The new lost ark class glaivier coming to lost ark's western client next Thursday. The lost ark glaivier is known as the last master in other regions, the lost ark glaivier is a highly anticipated class that many players have been waiting to make their main, already having released to lost ark's eastern clients, actually know quite a bit about this class.
Lost Ark Glaivier Class Guide - New Class Glaivier Skills, Difference With Other Classe
What is the lost ark glaivier? Well, it's a class that belongs to the martial artist archetype.
Lost ark glaivier skills
Lost ark glaivier skills - Spear stance and glaive stance
The key feature of a lost ark glaivier is the ability to swap between two different stances spear stance and glaive stance, each has its own set of skills.
- Spear stance has skills that are coloured red, and it's better at single target damage quickly, taking out bosses short-range attacks.
- Glaive stance's skills are coloured blue has a lot of area of effect skills, longer-range stuff is great at dealing with big groups of enemies and similar to the gunslinger.
Lost ark glaivier skills - Deadeye swapping stances
The dead eye swapping stances when appropriate is a key part of this class's playstyle, however, there's another mechanic at play that actually discourages you from just changing stances constantly.
Lost ark glaivier skills - Buff levels
As you stay and fight in one stance, you fill up a gauge that has three buff levels, once you change stats, then gain the buffs based on the buff level you reached.
- If you didn't even reach buff level 1 and change stats, you gain no buffs at all.
- If you reach buff level 3 and then you change stance, you're going to gain the maximum buff.
The buffs differ based on what stance you're in and ideal play with the lost ark Glaivier will generally revolve around, constantly maintaining your buffs that is you fill up your gauge change stance, gain the buff and by the time that buff expires you will have once again filled up your gauge, and you're ready to swap again.
Lost ark glaivier skills - PVP Awakening skills
Now the lost ark glaiviers two awakening skills play into the same stance mentality, her blue awakening skill takes a moment to charge up, and then it deals a high amount of damage in a huge area, and the other red awakening skill is a channeled skill, you could also instacast it.
It's often the choice for taking down an enemy player in PVP, it's pretty much the PVP awakening skill you take, and depending on the situation, you could start to channel, and then preemptively end the channel depending on what's going on while levelling a lost ark Glaivier, a lot of her skills can come in handy, due to their decent base damage.
Lost ark glaivier skills - Spear skills
However as you're getting higher in levels want to invest in a couple of good single target burst damage skills as well, that's where the spear skills come in handy for the precise gameplay, you're rotating through your skills charging up your identity gauge to get damage speed and crit buffs, and it's especially important that when you want to use the red skills that you have built up your level 3 buff before that because that gives you a crit damage buff and red skills, basically quit all the time or you can build them to crit all the time. So take a skill that crits all the time and give it a crit damage buff, that's a nice combo.
In fact, that's something that makes the glaivier particularly powerful.
The difference between Glaivier and other lost ark classes
In any kind of gear equalized content, other classes need to invest into crit chance, but the glaivier doesn't, and thus it can afford to stack more damage where other classes are stacking crit.
In some equalized content, the glaivier is pretty solid, she has lots of mobility crowd control options and high push immunity.
Push immunity is lost ark tier two which makes you immune to interrupts, which would be just tiered one and displacements, the graveyard can maintain a good amount of uptime on this push immunity in the current PVP meta which heavily revolves around crowd control.
Glaivier can bring down enough damage to nuke an enemy, if really necessary taking out those red skills, she even has a counter-attack ability which if used properly is huge and a rare thing in this game.
Glaivier has the strongest PVP kit, but it's one thing to have the tools at your disposal, it's another to actually execute with them, so knowing when to swap stances when to engage who to engage when to pull back when to nuke understanding the counters.
Glaivier can be a lot more liberal in the use of awakening for raids, the graveyard has two viable class engravings again, the names will change, but one engraving which calls control locks you, out of your spear stance entirely you go full-on Glaivier.
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