How to make sure that you are doing your ability stones as best as you can? There are lots of calculators that can be used to avoid any mistakes and find out the best moves. So let’s learn about the best way to facet ability stones using a Lost Ark Ability Stone Calculator.
Related Read: Lost Ark Engraving Calculator
Ability Stones and Facet System in Lost Ark
Once you hit endgame content in Lost Ark, you’ll start collecting Ability Stones as regular loot drops, but you can’t actually equip the ability stones until you doing faceting, which will make them equippable. There are two positive and one negative engraving on each stone, you can get engraving points through the faceting process, which involves luck. The success rate and the chance of cracking percentage values that begin at 75%, every time you succeed, this percentage decreases, or increases when you fail, if you succeed, you'll unlock an engraving point, if you fail, it will grey out the empty slot and render it useless.
Generally, we want to succeed when faceting positive engravings and fail when faceting the negative one. The general goal of ability stones is to balance out when you have a higher success chance, you want to click on your blue lines, which are your positive engravings, and then when you have a lower success chance, you want to end up clicking on your red line which is the negative engraving.
The ability stone facet system is not very hard to understand, but there are a lot of hidden complexities with the mathematics and calculations that are used in order to optimize the stone that you are looking for, so compared to guessing the result in your head, it is better to use a tool, called Lost Ark Ability Stone Calculator, this will help you get the result correctly and more quickly.
How to Facet Ability Stones in Lost Ark - Lost Ark Ability Stone Calculator Guide
Let’s see how Github's ability stone facet calculator works. The goal of the calculator is to calculate the optimal sequence of moves to maximize the probability of hitting your target rolls, which also reduces the cost of Lost Ark gold.
The first thing you need to select is the Ability stone rarity, this is going to determine how many maximum possible nodes your ability has. You can choose Rare (6), Epic (8), Legendary (9), and Relic (10).
Next, Target minimum for the first line and second line, Extra Salt recommended put six and six, this combination is a very desirable outcome, because it gives you the possibility to end up getting four level 3 engravings if you perfectly optimize the ability stone, you have two epic engravings with books, and you also end up getting +3 and +3 on all of your accessories. The only way you can do this with your two engraving books is if these are epic, so these get +9 and +9, and then your ability stone will give you +6 and +6, which is a total of 15 and 15.
Then Target maximum for the third line, you can consider setting this to the maximum, which is nine for this stone because if you set it lower, the game is actually going to prioritize making sure that you don't end up getting too many red engravings and it might compromise your ability to get more blue engravings.
The tool will show you the percentages of your stone getting your desired outcomes. Basically, the best choice is gonna be highlighted in yellow, the percentage gives us an overall chance of achieving targets if we make optimal moves. The first thing to click on is the first engraving, when you enter the Facet Ability Stone page, facet the row indicated by the tool then input whether the result was a Success or Failure. If it succeeds, the game is going to tell you the next thing to do. We actually end up going to the red one, click that, when it fails, then you click on another one. You're basically just going to rinse and repeat this until your stone is either done or until it breaks to the point where you just feel like you need to get another one.
Ability Stone Facet Calculator (Github)
Ability Stone Facet Calculator (Lostark.meta-game)
This ability stone calculator looks a little different, you have to choose your faceting priorities to get the optimal choices.

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