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FIFA 22 451 Best Custom Tactics & Instructions - How Do You Play 4-5-1 Formation in Ultimate Team
11/10/2021 12:13:27 PM

4-5-1 is a popular formation especially for European teams, it focuses on defense originally but can also offer you an overpowered offense. Here we introduce the best custom tactics for FIFA 22 451 formations in terms of defensive and attacking. 

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FIFA 22 451 Custom Tactics & Instructions - How Do You Play 4-5-1 Formation in Ultimate Team

Some players think FIFA 22 451 formation is the best formation hands down this year because you have a lot of players in all the places. There are four Game Plan options for each FUT 22 formation, including Ultra Defensive, defensive, attacking and ultra attacking, you don’t have to really care about that. How should you play 4-5-1 formation when choosing different play styles? Check out these four overpowered FUT 22 4-5-1 tactics and instructions by LucianDT in Ultimate Team. Cheap FUT 22 coins provided here for making the best investments before Black Friday!

1. Ultra Defensive

Best Custom Tactics FIFA 22 451

Going direct passing means that when you intercept the ball, you immediately go forward by, going drop back means your opponent cannot go and counter you. This year many goals come from a lot of counter-attacks and finesses, if you have many players at the back, your opponent really likes to finesse the ball and cannot really score on the counter-attack, make sure to have some players in the box when you go under counter-attack.


Defensive Style: Drop Box

Width: 48

Depth: 48


Build Up Play: Balanced

Chance Creation: Direct Passing

Width: 50

Players in Box: 4

Corners: 1

Free Kicks: 1

Player Instructions FIFA 22 451

For instructions, go Drift Wide, Get in Behind, Basic Defence Support, or Stay Forward to your striker. If you play Ultra Defensive that means that you are leading or already by a goal or two and you want to defend. Your center midfielders give come back on defense to both of them, your right mid and left mid give come back on defense and come short. When you give come short that means then all your players will come very close to each other, and you have a lot of players in the middle, that's what you want to stay by while attacking and cover center to your center mid, step back and stay back to left back and right back. 

2. Defensive

Best Custom Tactics FIFA 22 451

Forward Runs and Direct Passing are basically the same, but with Forward Runs, you will get more players forward and it's easier to score. 


Defensive Style: Balanced

Width: 45

Depth: 32


Build Up Play: Balanced

Chance Creation: Forward Runs

Width: 50

Players in Box: 4

Corners: 2

Free Kicks: 2

Player Instructions FIFA 22 451

Looking at the instructions, give CAMs Come Back on Defence and Free Roam, which means when you intercept the ball, they will run all the places and try to find free spaces. Come Back Defence to left mid and right mid, Stay Back While Attacking and Cover Wing to your CM. Stay back to right back and left back. 

3. Attacking

Best Custom Tactics FIFA 22 451

If you see that your opponent is not very good because this year a lot of players don't really have the best squads, and if you like a good FIFA 22 squad in the beginning, you can go Press After Possession Loss and Forward Runs, make sure to give players in the box as many as you can. 


Defensive Style: Press After Possession Loss

Width: 49

Depth: 50


Build Up Play: Balanced

Chance Creation: Forward Runs

Width: 49

Players in Box: 6

Corners: 4

Free Kicks: 4

Player Instructions FIFA 22 451

Talk about the player instruction, when you intercept the ball, give Stay Forward because when it is up the ball, your players will run forward like your CAMs, give Drift Wide to both of them, if you give the reply to both of them that means that when you intercept the ball, they will immediately have three strikers who can run forward. Give Stay Forward and Get In Behind to your right mid and left mid, giving stay forward you will have three like you play 433, and you have two CAMs who come back as well, and they will run forward, so basically when you get the ball, you have five players, just attacking and going forward, Stay Back and Cover Wing on your CM, give covering because you have these two guys to stay forward, so you want your CDM to go and cover the wing. Give Stay Back to both left back and right back.

4. Ultra Attacking

Best Custom Tactics FIFA 22 451

Because you already have a lot going forward, now Constant Pressure on Ultra Attacking, Direct Passing for Chance Creation, basically have nothing to lose at this point


Defensive Style: Constant Pressure

Width: 58

Depth: 59


Build Up Play: Balanced

Chance Creation: Forward Runs

Width: 49

Players in Box: 10

Corners: 5

Free Kicks: 5

Player Instructions FIFA 22 451

If you play with this one, give Stay Forward to CAM, give Get Forward to your center mid, stay Forward, Step Forward to left mid and right mid, Join The Attack to left back and right back.

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