When will be the next patch notes for the Lost Ark NA and EU versions? Aside from the officially revealed information, what else we are going to get? In this article, we’ll go over the new content to have in the next Lost Ark Patch in May 2022 and their release date, including the first legion raid, next class, new raids, dungeons, bosses, events and more.
Lost Ark New Patch Notes (May Update 2022) Release Date
According to the leaks by Osterberg501 - MMO Central, the specific release date for the next Lost Ark Patch Notes is going to be May 19, 2022. From the last week’s weekly reset patch notes, they gave us a kind of disclaimer that the guardian raid event will be ending on May 19 and they are targeting the third week in May for the next major update. The variants still exist because everything is in development, but this is an important basis for the upcoming patch release date.
Lost Ark May Patch Content
What is expected to come to make this the biggest patch added into the western version of the game? The next Lost Ark patch that expects to launch on May 19 is going to bring us the first real raid of the game, the first legion raid Valtan, and the next Lost Ark class Destroyer, South Vern Chaos Dungeons, Chaos Gate, etc.
Lost Ark Legion Raid Valtan
Roxx said that it is looking like legion raids will kick off in May, and they are going to lock that in and share an official word in the first part of the month. We’ll be getting the Valtan legion raid in normal and hard difficulty, the legion raids are much bigger and more difficult than Argos. And the legion raids are considered one of the most significant things that make Lost Ark a much better game.
Lost Ark Next Class Destroyer
Another piece of information is Roxx did post that the upcoming Lost Ark class Destroyer will be the revamped version and the Destroyer is the new class that we will be getting in this May Patch. There was recently a big balance up to the game to touch most of the classes in the game and especially, the Destroyer got some pretty big changes. One of the primary things is that they are getting a taunt and skills get changed. This class was considered to be one of the worst classes on the Korean servers and other regions that it is released in, it seems that this revamped version is much more playable.
Lost Ark Challenge Guardian Raids
We will be getting Challenge Guardian Raids which essentially are scaled guardian raids you do once a week that gives you a ton of resources based on what tier you choose. This is good news for people who don’t play a lot of alts, you can get more resources and materials on one character each week.
Lost Ark Deskaluda Guardian Raid
The next content that should be in the May update is Deskaluda Guardian Raid, which will be a 1415 boss, this is pretty much the first point in Lost Ark that you will be able to get tier 3 relic accessory pieces, which is the rarity above the legendary.
Lost Ark South Vern Chaos Dungeons, Chaos Gate & Field Boss
Just like all the other endgame continents you unlock, it adds a new section into the Chaos Dungeon tab, going up higher levels and higher continents of Chaos Dungeons at a baseline gives you more resources, but also once we get into the first level of South Vern Chaos Dungeons, you start to get relic armor piece drops and they are used for the tripod rolls on them. That’s 1415 item level to do the first level, and when you get to the second level, which is 1445, you start to get to relic accessory pieces.
We should also be getting the Chaos Gate in South Vern. In Lost Ark, Chaos Gate is daily dungeons and events that you can participate in to get some loot. You can kill a bunch of bosses to get the Lost Ark gold to buy more treasure maps and then you get treasure maps out of completing these Chaos Gate.
The next content related to South Vern is the Field Boss, which would give some additional rewards as well, and is usually pretty worth doing.
More Content in May Patch
There should be some additional stuff we are possibly getting, depending on what events they want to give us. Some of the options would be a power pass up to South Vern, some honing buffs for tier 1, tier 2, and the start of tier 3 with Valtan.

Lost Ark Event Guardian Raid Guide 2023 - Raid Rotations, Rewards, Tips & Make Gold5/19/2023 11:41:43 AM
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