Everybody wants one Stone of Jordan ring in Diablo 2 Resurrected because they're incredibly useful for your casters which makes them incredibly valuable online. How do you get the Stone of Jordan Ring in Diablo 2 Resurrected? In this D2R guide, we are going to show you the top 5 best places to farm yourself a Stone of Jordan (SOJ) Ring.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Stone of Jordan Ring Farm Guide
Before high runes took over as the official money of Diablo 2 Resurrected, the Stone of Jordan was the undisputed king of rings. It's easy to see why the Stone of Jordan ring is one of the most wanted D2R items, given that it grants +2 to all skills and increases maximum mana by 25%, which are very valuable to casters. Many builds still use it, and it's well worth dropping. The Stone of Jordan rings may be used for a multitude of purposes, from increasing the chance of spawning an Uber Diablo by selling it to a merchant. You could trade these for multiple high runes. You can get all the good gear that you need in order to make your character godly.
Diablo 2 Resurrected SOJ Ring Drop Rate
1. Nightmare Quest Bug Andariel - 1: 1808
2. Hell Q-Bug Andariel - 1:3047
3. Normal Diablo - 1:4815
4. Nightmare Diablo - 1:7904
5. Normal Baal - 1 in 7952
Diablo 2 Resurrected Best SOJ Ring Farming Locations
We are doing this as the drop odds for if you are running on Players 1 as if you were making games over and over again online. Doing it with 200% magic find, because if you are trying to get better items, you are going to have magic find on your character. But not everyone has 800 magic find, instead, we go with 200 magic find. And the drop chances were Players 1 Difficulty. Next, we are looking at the 5 best Diablo 2 Resurrected SOJ ring farm spots.
No.5 Normal Baal
If you're specifically trying to farm the Stone of Jordan in Diablo 2 Resurrected. This isn't necessarily the best spot but you're going to be doing normal Baal runs, probably at some point when you're playing through Diablo 2 Resurrected. It can be not particularly efficient if you're specifically trying to farm for the SOJ, the throne room could be completely full, it takes a lot of time just to clear it out. And if you're doing it in a full party online, you will have to have a quick pick-up finger because there's going to be a ton of people trying to snag that SOJ from Baal. Once we get the room cleared, they're going to throw down all those different waves that take even more time. Though this isn't necessarily the most efficient D2R SOJ Farm, you're going to want to keep an eye out for that SOJ drop while you're doing normal Baal runs level up.
No. 4 Nightmare Diablo
The next Diablo 2 SOJ Farm area is at Nightmare Diablo. You have to take the undead and demon out and it can kind of take forever that's why it makes it kind of inefficient in order to run for the SOJ. But this is technically Nightmare Diablo it was roughly 1 in 7904 chance of dropping SOJ. However Nightmare Diablo can drop some good D2R items similar to what other places in Nightmare can drop. But there are definitely better places on the list in order to find yourself that SOJ.
No.3 Normal Diablo
Normal Diablo is one of the best places to find an SOJ update in Diablo 2 Resurrected, it's roughly 1 in 4815 runs you will find in SOJ with the 200% magic find on players. Diablo is a tough spot to run because it takes a long time, you have to go around and do all the seals. Technically it is still the third-fastest way to farm a Stone of Jordan in Diablo 2. The only problem is that you're not going to find a lot of really good other items here.
No. 2 Hell Q-Bug Andariel
The second-best Diablo 2 Resurrected Stone of Jordan drop place is in Hell Quest Bug Andariel. This is once again not a hard place to farm necessarily. The good thing about farming Hell Andariel is you can find all kinds of good items, such as shakos and any of that mid-range to upper mid-range good items. Most importantly, you can get the SOJ at a pretty good odds of 1 in 3047.
No. 1 Nightmare Quest Bug Andariel
Nightmare Quest Bug Andariel is the absolute Diablo 2 Resurrected best SOJ location for farming. As a matter of fact that, Nightmare Andariel only has a chance to drop three different include SOJ, the Nagelring, and the manual. So it actually gives you a better chance of finding it from Nightmare Andariel. In addition, there are a lot of good things you can actually find from Nightmare Andariel Magefist, Frostburn, Spectral Shard, and different items that could really help out different characters.
Stone of Jordan is one of the game's most precious rings. To find Stone of Jordan Ring updated in Diablo 2 Resurrected, above are the best places to go. If are tired of farming, go to utplay.com, we provide a cheap SOJ Ring at a cheap price!