic events are normally last the whole weekend. They'll go from Friday all the way to Monday and depending on what type of reward you're able to get from this, it all depends on how many coins people are going to be throwing into the market to get the players to actually complete the reward. This will offer very similar rewards to what we have from the Flash SBC's, you'll be able to get different kits, badges, coins, packs, and potentially even some different players over that weekend. Above are the three main areas in which we're most likely if not guaranteed to be getting content.
Team Of The Year (TOTY)
In FIFA 22, we also got a team in a week re-release for all of the best players that were in the previous Team of the Weeks, they will now be available again within packs. If you missed some of those previous Team the Weeks, then you're back in a chance to be able to pack them again. If not, you're likely to be able to go through FUT Champions where you're able to get your red picks. Hopefully, you'll be able to pack some of them that way. Because they are now available again for players to be able to get them from the store. Those players will likely see a different price temporary over that week and gradually build up again over the following weeks. Therefore there is an investment opportunity there. But it does also mean if you do currently have them within your team, then maybe a time to start thinking about selling that player so that you can get the coins now. Reuse them to buy a cheaper version later.
Record Breakers
The final thing to talk about is that last year EA released different record breakers now. Record Breakers is not a new thing in FIFA and once a player does break a record but specifically when we're talking about the FIFA 22 Black Friday promo, there's no way EA can actually say whether or not someone's going to be able to break a record on that day or over that weekend. So they look back to records that were broken in previous years.
In 2017 they looked at the youngest player to score 10 UEFA Champions League goals.
In 2019 was the fastest to 200 Premier League wins.
In 2020 was the youngest to reach 30 Bundesliga goals. In 2011 was the most goals in a single UA for Europa League campaign.
In 2018 was the most assists in a single Chinese Super League season. In 2020 was the most passes in the Premier League During the 2019 and 2020 seasons.
In 2020 was the Premier League's oldest ever Golden Boot winner.
In 2016 was the youngest goalkeeper to appear for Italy National Team. In 2016 was the quickest player to 100 Premier League assists.
In 2019 was the most goals in a single Major League Soccer season this was in 2019.
These records will look back in time and in some cases, they can be very specific that they do look at one specific year. This does bring us record breakers within the game which will be available within packs, potentially SBCs some even in Objectives. All of the content that you have to look forward to with the Black Friday event FIFA 22. There are only two real ways in which you can actually prepare with this.
FIFA 22 Black Friday Market Crash Tips & How To Prepare
Tip 1
The first way is that you sell some of the players you have within your club before this event happens. We're going through Lightning Rounds, Flash SBCs and there's also a re-release for the Best Team of the Week players from when the game was first released up until the Black Friday event. If you have players that have been within those previous Team of the Weeks, it's because they're now available again and there's a source for them that they will go down in price. It's also the same for quite a few rare gold players.
The only reason that you would want to keep these players is that you're actually using them within your main team. You're using them you enjoy playing with them you've played hundreds of games with them already and you're likely to go and use them within FUT Champions for that weekend where potentially you're able to pack some of these players again anyway. That's where you can actually sell them out. It doesn't actually matter whether or not you're selling them at a loss, because you've been able to actually get an untradable version. The choice is entirely up to you in this area.
Tip 2
The second way is that this is a perfect time to stack packs. With the SBCs and Objectives, there will be a lot of them. You’d better go through as many of them as possible so that to keep the pack rewards and save them for about two months later where Team the Year will be coming out. However, this is a process that isn't for everyone. To do that, you have to buy the players off the market to complete these different challenges. But whatever pack you are able to get, you are going to save it. You are going to hold it until Team the Year which is released in January, though you are going to miss out on a lot of the FIFA22 Black Friday different events.
Some people like to open their packs immediately and enjoy the game. Some like building up their club, so that they can always go through SBCs. If you looking for the cheapest FIFA 22 coins to prepare your FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Black Friday Market Crash, utplay.com is the best online store!