Lost Ark roadmap 2022 has leaked a lot of content, we can get some new info on the upcoming classes and when they are going to come out, along with a host of other additions. Let’s across the 3-month content inside the Lost Ark 2022 roadmap, covering Lost Ark new classes, release schedule, PvP season, new story quest, first Abyssal Raid, new Legion Raid, Guardian Raid, a new region, and more.
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Lost Ark Roadmap 2022 - Lost Ark New Classes 2022, Release Schedule and More Content
The Lost Ark roadmap for April and May is finally here, it confirmed that two new classes Glaivier and Destroyer will be added in the game. Glaivier Advanced Class is going to be released in April and the arrival of Destroyer (new class within the advanced Warrior class) is scheduled in May 2022.
Related Read: Lost Ark Destroyer Class Guide
The community manager Roxx has shared an update that indicates some of the leaked roadmap information could be subject to change based on player progression data, but it's safe to say that the big stuff like the new classes is pretty much set in stone. Thanks to LOWE, we've got more information on how Lost Ark Destroyer and Arcanist work in the game.
Even though lots of places reported the roadmap for the next three months, the only update on the official announcement is the first Abyss Raid, Argos. When will Lost Ark Destroyer and Arcanist be released? At the time of writing, we still believe that the Lost Ark Destroyer release date is set in April 2022 and the Arcanist release date is set in May 2022, even though no exact date is given by official news. Utplay.com will update the information if there are any clarifications or a confirmed roadmap.
Lost Ark March Update 2022
- First PvP ranked season: the first thing we are going to get in March is the first PvP season, there will be rewards for playing PvP mode, you will be able to earn tokens that can be exchanged for upgrade materials, as well as titles, mounts, and even premium currencies, depending on your ranking at the end of the season. This is based on how it is in the Russian version, so the exact rewards that you’ll be getting from PvP could be a little different if you are in other servers. Complete certain Quests and Raids will also earn you Lost Ark gold.
- New story quest: Kadan
- First Abyssal Raid, Argos: the first Abyssal Raid is going to appear in March is Argos, which has three phases to complete. The first phase will require an item level of 1,370, the second requires an item level of 1,385, and the last requires an item level of 1,400.
Further Read: Argos P2 Patterns & Mechanics
Lost Ark April Update 2022
- New Class, Destroyer: Destroyer is a subcategory of the Warrior, this class will be armed with many skills that are centered around charging into the fray with a hammer, and also will be able to bend gravity. His blue charge skills let him generate gravity orbs, which he can then use to empower his purple release skills, doing this gives his skills more damage, gives him a shield, and fills up a gravity meter, when that meter's full, he can activate it to give himself an aura that slows down nearby enemies makes him immune to cc, gives him damage reduction and turns his attacks into very fast swings that have plenty of staggers, he also gets the ability to suck in nearby enemies with a black hole.
- New Legion Raid, Guardian Raid: Valtan Normal/Hard Legion Raid, and Deskaluda Guardian Raid for 1415+.
- New Continent, South Vern: players can complete their tasks in a new region, South Vern, and reach a high item level.
Lost Ark May Update 2022
- New Class, Arcanist: if the leaked information is true, we’ll be getting our hands on the Arcanist in May, this is an advanced class for mages, with close medium and long-range abilities, she's all about Magick cards and random effects. Arcanist has a stacking combo mechanic where her blue skills can stack cards on enemies and her red skills can be used to detonate those stacks, dealing more damage for each card on that enemy, hitting enemies with attacks will fill up a gauge that when filled pulls out a random card from your deck at any time, you can then draw that card to receive whatever benefits that card is gonna give you, there are cards for attack speed, crit chance, ability damage, movement speed, etc., you can have two cards stored at any time and can draw them both whenever you want.
- New Guardian raid, new Legion raid: Kungelanium Guardian Raid for 1465+ and Vykas Normal/Hard Legion Raid.
- Thronespire: a new single-player game experience.

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