What are the best Shadowhunter PvE builds in Lost Ark? In this Lost Ark Shadowhunter build guide, we are going to show you what abilities and awakening skills you want to get, what are the best engravings and cards to use for end-game content, and then lastly we will show you the best gameplay tips and even which stats you need to allocate for PvE, so you would be able to get the best results and highest damage possible. No matter how low or high level or gear score your character is, you can easily use this best Lost Ark Shadowhunter leveling build and follow the step-by-step guide.
Lost Ark Best Shadowhunter PvE Builds - Highet DPS Shadownhunter Build In Lost Ark
Shadowhunter has small aoe skills, but she compensates for that with low cooldowns and high mobility. She is one of the few transformation classes in Lost Ark. With her demonic identity that means when this bar is at full, you can activate the demonic mode and become a different creature with different abilities. This adds more mobility and a lot more damage. Because our build will be using demonic impulse engraving, our main objective will be to focus on filling the shadow burst meter as fast as possible. Then we will activate it and deal massive amounts of damage. With the natural attack and movement speed buff from the demon mode and the already low cooldowns from the demon mode skills, we are going to be jumping around the battlefield doing huge DPS. If you're looking for the best braiding chaos dungeon or any other PvE content build, then this Lost Ark highest DPS Shadowhunter build is the one for you.
Best Lost Ark Shadowhunter Build Skills
Demonic Slash - Skill Lv. 4 - Excellent Mobility
Demon’s Grip - Skill Lv. 4 - Swift Fingers [Lv.1] - Wealth
Raising Claw - Skill Lv. 4 - Naively Honest [Max]
Demon Vision - Skill Lv. 10 - Concentrated Release [Lv.1], Encroaching Power[Lv.1] - Instant Charge [Max] - Wealth
Howl - Skill Lv. 10 - Swift Fingers [Lv.1], Encroaching Power [Lv.1], Scream of Furry [Max] - Wealth
Thrust Impact - Skill Lv. 10 - Swift Thrust [Max], Deep Thrust [Lv.1], Encoaching Power [Lv.1]
Demonic Clone - Skill Lv. 10 - Vital Point Strike [Lv.1], Fist of Destruction [Lv.1], Enhanced Release Encroachment [Lv.1]
Decimate - Skill Lv. 10 - Swift Fingers [Lv.1], Weak Point Detection [Lv.1], Cruel Hand [Lv.1]
Demon Form Skills
Ruining Rush - Skill Lv. 1 - Quick Recharge
Death Claw - Skill Lv. 1 - Rage
Gore Bleeding - Skill Lv. 1 - Galewind
Destruction - Skill Lv. 1
Leaping Blow - Skill Lv. 1 - Galewind
Blood Massacre - Skill Lv. 1 - Galewind
Weakening Skills
After level 50 for your awakening skill, you want to get the Gates of Eruption.
Best Lost Ark Shadowhunter Build Stats
On top of all this focus on equipping as high item level gear as you can. Then at the end game, you should have 350 crits and 1250 specialization. But again if you haven't reached this point yet, then try to have around 25% stats into credit and 75% stats into specialization. The way we would recommend upgrading this build is at level 50, you will get around 250 points. By doing more and more end-game content, you will get more points. At the absolute end game, your build should with all the 410 skill points. So at the start, you use the 252 point build, and then by leveling up and completing quests, you will get more points. So just keep on improving your skills and getting higher-tier runes as well.
Best Lost Ark Shadowhunter Build Engravings
Demonic Impulse Level 3
Adrenaline Level 3
Hit Master Level 3
Keen Blunt Weapon Level 3
Grudge Level 3
Cursed Doll Level 3
You want to get the Demonic Impulse this engraving will remove your composure debuff which puts the shadow burst meter on a 30-second cooldown. The second engraving is called the Adrenaline and this provides an additional source of crit and attack power. The higher tier you will be, the easier it will be to maintain this buff. the next one is called the Hit Master and this is a great choice as almost all demon form skills, do not have a head attack or back attack modifier. For the fourth engraving, you want to get the key in a blunt weapon. Thankfully you receive a crit raid boost once in the demon form, so this engraving will be very useful to improve your overall damage when in the demon form.
