Lost Ark has got a new class artist in Korea on January 12th and also the announcement of 2 new classes in coming very soon, female berserker and aeromancer. In today's guide, we'll talk about Lost Ark artist's all skills, awakenings, identities, engravings, and when we should see the painter class release in Lost Ark.
Lost Ark Artist Guide - Release Date, Skills, Identities, Engravings Of Painter In Lost Ark
Lost Ark MMORPG has the first female specialist profession with illusion power, the artist. Artist aka painter is an advanced class of the sub class, Specialist This is a long-distance support occupation. The artist's primary weapon will be a brush. Also, the artist is actually a supported class so besides the paladin and beside bard, the artist is the third support class of Lost Ark. Yin and Yang are the two Chinese concepts that form the basis of her talents.
Lost Ark Artist (Painter) Release Date
We kind of get an announcement as to when Artist would be released in Lost Ark, but it's not fully confirmed! Roxx, the Lost Ark community manager posted and said that the May Content Update will Destroyer, as previously announced. To help set expectations here (while this could change). They would expect the older/original classes to roll out before they get the newest class in-game since this was the catch up plan long before artist came out even in KR. This pretty much means artist is the newer class that came out in January 2022 in Korea. We probably might not get Lost Ark artist class for like a year. Maybe the artist will be released in August, or December hopefully.
Lost Ark Artist (Painter) Overview
Lost Ark artist has a group buff which is giving additional damage to all enemies plus 10%. This class is able to summon orbs that will heal party members. Another thing which you need to know about this class is that the main weapon of this class is a paintbrush. Which is able to spray ink on enemies. The Artist class has the ability to debuff the target, on that way the target takes additional damage plus 10% for 11 seconds that debuff is worth for the party and herself. Regarding debuff and buff, this looks pretty powerful. Another thing about this class is bubbles increase the combat efficiency of party members on the ground you can see something like an ice carpet which makes your party moves faster in a certain direction. When she jumps on party members she gives them a shield to protect them. This class has basically everything, shield, buff, debuff, heal, damage.
Lost Ark Artist (Painter) Awakening Skills
- Landscape Painting
- Heavenly Dream
Lost Ark Artist (Painter) Y Identity
- Falling Moon (10 Damage Buff)
Lost Ark Artist (Painter) X Identity
- Rising Sun (Heal)
Lost Ark Artist (Painter) Skills
- Ink Shower (Brushing Technique)
- Scattering (Brushing Technique)
- Rising Ink (Ink Technique)
- Pogo Stick (Brushing Technique)
- Butterfly Dream (Ink Technique)
- Orchid (Brushing Technique)
- Splitting Tiger (Ink Technique)
- One Stroke (Writing Technique)
- Moon Drawing (Ink Technique)
- Milky Way (Ink Technique)
- Illusion Door (Ink Technique)
- Spring Pool (Ink Technique)
- Sun Well (Ink Technique)
- Flying Crane (Ink Technique)
- Rising Hit (Writing Technique)
- Drawing Sun (Ink Technique)
- Dash (Spacebar)
Lost Ark Artist (Painter) Engravings
- Full Bloom
It's tied to the artist identity scale called the rising sun. If you're not familiar with artist identity basically when you attack with your skills, you keep filling this energy off with energy until it's full and you get one full energy or harmony gauge. Once you have at least one full orb, you can activate the rising sun and it will consume one of the energy orbs and produce an energy globe that either you or your teammate can consume to get up to 25% of the artist's max hp. You consume it by pressing g, what the full bloom engraving does is that not only does the person consuming the glove get the health, but everyone gets another 15% of health recovery at full bloom level 3.
- Regression
Regression is tied to the other artist's identity skill called the waning moon. To activate the waning moon you need a minimum of 2 full energy costs. When you activate it, you and party members will do 10% increased damage for the next 10 seconds, which is a kind of op. So what regression does is that it increases the artistic change by 12% and quit damage by 40% at level 3. However, this is only for artists only and it lasts for 60 seconds.
Just like bart and paladin the other two healer classes, there is one engraving for party heal, full bloom and regression are more for solo play like the tower of shadow and fate if you just want to go full DPS.

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