Ark Pass season 2 is coming to Lost Ark on October 12, 2022 and ends on January 18, 2023. In this Lost Ark Ark Pass 2 guide, we show you the Ark Pass rewards for those of you who didn't maybe yet get a chance to see them in games and also talk about the best rewards and the value of this particular season.
Lost Ark Ark Pass 2 Guide - Rewards, Prices, Skins & Best Rewards To Get In Lost Ark
The Ark Pass is a seasonal event in Lost Ark. It maybe happens twice or three times per year and it comes with a series of missions that you can complete. Everything that you do in the game basically works to count towards your Ark Pass from using a potion to doing a counter to finishing content dailies etc. So it's very easy to fill up eventually and it lasts for quite a long time. This Lost Ark October Ark Pass lasts until January. So plenty of time for you that are maybe not even yet in the game to hop in and take advantage of it.
Lost Ark Ark Pass 2 Prices
There is a free track for the Ark Pass, free over to everyone that is a paid track that costs the equivalent of 15 dollars or 15 euros if you play on the European servers. Then there’s also a super premium track which costs 15 euros or 15 dollars extra. A total of 30 dollars or euros to unlock everything.
Lost Ark Ark Pass Rewards
Lv. 1 - 10 Any Card Pack or 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest
Lv. 2 - Weekly Una’s Task or Glory Leapstone Material Selection Chest
Lv. 3 - 3 Daily Una’s Task or 10 Healing Battle Item Chest
Lv. 4 - 3 Daily Una Instant Complete Ticket or 3 Regulu’s Light Currency Chest
Lv. 5 - 2 Legendary - Epic Card Pack
Lv. 6 - 1 Epic Rapport Selection Chest or 1 Glory Shard Selection Chest
Lv. 7 - 3 Epic Rapport Selection Chest or 1 Glory Support Materials Selection Chest
Lv. 8 - 1 Legendary Rapport Selection Chest or 10 Offensive Battle Item Chest
Lv. 9 - 3 Legendary Rapport Selection Chest or 10 Sage Powder Chest
Lv. 10 - 25 Pheon
Lv. 11 - 10 Bloodclaw’s Glittering Coin or 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest
Lv. 12 - 10 Bloodclaw’s Glittering Coin or 1 Glory Fusion Material Selection Chest
Lv. 13 - 3 Rest Sailing Coin Selection Chest or 10 Utility Battle Item Chest
Lv. 14 - 5 Rest Sailing Coin Selection Chest or 3 Regulus’ Light Currency Chest
Lv. 15 - 1 Special Glory Leapstone Selection Chest
Lv. 16 - 3 Dye of Rest Reagents Chest or 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest
Lv. 17 - 1000 Jam Cookie or 1 Glory Leapstone Selection Chest
Lv. 18 - 10 Arcane Battery or 10 Buff Battle Item Chest
Lv. 19 - 1 Rest Dispatch Seal Selection Chest or 5 Regulus’ Light Currency Chest
Lv. 20 - 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest
Lv. 21 - 3 Dye of Rest Reagents Chest or 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest
Lv. 22 - 10 Leap’s Essence or 1 Glory Support Material Selection Chest
Lv. 23 - 3 Epic Trade Skill Tools Selection Chest and 1 Glory Shard Selection Chest
Lv. 24 - 3 Epic Trade Skill Tools Selection Chest and 20 Sage Powder Chest
Lv. 25 - 1 Special Glory Support Materials Selection Chest
Lv. 26 - 3 Dye of Rest Reagents Chest or 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest
Lv. 27 - 3 Any Card Pack or 1 Glory Fusion Material Selection Chest
Lv. 28 - 5 Any Card Pack or 1 Glory Shard Selection Chest
Lv. 29 - 3 Legendary – Epic Card Pack or 5 Regulus’ Light Currency Chest
Lv. 30 - 25 Pheon or 1 Legendary Card Pack
Premium Pass
Lv. 1 - 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest
Lv. 2 - 1 Glory Leapstone Selection Chest
Lv. 3 - 10 Healing Battle Item Chest
Lv. 4 - 2 T3 Gem Chest (Lv. 1-3)
Lv. 5 - 2 Legendary - Epic Card Pack
Lv. 6 - 1 Glory Shard Selection Chest
Lv. 7 - 1 Glory Support Materials Selection Chest
Lv. 8 - 10 Offensive Battle Item Chest
