We will show you the best Gunslinger PvE build in this guide, we will show you what abilities and awakening skills as well as Lost Ark gold you want to get, then we will explain what are the best engravings and cards to use for any game content, so you would be able to get the best results and highest damage possible and much more, no matter how low or high level or gear score your character is, you can easily use this build and follow the step by step guide.
Best Skills for Gunslinger PVE Build
For the highest DPS Gunslinger PvE build in Lost Ark, these are the skills you want to have, you need to know that the Gunslinger has 16 different abilities in total and you will be able to use all of them, but not every single ability should be upgraded, so in this build, we will show you only the skills you want to upgrade and then keep the rest of your weapon skills at level 1.
1. Quick Step – Use four levels to unlock the Life Absorption, then for your Lost Ark rune, you get the Rage.
2. Dual Bucksot – Use ten levels to select In a Tight Spot, Enhanced Fire, and Final Blow. For your rune, you get the Galewind.
3. Target Down – Use ten more levels to unlock the Quick Aim, Large Magazine, and Steady Aim. For your rune, you get the Galewind.
4. Sharpshooter – Use ten levels to select the Special Bullet, In a tight Spot, and Guardian’s Breath. You get the Galewind for your rune.
5. Shotgun Rapid Fire – Use four levels to unlock In a Tight Spot, you get the Galewind for your rune.
6. Spiral Tracker – Use four levels to select the Weakness Exposure, you get the Conviction for your rune.
7. Dexterous Shot – You don’t to do anything besides just selecting the Judgment rune.
8. Focused Shot – Use ten levels to unlock the Quick Aim, Double Tap, and Final Blow. You get the Galewind for your rune.
9. Perfect Shot – Use ten levels to select Stable Stance, Kill Confirmation, and Enhanced Shot.
Best Awakening Skill for Gunslinger PVE Build
After level 50 for your awakening skill, you want to get the high caliber HD bullet, but if you haven't reached level 50 yet, then here is a specific guide on which abilities you should upgrade first while leveling with the Gunslinger.
Best Gear & Stats for Gunslinger PVE Build
The way we would recommend upgrading this build is at level 50 you will get around 250 points so this is how your build should look like.
By doing more and more end game content, you will get more points and at the absolute end game, this is how your build should look like with all the 414 skill points.
Best Engravings for Gunslinger PVE Build
1. Peacemaker: this engraving will provide extra attack speed for pistol mobility skills and it will boost the damage of your shotgun and rifle skills as well this engraving only needs to be level 1 since additional levels offer very little damage increase.
2. Adrenaline: this engraving increases your crit rate and it is easily stackable with the amount of gunslinger skills you will use.
3. Keen Blunt Weapon: your build has more than 70 crit rate getting increased crit damage will come in very handy to increase your overall damage.
4. Grudge: this is more advanced engraving that is recommended for tier 3 content, this grudge is the most efficient engraving against mobs and you will get your damage increased, but in return, you will take 20 percent more damage
5. Cursed Doll: this is a significant attack power increase at the cost of 25 healing penalty, this penalty can be offset by paying more attention to dodging red AOE circles and by using healing potions more often.
Best Cards for Gunslinger PVE Build
You get the Shandi, Azena and Inanna, Nineveh, Wei, Balthorr and Thirain.
In general, these cards are an end-game system for maximizing your character, so you don't have to get them right away, but these specific cards will optimize your damage output in PvE.
Gameplay – How To Play Gunslinger for PvE Build
If you have played this class while leveling you will be very familiar with the skills.
For the first three abilities, we have the Spiral Tracker, Equilibrium, and Dexterous Shot. these skills are used to deal damage and apply a debuff on the enemy which will lower their crit resistance.
Then the next two abilities called the Peacekeeper and Last Request are your main two counter-attack skills that will again do damage but throw your enemies in the air as well.
Whenever you need to move around the enemy or you just need more mobility in general then use the next three skills called the Dexterous Shot, Quick Step, and Somersault Shot.
The catastrophe is meant to stagger and stun your enemies in end-game dungeons. The rest of your skills are just pure damage abilities so when you need more mobility or to fight close range then use the pistol and then for medium to long-range DPS use your shotgun and rifle skills.
Best Skill Rotation
We want to use a pistol and if we need to reposition or deal basic damage then we use the Quick Step, Somersault Shot, Dexterous Shot or the Peacekeeper.
we would recommend saving your space bar for canceling long skill animations so then the highest damage rotation is to use on the pistol, either way, the Spiral Tracker, Equilibrium, or the Dexterous Shot and then now we do damage by using the rifles Target Down and Focused Shot then we switch to the shotgun and use the Dual Buckshot, Sharpshooter and Shotgun Rapid Fire and then we switch back to their rifle once again and we finish it off with the Perfect Shot ability.
By using the pistols one of the four skills called the Quick Step, Somersault Shot, Dexterous Shot, or the Peacemaker, we applied a debuff to our enemies, and then in the next 6 to 12 seconds we use our most valuable and fewer cooldown skills, so we would be able to maximize our damage in this rotation.
Lastly, remember that this build has way too many skills and you don't have to use all of them for the maximum damage so just keep in mind what each ability does and what it is meant for, and then just keep on doing the highest damage rotation and depending on the fight switch back and forth to your weapons to reposition or to deal damage.

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