Wrath of the Lich King pre-patch is live starting August 30, with bringing several new features and giving everyone their first look at Wrath Classic. Whether you're new returning or a Classic Wow veteran, the Wrath Classic pre-patch has tons of content to offer and ways for you to prepare for our next Journey leading into Northrend. Today we check out 10 things to do in WoW Classic WotLK pre-patch, and what you’ll have to wait for until the launch of Wrath Classic on September 26.
10 Things To Do In WotLK Classic Pre-Patch
1. Level Up Faster
The first thing to do in WotLK prepatch is definitely to level up faster, ensuring that you have a character that can get to northrend when the expansion releases on September 26th. But this you'll need to be at least level 68 though for several reasons it won't be too difficult to get all the way to 70. First of all in the pre-patch, you can now buy the flying skill at level 60 down from 70, expert flight speed has been increased from 60% to 150% and the cost half to 250 WotLK Classic gold, which isn't too much of an investment for how incredibly useful it will be. There's also currently a bonus 50% experience buff to all activities in the game which will persist up to the date of the launch. On top of that, the experience required per level also gets completely squished in the pre-patch too. Some levels need up to 45% less SXP though things do start to taper off somewhat by level 70. And if you wanted something different to quests and dungeons while leveling even Battlegrounds will now give experience. There are so many options on why hitting level cap there's going to be a breeze in the pre-patch.
2. Make a Death Knight
Maybe you don't have a character and you want to make us start playing the new hero class, the death knight. You may remember back in Wrath originally, death Knights released alongside launch and required a level 55 character to already exist on your account. This is no longer the case, Death Knights will become playable during the pre-patch and do not have any pre-requisite requirements or characters needed on your account at all. There are now a few restrictions instead, but your first DK is very much a free level 55.
3. Get a Fresh Start
While some other players you may be looking for a total Fresh Start, alongside the pre-patch launching we also have fresh start Realms. These are very much what you expect everyone begins at level 1, no developed economy equal footing for each and every player. The Slate is wiped clean, you do have to level a character to 55 before you can make a death knight.
4. Upgrade Your Gear
Once you've leveled your character up, the burning Crusade and its current state offers the most ways to gear up that it ever has. We have standard dungeons, heroic Dungeons and 10 and 25 man raid content, the need to complete any achievements to access raid content have been removed from the game for a little while now, so you can go wherever you want. Badges of Justice will also drop from all raid content and heroic dungeons which can be turned in at vendors in chatrath or at the Isle of Quel’Danas for high end raiding gear. Additionally, honored with the number of Outland reputations allow you to buy rare quality PVP focus gear which isn't bad gear to start off with at level 70. And if you're leveled mainly through questing, you're more than likely going to be honored with nearly all the reputations needed. PVP is also a good option for gearing up with loads of gear being purchasable for Honor including the season for PVP sets. During the pre-patch, Scourge Invasion event will offer several karazhan equivalent pieces of gear that can be easily farmed in the open world more on that in a moment.
5. Optimize Your Talents
Alongside the pre-patch comes, the spell and talent reworks for each and every class and specialization in the game, Wrath classic really shakes up how your class plays, adding loads of procs iconic new abilities and utility some of the standout additions that have become a core part of your class fantasy over the years are the likes of Bladestorm for arms Warriors, chaos Vault for Destruction warlocks and lava burst or elemental shaman. Whatever you play, it gets even better in Wrath.
6. Pick Your Specialization
And you'll have an easier time exploring or swapping between your specializations to another Edition dual specialization. You can activate this at your class trainer from level 40 and onwards. However in Wrath, it will set you back 1000 gold, that's a one-time payment that needs to be done on every single character. Then onward you can create two separate Talent glyph and action bar sets that you can swap between any time you are out of combat. This is a great addition to the game and it makes swapping between roles on the flight so much easier.
7. Check Out Inscription
It's not only your class that will be getting revamped for their pre-patch though, professions will also be totally overhauled getting them into their Wrath the Lich King State. The biggest addition is the new profession inscription, this can be leveled up during the pre-patch as the great chance to make some gold or just clip out your main character. Not every single glyph in the game will be available during the pre-patch as for some of them you need to be in northrend, but any glyph is better than none, glyphs themselves are split into major that modify a spell in a large way such as lowering its cooldown, increasing the effect or adding utility. And minor glyphs which are more or less all quality of life or cosmetic focused such as removing the reagent requirement from a spell or increasing buff durations.
8. Join the Plague Event
You can't talk about the Wrath of the Lich King pre-patch and not bring up the Zombie Plague. it's hard to put in words exactly what you should anticipate from this event, but expect complete and utter chaos to envelop the world of Azeroth during the week that it persists. it starts off very slow and inconspicuous with disease crates appearing in booty Bay and by the end of the event, if you aren't a zombie, your friendly fellow players will make sure that you are within the space of a few minutes. This is truly one of World of Warcraft's most legendary moments and it is rare you get a second chance to experience something on this scale again. If you do one thing log in at Peak time and see what Orgrimmar or Stormwind looks like a few days into the plague, you won't regret it until you get turned into a zombie that is.
9. Get Limited-Time Rewards
There are also many new limited time rewards offered during the pre-patch. This will take place after the Zombie Plague has completed and the scourge Invasion begins. Attacking these Invasion points and defeating Scourge there will earn players necrotic runes. These can be turned in Argent Quartermasters in faction capitals for a variety of rewards. An epic set of gloves and shoulders can be bought for 15 runes each, these are super easy to farm in the open world even for fresh level 70 characters. Unsecrated sharpening stones and bless wizard oil are 8 runes each, these are powerful weapon Buffs to help against the scourge and can be useful going into Northrend as well. There are also a number of trinkets which are more for fun and flavor such as the Argent War Horn, that calls a paladin to your side who will assist you in battle for a short duration and then bubble Hearth away.
10. Loot Iconic Items
Finally, as The Invasion progresses certain dungeons as well as a raid will have new bosses spawning in them. Now the lower level dungeon bosses appearing the likes of Scholomance, Stratholm, all the way down to Shadowfang, keep or more just for a few extra bits of loot to help out your leveling characters. The one that most people will be interested in will be 10 risk smirk blood in Karazhan, he drops two notable items, the Vampiric battling, a new Companion Pet, as well as the Arkham Knight Ripper. This epic upgrade of the iconic Arcanite Ripper makes a return with upgraded stats. Most importantly, the ability to unleash a base melter, for this day this weapon remains a crown in the jewel of players collection pieces, you've ever leave the competition to try and grab this whilst it's there will be fierce.