Weapon matters much if you want to do well in Elden Ring, to get your weapon upgraded to a maximum level, you should get the upgrade material as much as possible. How to get & buy unlimited Smithing Stones in Elden Ring? Follow us to go with the breakdown of Elden Ring Smithing Stone 1-8 farm and locations.
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What is Smithing Stone in Elden Ring?
Smithing Stone is a type of upgrade material in Elden Ring and is used to upgrade regular weapons and shields. To farm Smithing Stones in different levels, you need to obtain Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively from killing bosses in different locations. Once you unlocked the ability to purchase smithing stones, you can use Elden Ring runes to buy this material indefinitely from Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold.
A full list of Smithing Stones in Elden Ring
Smithing Stone 1: Strengthens armaments up to +3
Smithing Stone 2: Strengthens armaments up to +6
Smithing Stone 3: Strengthens armaments up to +9
Smithing Stone 4: Strengthens armaments up to +12
Smithing Stone 5: Strengthens armaments up to +15
Smithing Stone 6: Strengthens armaments up to +18
Smithing Stone 7: Strengthens armaments up to +21
Smithing Stone 8: Strengthens armaments up to +24
How to Get Smithing Stones in Elden Ring - Elden Ring Smithing Stone Farm & Locations
How to get upgrade materials fast and change weapons for your playthrough? You need a lot of Smithing Stones at various levels to do that.
1. Elden Ring Smithing Stone 1 & 2 Farm
Here you can learn about how to unlock the merchants where we can buy Smithing Stones 1 and 2 infinitely and a great source of farming Smithing Stone 3. To unlock the ability for buying Smithing Stone 1 and 2, we need to get the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 1 and then offer that to the Two Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold. Then you can use ER Runes to purchase an unlimited number of these two types of Stones. To get the Elden Ring Bell Bearing, we need to kill a specific boss found in the northeastern Liurnia of the Lakes, then we can find the entrance to the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel by following the waters to the northeastern shore. Inside is a long cave system with multiple elevators and a lot of upgrade materials, many of the enemies will drop various levels of Smithing Stones, but more importantly, we can grab glowing yellow and white eyes, the yellows will give you various levels of Smithing Stones, in many cases Smithing Stone level 3, and the whites will give you the Somber stones. Take your time going through here be very careful and also as you're going down the elevators, look for secret ledges that you can drop down to find extra materials, there's often a lot of these, eventually though you'll make it to the bottom of the third elevator, which is where we'll find the boss.
2. Elden Ring Smithing Stone 3 & 4 Farm
To unlock permanent and repeated purchases of Smithing Stone 3 and 4, you should gain Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 2, this item can be found in a chest inside Sealed Tunnel, a dungeon in the Altus Plateau region. There is a giant elevator that we can use in the northeast of the region, however, to make it operational, we need both halves of a key, one half of this key is in the fortress in the east of Limgrave and the other piece is within the fortress east in the Caelid region, with these you can ride the elevator up follow the path forward until you reach a giant bridge, cross the bridge once again, running like a little baby past, what is clearly two of the Tree Sentinel Boss and then grab the Site of Grace on the other side.
3. Elden Ring Smithing Stone 5 & 6 Farm
The key item you needed for Smithing Stone 5 and 6 farm is Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 3. As for Smithing Stone 5, the permanent item for this isn't unlocked until you reach a further region in the game, however, you can mine them quite easily from the walls of the Ravine-Veiled Village as well as the Gael Tunnel on the border of Caelid, the Sellia Crystal Tunnel also in Caelid as well as the Altus Tunnel located just north of the big old bridge from before in Altus Plateau.
To purchase Smithing Stones 6 from vendors, you need to obtain the Bell Bearing inside a chest under the Zamor Ruins, which is located in the Mountaintops of the Giants near the northeast corner of Elden Ring's map. Then offer the item to the Twin Maiden Husks. But you need to defeat the Draconic Tree Sentinel that blocks the gate and obtain two Great Runes before you are able to access the Mountaintops of the Giants and the Zamor Ruins.
4. Elden Ring Smithing Stone 7 & 8 Farm
You will be able to buy Smithing Stone 7 and 8 from the Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold after obtaining the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 4 from defeating The Godskin Duo in Crumbling Farum Azula. This is a relative end game content, if you want to get those stones before then, you can go to Sellia Crystal Tunnel and defeat the Fallingstar Beast, who may drop a few Smithing Stones 7, but Smithing Stone 8 is more difficult to find, one of the ways is to go the left and right pieces of the Haligtree Secret Medallion, which will eventually lead you to an area called Consecrated Ground where you should find a few Smithing Stones 8.

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