With the WoW WotLK Pre-Patch goes, what are the most important notes you should know? Today let’s go through what to do and not do in WotLK Pre Patch, allowing you to get better in the upcoming Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
What to Do in WoW WotLK Pre-Patch - WotLK Classic Pre Patch Guide & Notes
Around the pre-patch of WoW WotLK, The Tired Llama presented three things to do and two things not to do. You probably get an idea of what to do if you are hesitating about honor farming, PvP gear, alt leveling, and some other things.
1. Level alts
The first thing you can do in Wrath of the Lich King Pre-Patch is leveling your alts, there is not much of a better time for leveling than the pre-patch with a lot of reasons for that. With the pre-patch, you are going to be able to take advantage of the Joyous Journeys buff for the increased experience gains, and also have more than the usual amount of people leveling alongside you, so doing dungeons or group quests is going to be a lot easier. In addition, pre-patch itself brings a reduced amount of experience required for each and every single level, so you can level up faster in this period of time. Most people are able to get an alt all the way from level 1 all the way up to 70 in time for WotLK. The release of the Death Knights in the pre-patch and not at the Wrath launch, enables you to get your Death Knight ready to be your main for Wrath of the Lich King, without having to fall behind the others.
2. Farm gold
The next thing to do is farm WotLK gold, there are a bunch of methods to earn gold in the game. The reason that this is a good time for making gold is not only because these new avenues for gold making are available to you in the pre-patch, but also because Wrath is around the corner, WotLK Classic is going to be an expensive expansion in terms of your raw gold. Every single character will have the barest minimum requirement of 2000 gold basically in the first week of that character's leveling process, but easily in excess of 30 to 40, 000 golden potential for everything that you might want on any given character. You need to find some viable ways to farm gold.
3. Honor farm
We have access to Brutal Gladiator gear with honor in Wrath of the Lich King Pre-patch, this means no matter how poor of a character's gear level you currently possess, you are going to be able to improve it dramatically and get some of the absolute best gear available. Honor farming is actually incredibly easy to do during the pre-patch. Blizzard has actually nerfed the amount of honor it's going to cost to buy this gear clearly with a view of people using this system to catch up on gear and get ready for the launch of Wrath Classic.
What Not to Do in WoW WotLK Pre-Patch - WotLK Classic Pre Patch Guide & Notes
1. Badges farm
Farming badges is not necessarily a bad thing to do, it is in fact a good thing. But the honor farm is going to get you better gear and quicker than farming badges. You are going to have to farm an inordinately large amount of badges to get some of the best pieces of gear. The difference in the gear standards between badge gear and the PVP gear is especially given that, for a lot of classes and specs, the PVP gear is going to be substantially better than anything you're going to be able to get with badges. Brutal Gladiator PvP Gear will now be purchasable with honor and honor costs on items were significantly reduced.
2. Realm First
It is not recommended to spend time in pre-patch to get yourself prepared for any form of race to the Realm First, there are so many better uses of your time in pre-patch for the time that you have available than doing this given that you will ultimately fail, there are countless people on your realm that you are competing with who will have started their preparation months and months ago.