Here we will show you the Best Striker PVE build in Lost Ark, so in this guide, we will break down what abilities and awakening skill you want to get and explain what are the best skill tripods, engravings, gems, and cards to use for any game content, as well as show you the best gameplay and even which stats you need to allocate for PVE so that you would be able to get the best results and highest damage Martial Artist build.
Lost Ark Best DPS Striker PvE Build Guide: Skills, Stats, Engravings, Skill Rotation & Gameplay Tips
The striker is a fast-paced brawler class, he deals quick hits and does very high DPS. In general, the striker is a burst energy class because of the attack speed buffs and crit chance debuffs he gets from his abilities, so then for the end game build, we will be using the esoteric flurry engraving which is built around filling up your elemental meter and then using your special esoteric skills which will do massive amounts of damage and much more. So if you are looking for the best leveling rating chaos dungeon or any other PVE content build then this is the one for you. Now let's move over to the build itself.
No matter how low or high level or gear score your character is, you can easily use this build and follow the step-by-step guide:
Best Skills (TripodS, Gems, Rune) for the Highest Damage Striker
These are the skills you want to have:
Esoteric: Skill Blast Formation (10 Level)
Tripod - Unlock the Weak Point Detection (Lv.1), Flame Explosion (Lv.1), Great Explosion (Lv.1)
Gems - Farsea Gem (Skill Cooldown Reduced by 10%) and Azure Gem (Skill Damage Increased by 15%)
Rune - Galewind (Skill Casting Speed 12%)
Esoteric Skill: Tiger Emerges (10 Level)
Tripod - Unlock Quick Preparation (Lv.1), Single Strike (Lv.1), Ascension (Lv.1)
Gems - Farsea Gem (Skill Cooldown Reduced by 10%) and Azure Gem (Skill Damage Increased by 15%)
Rune - Overwhelm (On skill hit, Stagger Damage 20%)
Lightning Whisper (Level 10)
Tripod - Unlock Lightning's Bless (Max), Quick Preparation (Lv.1), Fatal Lightning (Max)
Gems - Farsea Gem (Skill Cooldown Reduced by 10%)
Rune - Wealth (On skill hit, Identity Meter gain 30%)
Esoteric Skill: Lightning Tiger Strike (Level 10)
Tripod - Unlock Single Strike (Lv.1), Weak Point Detection (Lv.1), Charged Kick (Lv.1)
Gems - Farsea Gem (Skill Cooldown Reduced by 10%) and Azure Gem (Skill Damage Increased by 15%)
Rune - Galewind (Skill Casting Speed 12%)
Storm Dragon Awakening (Level 4)
Tripod - Unlock Excellent Mobility (Lv.1)
Gems - Farsea Gem (Skill Cooldown Reduced by 10%) and Azure Gem (Skill Damage Increased by 15%)
Rune - Rage (Chance of Atk./Move Speed +12% for 6s when skill is used)
Sky Shattering Blow (Level 4)
Tripod - Unlock Excellent Mobility (Max)
Gems - Noting
Rune - Wealth (On skill hit, Identity Meter gain 30%)
Triple Fist (Level 4)
Tripod - Unlock Elemental Extortion (Lv.1)
Gems - Azure Gem (Skill Damage Increased by 15%)
Rune - Wealth (On skill hit, Identity Meter gain 30%)
Moon Flash Kick (Level 10)
Tripod - Unlock White Flame Kick (Lv.1), Excellent Mobility (Lv.1), Full Moon Kick (Lv.1)
Gems - Farsea Gem (Skill Cooldown Reduced by 10%)
Rune - Wealth (On skill hit, Identity Meter gain 30%)
Ultimate Skill
Explosive Heat Awakening (After level 50)
Abilities To Upgrade While Leveling
If you haven't reached level 50 yet then, here is a specific guide on which abilities you should upgrade first while leveling with the striker:
Best Gear Combat Stats for the Highest Damage Striker
On top of all this focus on equipping as high item level gear as you can and then at the end game you should have
Crit: 350
Specialization: 350
Swiftness: 800
If you haven't reached this point yet then try to have around 60 stats into swiftness then the next 20 stats into crit, and then the rest 20 stats into specialization.
The way we would recommend upgrading this build is at level 50, you will get around 250 points, so this is how your build should look like but then by doing more and more end game content, you will get more points. And at the absolute end game, this is how your ability looks like with all the 410 skill points:
At the start, you use the 252 point build, and then by leveling up and completing quests you will get more points, so just keep on improving your skills and getting higher tier runes and gems as well.
