Armoring is an important skill in New World that falls into the crafting category. Once you are a 200 armorer, you can sell bags and make your legendary armor set. How to level up your armor smiting from 0-200 in New World? This is the New World armoring leveling 0-200 guide, bringing you the tips on leveling up your armoring trade skill as quickly as possible.
New World Armoring Leveling Guide 0-200 - How To Get Armoring Up Fast In NW
To make armor from raw materials, the crafting skill armoring must be utilized in conjunction with gathering and refinement. At the Outfitting or Forge, those where you practically leveled all the armoring skills, depending on the type of armor. There are different paths to level up armoring in New World. Whether you go with the Light Armor, the Medium Armor, or the Heavy Armor. The Leather Armor requires a lot of Rawhide to make the Coarse Leather. For the Iron Armor, you need a lot of Iron Ingots which require iron ore and both of those items have a lot of competition. And it is really hard to farm a very significant amount of the items to make the gear.
Below is the New World 0-200 armoring leveling guide.
How Do You Ger Armoring Up Faster In New World
The Gear
1. While skinning, you’d better wear your Skinning Set for the chance at rares that you could sell on the market to generate New World gold, in order to pay for your taxes and processing fees. But also while skinning, you can get some nice tier 4 and 5 cooking materials that come in very handy in some higher tier recipes. As we know, at the fifth perk in dexterity, we get a bump in our gathering Yield, which is a delightful bonus. If possible, try to get Yield Luck and Azoth Extraction for the most benefit.
2. When you are gathering cloth-type material, you’d better wear a Harvest Set for the rares you would get so that you could sell to generate some gold while harvesting. The Harvest Set is also the high intellect to help you hit that fifth perk to get the yield increase on harvesting. If your sickle also has yielded in luck while harvesting which helps a lot when gathering large amounts of fibers, silk, and so on.
3. You can also place Skinning and Harvest Trophies in each of the three homes. This also helps when gathering large amounts for a crafting session and getting those rare that you could sell in the process. While processing your hides to leather, you can use a tanner set. This is simply invaluable. By using this can almost cut the total materials needed by half. It’s also recommended to use the Weaver Set if you have access to it.
4. Another thing to keep in mind while we level is the town board, there are resupply missions on them that will want you to craft armor requisitions. Check your town board in every town you pass through, do not depend on them to level, but they are amazing supplements as you go. Because they give a nice crafting experience bonus for very little materials. Also, always remember to flag while in town crafting you get an additional 10 XP, and it adds up to saving you a ton when crafting such large amounts.
The Mat
For the leveling, you are going to need rawhide, linen, and iron. They are basic crafting materials and important core resources in the New World.
1. For Rawhide, you can go to Fort Ramos in Cutlass Keys. Fort Ramos is an incredible Rawhide location where you can easily generate 9 to 12k Rawhide per hour if uncontested. If this place is heavily farmed on your server, another perfect spot is the alligators. Just walk up and down the shore, they yield a large amount of Rawhide and have a chance to drop the Tanner Set pieces as a bonus as you farm. You're going to get a ton of meat, because of the amount of rawhide farming, you will be doing in this process.
A great way to get an easy +5 territory standing level for nothing is to go to a territory, you need to work on standing with and make 1,000+ rations, then toss them on the ground. This is this may seem silly to do, but your time is valuable.
2. The best Linen gathering location is Reekwater, it's always uncontested due to the high level required to even be there and how infrequently seems to farm fiber there on a regular basis. But if you are lower level, anywhere will do.
3. For the best Iron farming route is Cutlass Keys again, there is a ton of Iron. Even if it is contested, there's more than enough to go around.
NW Armoring Leveling Guide 0-200
New World Armoring Leveling 0-50
Now that you have your materials from level 0 to 50, you should focus on making Coarse Leather Gloves, aka Rough Leather Gloves when made by people. The reason why you should choose to make Coarse Gloves over common linen items is simply that you have always found them. In every case, defining animals to kill and skin is easier and faster than finding hemp. Hemp is everywhere but is not as frequently seen as an animal. You will have to make 104 Rough Leather Gloves, but because you will get a bonus while processing your Rawhide to Coarse. This is not a big deal, and you'll jump past it very quickly.
New World Armoring Leveling 50-100
From 50 to 100 armoring leveling in New World, go with Rugged Leather Gloves. You have to return to gathering Rawhide, Linen, and Iron once again. People are going to say Rugged Leather Gloves only give 270 experience and the Coarse Leather Gloves give 108. It only takes 4 Coarse Leather Gloves per pair for the Coarse Gloves and 4 Rugged for the Rugged. So it's more cost-effective to make the Coarse. This is not true. For example, if you make the Coarse Gloves with 990 Courses, you would get 33,750 armoring experience. But if you use 312 Rested Tannin which is very easy to get, you can process it again to rug it and in this case, you now have enough for Rugged Gloves equaling 37,536 armoring experience. If you for some reason are struggling with Tannin, crafting the Coarse Gloves is an option, but you will go through a lot more Rawhide.
New World Armoring Leveling 100-200
From 100 to 200, you will be making Layered Leather Gloves all the way. The difference between the Coats and Gloves is Gloves squeeze out more experience for your leather investment. So you’d better stick with the Gloves.
For this phase is New World Armoring 100-200, you will need to be upgrading your Rugged Leather to layered. To do this, you'll have to farm some Thick Hides, which are so easy in Restless Shore. Head to Bornholm and skin till you are full. This should take you about five minutes. However, this place is also full of Ham, Silk, and some Wire Fiber. So you can get that all picked and stocked up in the process. During New World Armoring 200, you should also get on those Town Board missions that offer 1,650+ experience. Which is a nice bump for a few Iron and Fibers.
If you are looking to get your armoring leveled, that’s all the thing you should know from our New World 1-200 Armoring Leveling guide.