Lv. 9 - 2 T3 Gem Chest (Lv. 1-3)
Lv. 10 - 1 Special Glory Honing Material Selection Chest
Lv. 11 - 1Glory Honing Material Selection Chest
Lv. 12 - 1Glory Fusion Material Selection Chest
Lv. 13 - 10 Utility Battle Item Chest
Lv. 14 - 2 T3 Gem Chest (Lv. 1-3)
Lv. 15 - 1 Special Glory Leapstone Selection Chest
Lv. 16 - 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest
Lv. 17 - 2 Glory Leapstone Selection Chest
Lv. 18 - 10 Buff Battle Item Chest
Lv. 19 - 2 T3 Gem Chest (Lv. 1-3)
Lv. 20 - 1 Special Glory Honing Material Selection Chest
Lv. 21 - 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest
Lv. 22 - 1 Glory Support Material Selection Chest
Lv. 23 - 1 Glory Shard Selection Chest
Lv. 24 - 3 T3 Gem Chest (Lv. 1-3)
Lv. 25 - 5 Legendary – Epic Card Pack
Lv. 26 - 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest
Lv. 27 - 1 Glory Fusion Material Selection Chest
Lv. 28 - 1 Glory Shard Selection Chest
Lv. 29 - 3 T3 Gem Chest (Lv. 1-3)
Lv. 30 - 1 Icebloom Deer Selection Chest
Super Premium
Lv. 5 - 1 Wallpaper: Void Hall
lv. 10 - Respite and Glory Headwear Selection Chest
Lv. 15 - Respite and Glory Chestpiece Selection Chest
Lv. 20 - Respite and Glory Pants Selection Chest
Lv. 25 - Respite and Glory Weapon Selection Chest
Lv. 30 - Legendary Card Pack
Lost Ark Ark Pass 2 Best Rewards
Lv.1 - Lv. 10
As a standard, you will always be choosing the right side selection options. There are going to be a lot of materials for honing, value in terms of battle items, new combat items, and silver. You definitely need silver if you play multiple classes. Generally speaking, you don’t really want to choose card packs and una’s tasks. Because we got a lot of these for free from log-in bonuses or competition packs. Again, we don't need rapport either. Because you get more than enough rapport to max out everything. All you need to do is keep choosing the right side all the way up to level 10.
Lv. 11 - Lv. 14
You will get pheons. After that, you don't necessarily need to go with the right side. Because the materials are bound, can not be traded. And you can farm these materials with gathering skills and life skills. Instead, choose the coins. With these coins, you can actually convert them and make a little bit of Lost Ark gold. And that's the only opportunity you can make gold in the Lost Ark Ark Pass season 2. If you have a lot of pirate coins, you can keep selecting the right side.
Lv. 15 - Lv. 24
Everything else sticks on the right side until level 25.
Lv. 25 - Lv. 30
Card packs are a great choice. But it is gambling and rng. You can choose card packs but you could end up getting garbage. You can get guaranteed rewards if you choose the right side. You are not risking getting white or blue cards. The best Lost Ark Ark Pass 2 reward for level 30, you'd better choose 25 pheons, because pheons are relic accessories that are much more valuable than legendary card packs. You can choose card packs because it's a valuable card choice but you don't know which one you are going to get.
Those are the best Lost Ark Ark pass rewards you get for free. Obviously, things from the premium and super premium are given, you don't have to select which one you get. They are all high value and worth so much more than the cost of having that.
Lost Ark Ark Pass 2 Skins
The Lost Ark Ark Pass 2 skin itself is available in the shop. While you just go to the store and get it for the crystal version that would cost you 18000 gold to get the skin without spending any money. You don't need the super premium, because all it gives you is the skin, wallpaper and the rest of it is cards. The wallpaper is all about preference and you don't even want to use it.

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