The next one is called the Grudge and this is more advanced engraving that is recommended for tier 3 content. This Grudge is the most efficient engraving against mobs and you will get your damage increased, but in return, you will take 20% more damage. When you get to the very end game content which is called the tier 3 then get this engraving and before using it get it to at least level 2. Because a level 1 engraving is not that efficient. For the last and final engraving, we have the Cursed Doll and this is a significant attack power increase at the cost of 25% healing penalty. This penalty can be offset by paying more attention to dodging red aoe circles and by using healing potions more often.
Best Lost Ark Shadowhunter Build Cards
Azena and Inanna
In general, these cards are an endgame system for maximizing your character, so you don't have to get them right away. But these specific cards will increase your damage in PvE even more. For this PVE Shadownhunter build Lost Ark and this was the best and most optimized card set.
Equipped Card Effect
Light of Salvation - 2 Set: Dark Resistance + 10.00%
Light of Salvation - 4 Set: Dark Resistance + 10.00%
Light of Salvation - 6 Set: Dark Resistance + 10.00%
Light of Salvation - 6 Set (12-Piece Awakening): Converts Attack Attribute To Holy Attribute
Light of Salvation - 6 Set (18-Piece Awakening): Holy Damage + 7.00%
Light of Salvation - 6 Set (30-Piece Awakening): Holy Damage + 7.00%
Best Lost Ark Shadowhunter Build Gameplay Tips
If you have ever played this class while leveling, you will be very familiar with the skills. The Demon Slash is your simple gap closer skill which you want to use mostly at the beginning of the fight. Then the Demon Vision and Howl are your highest shadow burst meter generators. Howl also debuffs the target for 12% increased damage for a short duration. The next four abilities called the Thrust Impact, Demonic Clone, Demon's Grip and Decimate are just simple damage spells that fill up your shadow burst meter very fast. For one of the last abilities, we have the Rising Claw, and this ability will make your character dash forwards, deal damage, and then push the enemy in the air and as well the skill is used to counter an enemy attack.
Then moving over to the demon form and basically, all skills essentially become damage dealers. With Blood Massacre ability being your biggest skill. Most demon form skills cause high stagger and can be spammed. So while this mode is active, go wild. Then on top of all this Ruining Rush and Leaping Blow can be used as two more gap closer skills. Our awakening skill is called the Gates of Eruption and when you activate it, it will unleash a demon power that will scatter across the floor inflicting big damage and the bleeding debuff to the enemy. You can use the skill just for more damage while farming massive amounts of mob groups and then at the same time you gain push immunity and debuff immunity as well.
Best Lost Ark Shadowhunter Build Skill Rotations
This Assassin class has only one rotation as all of his skills can be used in no particular order and are mainly meant for building up the shadow burst meter. The highest damage rotation is the first wall use the Demon Slash to close the gap and then use the Rising Claw then the Demonic Clone then the Thrust Impact and then the Demon's Grip then the Demon's Vision and then lastly finish it off with the Decimate or Howl ability. The second part comes into play, so you activate your demonic form and once you are a demon, you just spam every skill on the cooldown. The main objective of this build is to reach the full shadow burst meter as quickly as possible. Therefore it is important that you use your lowest cooldowns first before the highest. This way your low cooldown skills come up quicker, allowing you to cast them a second time.
The Shadowhunter gameplay focuses on their demon mode skill, the normal human form abilities are mainly used to fill out your shadow burst meter, so you can demonize faster. Don't forget that in addition to the free 20% damage movement and attack speed that you get in the demon mode. The demonic impulse engraving also gives you a free crit rate, so this enables us to do a lot of damage over time. Make sure you use your shortest cooldowns first to maximize the shadow burst meter gain.

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