Do you want to get Harlequin Crest Shako in Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.4 Ladder? Well, you came to the right place, in this post, we are giving you the best tips and tricks on how to find a Shako fast no matter what character you use. We're going to look at where statistically is the best place and the monsters that are most likely to drop Harlequins Crest, and give you some opinion on where you should really get out and farm Shako.
Best Tips To Farm Shako Fast in Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.4 Ladder
We'll go with tips and tricks first, just generally for all different types of characters:
1. Get a little bit of magic find at least early on
A good way we suggest to do it is to take a helmet that has 3 open sockets in it, plug some topaz in it, preferably some three perfect topazes to get that 74% magic find. But once you get that, that's a good amount because we'll take a look at this graph right up over here:
It is the magic find diminishing return graph, the blue one you see goes up at a 45-degree angle finding more magic items, but if you're hunting for uniques like the Harlequins Crest, you see it tapers off very quickly over 400-500, it gets almost flat until it is almost literally exactly flat at 700, 800, 900 stuff like that. So we're not really worrying about that far down that way down the road, you're not going to have that much magic find if you're hunting for a Shako.
2. Equip Three Topaz Helm To Get Magic Finding
But the first bit of magic find is incredibly important, a three topaz helm is a great option because early on there it's tough to get really anything, that's more valuable than that initial magic finds on a helmet.
3. Sorceress Equip Four Topaz Armor For More Cast Rate
You could also go ahead and do four topaz in armor, but getting more cast rate will speed up your magic find. On the helmet, it's more appropriate to put the topaz in than the width to use up your body armor slot now, as we mentioned on that armor faster cast rate. If you are a sorceress getting more faster cast rate, it'll obviously with any caster in the entire game, castrate will benefit your damage because you can cast your spells faster but also you can get there faster.
4. Ger Teleport Staff If You Don’t Have Teleport Skill
If you are not a sorceress and you do not have that teleport skill, inherently on your character, make sure you get yourself a teleport staff that way you can teleport out to places faster, pull your mercenary away from danger by teleporting away and he'll come to you, you can get past walls or gaps that you wouldn't be able to get through otherwise.
Where To Get Teleport Staff?
A popular place to get hose staffs with teleport on them is Act 2 Dragon, because you can run in and out of town resetting his inventory till you get one
Ormus in Act 3 is another popular place in order to get your teleport staff early on even as early as normal.
5. Don’t Sacrifice Kill Speed and Damage for High Magic Find
So early on in the game, you really don't want to push too high on magic find just because it generally will sacrifice a ton of kill speed and damage, unless you have that magic find in small charms or Gheed's Fortune Grand Charm. Sacrificing a ton of room up here is kind of going to be tough because you'll lose things like faster cast rate, or lose skills in all res, you definitely want to have your spirit shield over here not the ones that have a magic spine on it. So don't push too high on the magic find, and don't press too hard to get more magic find, 140 or 150 magic find is a super solid amount especially early on.
Best Areas & Bosses To Farm Shako In Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.4 Ladder Season
What we would recommend is maybe not even necessarily hunt specifically the Shako, pick an area such as the Tower where you're going to hunt for other Diablo 2 items where you can also get the Shako.
1. Best 85 Level Areas & Bosses To Farm Shako
When we get to the boss part, we will show you some of the best places in each ACT:
Diablo 2 ACT 1 Level 85 Areas
1. Mausoleum
2. Pits
3. Underground Passage 2 (New)
Diablo 2 ACT 2 Level 85 Areas
1. Stony Tombs (New)
2. Maggot Lair 3
3. Ancient Tunnels
Diablo 2 ACT 3 Level 85 Areas
1. Arachnid Lair (New)
2. Swampy Pits (New)
3. Swewrs (New)
4. Temples (3 New)
Diablo 2 ACT 4 Level 85 Areas
1. River of Flame/Chaos Sanctuary
Diablo 2 ACT 5 Level 85 Areas
1. Abaddon (New)
2. Pit of Acheron (New)
3. Infernal Pits (New)
4. Drifter Cavern (New)
5. Icy Celler (New)
6. Worldstone Keep
All are the level 85 areas you can farm the absolute fastest are ones where you can definitely find yourself your Shako quick and quick is obviously a relative term. In general, which one you're going to want to farm depends on your build and what type of damage you do (elemental physical, fire, cold).
2. Best 85 Level Areas for Sorceress To Farm Shako
Andariel (Hell - Catacombs Level 4) - 1:1173
Andariel has a Shako drop chance of 1:1173, 1100 runs are quite a few but you could always find it faster or even slower and as you get more magic find, you will have a better chance.
Mephisto (Hell - Durance of Hate Level 3) - 1:1188
It's almost identical to drop bots, once we change the magic finding to 200 , the drop rating is 1:860 instead of the dropping rate of 1:1188 with 74 magic find.
If you're a sorceress early on, go with mote tricking Mephisto because Mephisto can drop a bunch of different other great D2R ladder items as well, things especially the valuable ones at the beginning of the ladder that Andariel cannot drop because of the monster level.
Pick the level 85 area that you can clear the fastest such as the Pits in ACT 1 or the Ancient Tunnels, it's going to be the least accurate one because you're going to be finding a ton of items but really to get yourself a Shako. Finding a great item early, especially in the latter and then trading, is going to be probably the fastest possible way in every instance to get any item in the entire game, because you can't pick and choose what you find now if you're on single-player or you just never trade or you just online and never play with anybody. You're going to have to go ahead and try to find it pretty much from Mephisto or Andariel.
3. Best ACT 1 Areas for All Characters To Farm Shako
For any other character that is not a sorceress, places in ACT 1 that have champions with the highest drop odds and incredibly weak monsters are great to farm Shako fast.
ACT 1 Champions with the Highest Drop Odds
If you're hunting champions in the level 85 areas in Diablo 2 Resurrected, you can find any item in the entire game, but because you can find every item in the entire game then you have kind of a lower chance almost of finding the Shako. Because of the way that probability works, actually if you sort this by probability, you do notice locations are actually all in ACT 1 because the ACT 1 monsters are kind of like a lower monster level, they can drop fewer items. Because they can drop the Shako, they have a lower pool of total items that they can drop, you're going to have a better chance of actually finding the Shako.
So when you look around here, all of these higher areas in the 61 and 65000 which is kind of a high odds, but as the monsters are incredibly weak, you can kill a ton of these very fast. so keep that into consideration.
These are technically non-85 areas because the monsters are actually lower levels. When you get in the 85 areas, you could find things like d webs and griffins but you can't technically have a slightly lower chance of finding the Shako. So we suggest that don't target areas outside of the 85 areas specifically to only try to necessarily get a Shako. Definitely outside 85 areas, you can still farm them and get tons of good items.
Duriel, Baal, and Diablo are Not Recommended for Particularly Shako Farm
Duriel, Baal, and Diablo specifically aren't particularly great to farm to specifically try to get your Shako. If you're taking out a Diablo or Bale at the end of a Chaos run or at the end of Baal run where you're going to get experience might as well take out Baal or Diablo, anyways you can definitely find Harlequins Crest from there. But to specifically farm those exact monsters as fast you can for this item, is not necessarily the most efficient.