If you are starting with the Berserker character, how to make a build with the highest damage possible? Here let’s get into a high DPS Torchlight Infinite Berserker Rehan build guide with the breakdown of stats, abilities, core skills, best talents, hero traits, armor, gear, and gameplay tips.
Torchlight Infinite Berserker Rehan Build - Highest DPS Build in Torchlight Infinite
This Berserker build by KaidGames2 is one of the highest damage builds in Torchlight Infinite, this character is melee-based, he excels at close range and devastating up-close AV attacks. His hero trait is that when you're hitting or taking damage from the enemies, then you will passively gain rage, which will increase your attack damage and attack speed, and then when your Rage Bar is not full, you can tap it, when your rage bar is full, you can enter the berserk mode which will give you two times as much rage bonus and plus 30 movement speed. For the abilities, the more you play the game, the better and more upgraded skills you will get. At the end game, you will be able to do crazy AOE damage.
Torchlight Infinite Berserker Build Skills
The main 5 skills for this build are Whirlwind, Compound Source, Spiral Strike, Bloodthirst, and Fixate.
- Whirlwind: slot in the Channel Preparation, Attack Focus, Bloodthirsty Slaughter and Guard
- Compound Source: Emergency Restoration
- Spiral Strike: Quick Mobility
- Bloodthirst: Mania
- Fixate: Soul Focus
For the extra three, we have the Energy Fortress, linked to Seal Conversion, Summon Flame Spirit which is linked to the Charged Flames and Superpower, and lastly Cast on Critical Strike, which is linked to Scorch, Seal Conversion, and Thunderlight Field.
Torchlight Infinite Berserker Build Gear & Equipment
Let's see the recommended Torchlight Infinite items for this Berserker Rehan build.
- Helmet: Fallen Knight Helmet. If you are leveling, then only equip helmets that have the highest armor numbers, the highest critical strike rating, and the maximum amount of life stat.
- Chest: Sky Devourer - Strength Arm. If you are still low level, then focus on getting high maximum life and plus AOE damage percentage.
- Necklace: Flare Amulet. To get the attack speed, melee damage, and maximum life.
- Gloves: Divine Arbiter’s Hands. To get armor, melee damage, and maximum life.
- Belt: Two-faced Belt. It provides plus 50 maximum life and any type of resistance, including plus 17 fire and lightning resistance.
- Boots: Dragon Guardian’s Footguard. It gives high armor, regeneration to life per every second and plus physical damage as fire damage.
- Ring 1: Divine Punishment Ring. For high maximum life, added physical damage and all the resistance that we can.
- Ring 2: Forstfire Ring. Focus on fire and cold resistance, maximum life, and attack speed.
- Weapon: Fire Lord’s Sin. This is a one-handed weapon, you get to use two of them, and use another one in the second hand, what we get from it is DPS and gear physical damage as high as possible.
This is an end-game build and if you just started playing this game recently, don't worry about this and equip all the gear that you can find, then about from level 30 or 40 only equip gear that is better either way in DPS numbers, life and armor, and these are the top 3 main stats for the Berserker build.
Torchlight Infinite Berserker Build Talents
1. God of Might
- Strength +40
Core Talent
- Burnout: this will give you +35% fire damage and +25% fire resistance.
- Fueling: this will make fire damage no matter if the enemy has high fire resistance, we will still be doing a lot of damage not counting his resistance。
2. Bloodstriker
- Dexterity +36
- Strength +72
Core Talent
- Sacrifice: changes the effect of each stack of Tenacity Blessing to” +8% attack speed, +8% skill radius.
- No Lose Ends: gives plus 35 extra damage when our enemies are low HP
3. Ranger
- Dexterity +66
- Strength +33
Core Talent
- Gravity: +20% extra melee damage
These three talent categories are by far the best ones that will make this build do super high damage and these stats will become even more powerful at the late end game.
Torchlight Infinite Berserker Build Hero Trait
Each level gives us the option to improve our special Berserker skill even more, so at the beginning of the game when we get a rage bar to full, we only get twice as much damage bonus and plus 30 speed, but later on, you can unlock even more powerful perks and get plus 55 damage, but lose 8 percent of health every second, in return you get to do insane damage.
- Support all of the melee skills
- Deals +22.75% extra damage
- +100% chance to gain the hardened effect after you use the skill on the enemy
Precision Strike
- make our supported skills have -30% skill area
- +42% extra AOE damage
Level 15: Anger
Level 32: Frenzy Furious
Level 50: Rampaging
Level 62: Boiling Anger
Level 80: Uncontrolled Anger
Torchlight Infinite Berserker Build Gameplay & Rotation
In terms of the Berserker gameplay, for the first skill, we have the whirlwind which is a basic attack that will give us high damage and fill up our rage meter very quickly, then for the second skill we have the compound source, which is basically like a potion that we can use three times and each time they will regenerate our mana and HP, then for the next one, we have the spiral strike, which will give us faster mobility and quick damage, the next one we have the bloodthirst, which is a very low DPS skill, but instead, we will improve our other skill DPS by a lot and this will help us with the berserk mode uptime, then for one of the last ones we have the fixate, which will make our enemies weaker.
The rotation of this build is very simple and straightforward. First of all, at the beginning of the fight, we won't use the whirlwind and then quickly activate the fixate and bloodthirst and keep using the whirlwind till we get our hero trait, then when we fill our rage meter to full, which should happen in just a few seconds, then we can just keep on spamming the F ability AKA rage mode till all of the enemies are eliminated.
Activate your skills first and get to the berserk mode very quickly, then you will do super high damage by spamming the hero trait, and then when we finish all enemies the stacks will drop and the rage bar will slowly go down, just do the same thing and repeat the rotation.