This guide will cover the best strategies for leveling up as efficiently as possible, including the best zones to farm experience from level 1 to 99 as well as tips and tricks on how to save time by managing your gold, your drops, your gear, and we'll talk about powerful leveling rune words, you can create and go over some other gear that will be helpful.
Best Leveling Zones from Level 1 to 99
We're going to kick things off with the best leveling zones what are the best places to level up as you are progressing through the campaign.
It's most efficient not to kill all enemies you encounter but rather to kill specifically elite packs, basically, anything that isn't just a regular monster with a white name those elites give a lot of experience don't skip them and hunt for them.
On another note, more players in your game mean monsters are more difficult but also more rewarding you get more XP, in general, the more players in your leveling group the more efficient you will be.
Level 13 - 15
You want to reach level 5 before you start any kind of real XP run at that point you have two options, Tristram runs or Countess runs or some combination of the two which you can run until level 13 to 15.
To start a Tristram run the player who hosts the game needs to have completed the third quest in act one, otherwise, the red portal that you need to go through won't be open, then to go on the run, take the waypoint to the stony fields locate the Cairn stones which are always pretty close to a road kill Rakanishu at the entrance, then enter the portal to go into Tristram kill the champion group to the top left of Deckard Cain's cage and the unique group that is located right below the champion group, those are the two guaranteed groups, you want to kill some extra lead groups to have a chance to spawn to the top right of the red portal,
In Tristram is not time efficient, you just want to hunt those elite groups, then for a countess run, you take the waypoint to the black marsh and locate the forgotten tower each floor on the tower generally has at least one elite group sometimes two and the final level floor 5 usually has an extra leak group somewhere kill all elites on every floor, including the countess and the added benefit of doing countess runs is the ability to farm rune drops which are needed for getting some very important low-level rune words then after Tristram and the countess, the next optimal XP farming runs that you will get to is tomb runs at the end of act two.
Level 20 -25
From levels 20 to 25, you have two options, first option is cow runs, the secret cow level though requires that you or someone in your game has beat bail on normal difficulty, so in order to access the secret cow level you need to grab Wirt's Leg in Tristram, so once you're in Tristram, you go all the way to the west all the way to the left end you're going to find the corpse click on it grab where it's leg get out of there, then in town, you go buy a tome of town portal and you take a tome of town portal put them in your Horadric cube hit transmute and bam you got yourself a portal to the secret cow level. That's the first and best option for levels 20 to 25, but if you don't have access to the Cow level then you can just continue doing two runs until level 24.
Level 25 – 40
From level 25 to 40, your next farming zone will be Baal's Throne Room all the way at the end of act 5 because you start to get XP from the waves of monsters you fight there once you're level 25, and then you can farm that bail runs all the way to level 40.
You should farm bail up to 40, then move on as you go through the nightmare, you're going to gain some levels while progressing through nightmare difficulty, you can proceed to hell difficulty before then level 60 or even sooner if you're really ballsy but again this is not advised for beginners.
Level 60 – 97
For the most efficient farming spots from levels 60 to 97, we have Diablo runs and Baal runs on hell difficulty, to do a Diablo run, you take the chaos sanctuary waypoint and head northeast killing elites along the way, then you break the seals like you've done before to kill Diablo, and Diablo himself is actually not that efficient for levels at this point but obviously, you want to kill them just for the extra gear that can drop, this run altogether is a lot easier than a hell Baal run, but once you're confident enough to handle a bale hell run that is the most efficient XP farm all the way up to level 97, if you're in a group you can actually do a combination of Diablo and Baal runs while you're waiting for one person to get to Baal's Throne Room to open up the portal the rest of you can be doing a Diablo run.
Level 97 – 99
If you get to level 97 things start to get very difficult XP slowdown already starts in the 90s, but 97 to 99 are very challenging the only significant source of XP left once you hit 97 is the XP you get from killing Diablo, Baal, and Nihlathak on hell, and ideally before you kill them you want to grab an XP shrine so that covers the farming spots.