Best Engravings for the Highest DPS Striker
We would recommend getting the top three engravings first and then the bottom three:
Esoteric Flurry (Level 3) - A essential engraving that changes the elemental orb cost for all striker esoteric skills to one and this will increase our damage by a lot
Master of Ambush (Level 3) - A great engraving that synergizes very well with the striker, as you should be always trying to hit the enemies with the back attacks, so this will be a really good damage increase
Keen Blunt Weapon (Level 3) - We receive a lot of crit rate from using lightning whisper ability, getting increased great damage will come very useful to increase our overall damage
Increases Mass (Level 3) - As we have a lot of swiftness, we can sacrifice 10 percent attack speed for massive plus 18 attack power and much more
Crudge (Level 3) - This is more advanced engraving that is recommended for tier 3 content and it is the most efficient engraving against mobs and you will get your damage increased but in return you will take 20 percent more damage, so when you get to the very end game tier 3 content, get this engraving to at least level 2
Cursed Doll (Level 3) - This is a significant attack power increase at the cost of 25 healing penalty, this penalty can be offset by paying more attention on dodging red auv circles and by using healing potions more often
Best Cards (Card Set) For the Highest DPS Striker
Lostwind Cliff Card Set (Armen, Seria, Solas, King Thirain, Kharmine, Delain Armen)
Collect 2 Cards: Dark Damage Reduction +8.00%
Collect 4 Cards: Dark Damage Reduction +8.00%
Collect 6 Cards: Dark Damage Reduction +9.00%
Collect 6 Cards (Awakening Level Total 12): Crit Rate +7.00%
Collect 6 Cards (Awakening Level Total 30): Holy Damage taken +3.5%.
These cards are an end-game system for maximizing your character, so you don't have to get them right away but these specific cards will optimize your damage output in PVE even more. This is the best and most optimized card set for strikers.
Gameplay Tips for The DPS Striker
If you have played this class while leveling, you will be very familiar with the skills, so we will just try to give you a short description.
For the first three abilities, we have the esoteric skills called the lightning tiger strike, blast formation, and tiger emerges, these are your main highest damage skills that this build is designed around.
Then the second ability is called the sky-shattering blow and this skill is usually used as a counter-attack and it also provides a massive attack speed and movement speed buffs
The next ability is called the lightning whisper and the skill deals damage and most importantly will give you a speed and attack buff, while at the same time debuffing your enemies for minus 18 crit resistance
The next two abilities, we have the moon flash kick and triple fist, and these are your simple damage skills that will generate a lot of elemental meter then
One of the last abilities, we have the storm dragon awakening and this is great for procking rune effects since all three attacks count as a casting skill and that's why this damage kill is great to pair with the rage rune for a higher chance to proc the attack speed and movement speed buffs
Lastly, our awakening skill is called the explosion heat awakening and this ability will dash your character forwards four different times, and each time you will do a lot of damage and get the push immunity as well. As the skill is pretty straightforward, we usually use this ability for more damage when fighting a boss or just for more mobility in general.
Best Skill Rotation For the Highest DPS Striker
Let's take a closer look at your best skill rotation and for the highest damage possible at the beginning of the fight, you want to use:
Storm Dragon Awakening (3 Times) -> Sky-Shattering Blow -> Lightning Whisper -> Lightning Tiger Shark -> Tiger Emerges -> Moon Flash Kick -> Sky Shattering Blow -> Blast Formation
Let's see what we do in this rotation, first while using the storm dragon awakening three times, inflict a bunch of damage to the enemy and then most importantly, fill up our meter and push our enemies in the air, then afterward, use the next two skills which will give us attack speed buffs and accrete resistance debuffs to our enemies, after this is done using our three highest damage kills, then after that again reapply the attack speed buff on ourselves by using this cash shattering blow again, and then lastly use our last highest damage kill called the blast formation.
Usually, if the enemies are not dead by this point, then after the rotation ends you can include your awakening skill or even the rest of your skills that we did not use.
Final Conclusions (Tips) for This Highest DPS Striker Build
Remember that the esoteric flourish striker can unleash up to three to four esoteric skills because of the one elemental orb benefit we get from our engraving selection, so this will allow you to have more stagger and higher DPS than any other striker build.
Then remember that your buffs can't stack, so don't forget to stack up both of your buffs on top of each other for the highest damage possible
Lastly, when you're playing with other players and groups, don't forget to coordinate with each other to use your buffs at the same time, so you can stack as many buffs as possible on top of each other and then do massive amounts of damage.

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