In this Wotlk Classic Pre Patch gold farming guide, we are showing you the best way to gold farm in Karazhan. It's a super simple and easy farm with almost no drawbacks. You can easily make around 500 gold per hour if you're just vendoring everything. If you have enchanting and you use the auction house, you can make over 800 Wrath gold or more per hour depending on your server's prices.
WotLK Pre Patch Karazhan Gold Farm Guide - Requirements & Tips To Make Gold In Wrath Of The Lich King
Players are stockpiling gold in preparation for the upcoming release of WOTLK Classic, which will allow them to access all of the game's newest content. Farming out gold is necessary during WOTLK Classic since there are so many new goods and unique pets and mounts available. It's nice to see that we can still get some use out of Karazhan after the blizzard is completely nerfed. Some people out there kind of push the limits of this and see how many more mobs can get or see how fast can go in order to make gold in WOW Wrath of the Lich King Pre Patch. Now, we bring you a nice short, easy and effective Classic WotLK Pre Patch gold farm guide for Karazhan.
WOTLK Classic Pre Patch Karazhan Gold Farm Requirements
The gear requirements in Wrath of the Lich King Pre Patch Karazhan gold farming are very simple, you can go with around 80 avoidance and then as much strength as humanly possible. Because our lockouts are unlimited to do this farm effectively, we really need to kill the mobs quickly. Because of this, we want to maximize our amount of strength, full t6 is ideal for this farm. If you have worse or bad gear, then you can probably still get away with pulling one pack at a time and killing them a bit slower. Your gold power will definitely take a hit doing that. But if your gear isn't good enough to sustain or nuke them down, you're most likely going to die if you try to do multiple packs at once. If your gear is bad, then give it a try but just make sure you go a little bit slower.
For the next requirement. you will need to be in a group to enter Karazhan. The easiest way to do this is either to use a second account or you can just log on to an alt and have a friend invite your alt and your main to a group. Then they can leave in your paladin or whoever you're doing this with can get a leader and you can just reset by yourself while your alt is offline. You also need to make sure that you're not locked to Karazhan once you kill Malchezzar, you can no longer do this. These mobs will despawn and this entire hallway will be empty. Just make sure that you haven't already done Karazhan before you go in. You should also either bring repair bots or bring multiple shields as your shields will definitely take a hit when you're doing this and there's no nearby repair vendor. So you'll need to either be an engineer with repair bots or have multiple shields so that you can farm for an extended period of time.
Wotlk Karazhan Pre Patch Gold Farming Tips
Tip 1 - To start the run, use fire resist aura and make sure you have the seal of light and blessing of sync up at all times. the mobs in here do a ton of fire damage and anything we can do to mitigate some of that is going to be very helpful. We're going to start off by running up the stairs and pulling three packs, we aggro two in the front by proximity and then one in the back with the hand of reckoning. After you have them pulled come back down the stairs to los and then pop your divine protection. This will reduce the damage you take by 50% for the first few moments of the pull. You should try and target any mob that is casting heal, immolate, or searing pain. In addition to a regular heal, the healers also have a holy nova that can make your runs take longer, and the fire-casting mobs output the most damage by far. If you're a blood elf, you can also use arcane torrent to group the mobs up better or stop their casts. All the mobs that we're killing in here are also undead, so make sure to use holy wrath as well. If you find that you're still taking too much damage, you can try and move out of the goblin flame cannons. However, this will make your runs take a little bit longer. If you want to you can also replace a couple of pieces of your gear with fire resist gear to make the fire damage even lower.
Tip 2 - When the first three packs are dead you're going to want to pull the two remaining phantom gas packs on the right side of the room. Use the hand of reckoning to pull the one in the back corner and then use proximity to pull the one on the right. This won't aggro the elite group which you do not want. The elite group has super strong self heals and a ton of health, so you want to avoid those and just kill the phantom guess. One thing to note is most often you will get at least one or two spectral servants. These have a curse that they will put on you that actually reduces your damage output by quite a bit. But luckily for us, it can be removed with the hand of freedom. So anytime you see that you have a curse debuff that you cannot dispel, you can use the hand of freedom to get rid of it and that'll actually increase your damage. The spectral servants also make a great target for your judgment as they have a lot more health and they'll stay alive for a lot longer.
Tip 3 - If you plan on farming here for an extended period of time, then it might be wise to also invest in some consumables. Flask of relentless assault, superior wizard oil, and strength food can really go a long way when increasing your damage and speed. But remember that we're here to make gold and not spend it. So the less you use, the better. But honestly, if you're going to be here for a really long time, you're going to make your money back anyways. If you plan on only being here for 30 minutes or an hour, it might not be worth using. Just use your best judgment and do what you feel. In any case, after you kill this group of mobs, then that's pretty much it. All you have to do now is run out and reset and come back in and do this over and over and over as many times as you can. The great things about these raid farms are these infinite lockouts, it basically rewards you for going as fast as humanly possible. Because there are no lockouts, the faster you go, the better. Remember there is a vendor outside to empty your bags once you need to.