How to Save Time by Managing Vendor Gear
As you get a higher level, then as soon as you reach act 2 go to Farah buy a belt, this gives you more potion slots than most builds in the game can benefit from getting a Gnarled Staff of Teleportation, this gives you charges of the sorceress's overpowered mobility skill teleport you should shop for one of these at warmus in act 3 when you are between levels 20 and 23, because you'll be too low level to equip it at that point meaning when you're shopping for it, it has a red background in the inventory menu indicating that you can't use it, this just makes shopping for it quicker because you don't have to look at every single staff just check the ones with the red background and then once you hit level 24 equip this item in your weapon swap and swap to it when you want to teleport another item that could benefit a lot of builds is a Bone Wand of Lower Resistance, this gives you charges of the Necromancer lower resist curse, this is useful for breaking, a monster's resistance or just for doing more damage against enemies you want to shop for one of these wands when you're between levels 31 and 35 to benefit from that same red background trick and you're going to shop in nightmare difficulty Akara act 1 or drogman act 2.
Once you're level 36 you can start using it you want to keep it in your weapon swap or in your inventory because you have the wand of lore resist you possibly also have the staff of teleportation and if you want to use both you're going to have to do a little bit of swapping back and forth within your inventory between these items now as soon as you enter nightmare difficulty you want to go shopping for some vendor gear go to Charsi and guide in act 1 and look for boots that grant you fast run-walk and resistance, as well as gloves and a belt that grants resistance, your priorities here, are fire and lightning resistance.
The final tip on vendors here applies for all the vendor items you could be looking for if a vendor does not have a given D2R item in stock, you can refresh the vendor's inventory by leaving town and re-entering be it via waypoint or be it via literally just running out and back in if you're playing multiplayer, this only works if no one is in town at the moment as long as there are players in town the inventory is locked but once everyone exits its refresh.
How to Save Time by Managing Gold
Let's talk about how to be as efficient as possible with your gold while leveling without slowing down your leveling process, it's not worth selling now if you find a magic version of one of these items that do not have plus two skills on it then you can use that same trick from just before to re-roll it until it does, another item type that is always worth picking up is heavy armors which sell for a good amount of gold.
Another way to save on gold is instead of spending gold to replenish your charges on a staff of teleport or a wand of lore resist, you can use a cube recipe put the staff or the wand in the cube with one chipped gem and one ort rune hit transmute and you're going to replenish your charges.
Another tip on managing your gold is don't buy potions in act 5 until you've killed Find Shenk the Overseer, vendors reduce their prices by 50 once you've done something else, that's worth picking up at a low level but not to sell is strangling gas potions, you can start using these at level 6 and they pack quite a punch at low level keep them on your weapon swap and throw them at elite groups before swapping back to your regular weapon and engaging with your regular attacks these potions deal 24 poison damage over two seconds but note that poison damage does not stack, so if you hit the same enemy repeatedly by spamming, you're going to refresh the duration on that poison dot, , so it's not worth spamming these all right that covers basic vendor gear.
Powerful Leveling Rune Words
Some of the most powerful and useful D2R items you can get while leveling are rune words that you will create yourself, you do this by inserting a specific sequence of runes into the right kind of bass which is a non-magic item and in order to get the most value out of a rune word you want to be able to equip it at the lowest level possible, so let's go over some of the most useful leveling rune words.
Stealth gives you faster run walk faster cast rate and faster hit recovery, this is the best early leveling rune word for every character and especially for caster builds.
Ancients’ Pledge
Ancients' Pledge gives you massive resistance, it's a powerful shield for almost every character, as for the runes you're going to actually get the runes as a quest reward for completing quest 2 in act 5, the minimum level on this one is 21.
Spirit rune word gives a massive plus two to all skills up to 35 faster cast rate 55 faster hip recovery and massive mana.
Lore is the best in the slot for a helm for every character unless you get really lucky and you find a very rare item either a unique or even a rare.
If you're a firebase build you want to get a Leaf, this is the Tyrone Ral rune in staff, this gives a massive plus three to fire skills this is very powerful early on for any fire build.
If you're a melee build, you can go with the Steel rune word in a scimitar tier 1 room, this gives you increased attack speed and the chance of open wounds which applies to damage over time.
If you're a melee build, the Malice flail gives a 100 chance of open wounds if you're a double swing Barbarian.
If you're a bow user, you can get a Zephyr hunter's bow ort and 25 increased attack speed, this is extremely powerful for amazon's and other builds.
Rhyme gives you cannot be frozen lots of resistances and a high block chance.
White will give you up to plus eight to bone spear which is incredible, this is an end-game item that you can start wearing at level 35.
Nadir is a helmet rune word, this can make areas like the chaos sanctuary a lot less frightening but repairing the charges is very expensive and again for general use for the average player.