What is the best class if you are playing solo in Diablo Immortal? We're going to go through and rank them from worst to first.
In this guide, we're going to talk about what classes are going to give you the most efficiency or survivability or overall just general proficiency in soloing every piece of content in terms of PVE in Diablo Immortal for those of you that want to play the game single.
Points To Consider For Single Player To Pick Up Solo Class & Build
Obviously, when we're talking about playing solo we're going to avoid and keep the following situations:
1. Avoid being stationary, but we want to keep moving, so we can avoid damage
2. We are able to combo with ourselves or do we need to combo, meaning do we prefer setup from other players to get maximum use out of our skills;
3. We are going to have the survivability to actually survive some hits whether it's going to be the boss stages or just the random monsters
4. We are going to have the damage to actually clear efficiently and arguably, this is the most important because you want to be able to your content efficiently if you're solo play, not only will you actually survive longer when you're clearing content, but also if you're super slow compared to a group, then you're going to be losing value in terms of actual resources per hour things.
Diablo Immortal Best Solo Class Tier List
In terms of the above tips for solo playing, we rank the classes in Diablo Immortal:
Tier S - Necromancer
The necromancer is going to really shine there as they've got the bone armor, the minions to do a bunch of passive damage, and they can utilize corpses and do crazy things like chuck lances out of the corpses or turn them into poisonous clouds. As a solo player, we think the fact that you've got all those minions at your side and the different utility of being kind of a hybrid, they're kind of a mid-range class. What's more, they've got one of the best primary ultimate abilities in the game with their soul fire ability. So necro just is going to be a great choice for a solo player not only for a starter but also powerful for endgame single playing!
Tier S - Barbarian
This is going to be an amazing class to pick as they've got a ridiculous ability. They're just going to go unkillable and turn into a life-stealing beast. They're also a melee class that can get into the fray and does a decent amount of damage with some good movement speed abilities, so we think the barbarian is going to be a great choice not only for the group but also for solo play.
Tier A - Crusader
Crusader has got the steed the drawn quarter which is one of the best abilities in the game during the bata that has been rained in a little bit, but it's still very strong. So basically the steed is why we put the crusader above the demon hunter, being able to run around with their horse and do damage while they're doing so much mobility. They do have decently long cooldowns and not going to do quite the damage output that a demon hunter does, but they'll be a lot tougher and they've got a way better mobility skill in the draw and quarters. So crusader is going to be a fine choice for a solo player as well.
Tier A - Demon Hunter
Demon Hunter is great, they do a ton of damage with things like multi-shot wiping down the screen and reign of vengeance wiping down bosses, they can fire their primary ability while moving, which is a huge quality of life thing for just continuously clearing trash mobs for looting Diablo Immortal platinum as you're leveling up. They get a really good legendary offhand called the hunger that will enable the primary attack that they are spamming while they're moving to pierce other enemies. So demon hunter is going to be great for solo playing, the only problem is they are going to be a ranged class and they don't have a great mobility ability and their daring swing is pretty underwhelming (probably one of the worst movement abilities in the game).
Tier B - Monk
The monk can do a lot of damage. They are in melee class and can get up in there with great abilities, like Inner Sanctuary to help you in dealing with the bosses, and make you take a lot less damage for a decently long amount of time. Monk can group things up and then smash them down with like a seven-sided strike and crazy things to do a bunch of burst damage against trash mobs.
Tier C - Wizard
Wizard is viable but we think it is a little bit better in a group way though, when you've got a meat shield in front of you, you can stand back use your channeling skills, and your disintegration beam, and just crank out damage. Wizard can draw meteor and let your teammates coordinate with that and do a bunch of DPS, group things up with the black hole. So we think the wizard is going to shine a lot better when you've got a tank line in front of you. So even though they can do a decent amount of damage, with the way that they function around synergies and group play, we put them in the C Tier for leveling solo and starting out on the launch of Diablo Immortal as a solo only player.
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