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This is an updated version of Elden Ring 1.07 bleed starter guide. For the Elden Ring 1.07 best bleed build, you could run Bandit or Samurai both of which will reach our end game build at Rune level 125. But Samurai has several advantages like having two katanas, you also start with much better armor as a Samurai. We will highlight the progress route and key locations to make the best Elden Ring Samurai bleed build after patch 1.07.
Elden Ring 1.07 Bleed Build Guide - Most OP Samurai Build In Elden Ring After Patch 1.07
You won't find a better beginning to a bleed build elsewhere in Elden Ring, not even after 1.07. Thank TitusActualGaming who came up with the most overpowered Elden Ring bleed build after 1.07. The best place to begin this bleed build, with two +15 swords (one Katana and one bandit curved sword) plus the ability to buy and harvest a limitless supply of smithing stones (one each of stones 1-4) from a bell. When starting a game, this is still the greatest bleed build for you.
Elden Ring 1.07 Bleed Build Step 1
Spectral Steed Whistle: Start the game and make your way through the starting area out to Limgrave. First things first head to the Church of Ella and make sure to grab the site of Grace. Head Northeast to the Gatefront Ruins and rest at the gate front side of Grace. Unlock and equip your spectral steed whistle, and grab the Limgrave west map fragment.
Whetstone Knife: Just run past the enemies and head downstairs to the Gatefront Ruin cellar, grab the whetstone knife so you can apply affinities, and head back to the Church of Ella.
Lone Wolf Ashes: Get the lone wolf ashes and be sure to equip them.
Uchigatana: Then head to the Deathtouch Catacombs. You can just run past all the enemies in here to grab your second Katana.
Golden Vow: Then use your memory of Grace to return to the entrance of the Catacombs. Head up and around to the cliff above the Catacombs kill the petroleum night up there for access to the Golden Vowel Ash of War. We'll put this on a dagger later for a 15 damage buff.
Gold Pickled Foul Foot: Fast travel back to the first upside of Grace and head to this cliff, you can safely jump down without taking any damage and at the bottom will be a gold pickled foul foot. We'll use this later so just hang on to it for now and be sure not to use it make your way.
Sacred Tear: Head east to the Third Church of Marika, be sure to grab the set of Graces we'll be coming back here later. Grab the sacred tear to upgrade your flasks.
Flask of Wondrous Physick: Don't forget to pick up this for your best Elden Ring Samurai build 1.07 while you're here.
Sacred Blade: If you ride a couple of feet north of the church there's going to be a teardrop Scarab destroy it for these sacred blade ash of war. This is going to be very useful and save you some time later in the Elden Ring patch 1.07 bleed guide. Now head back to this point on the pond just north of the church and use the way gate to travel to Caelid.
Elden Ring 1.07 Bleed Build Step 2
Dectus Medallion (r): Rides out to Ford Faroth and follows the path that we take through the Fort. Just run past all the enemies and climb the ladder. Once you reach the top you'll get the first half of the dectus medallion (right). For those that are new to using this medallion to access the Altus Plateau.
Golden Rune (12): From here follow the path along the right side of the roof to avoid aggroing the invisible enemies. Grab the golden rune 12.
Radagon’s Soreseal: Just be sure to dodge the rats and pick up the radagon’s soreseal then use your memory of Grace to leave the Fort. Take this time to rest at the Site of Grace to be taken to the round table.
Dagger/Fingerseal: Sell a cup of golden runes so you have 1200 runes purchase both a dagger and a finger seal head back to Caelid.
Flame of the Redmanes: Follow the chapter progress route to this area next to the north Fort Gael Site of Grace, kill the invisible teardrop Scarab for the flame of the redmanes ash of war. This ash of war is extremely strong, we recommend using it immediately.
Flame, Grant Me Strength: Rider on the back side of Fort Gael, mount your steed and jump down and grab flame, grant me strength right away. Don't worry if you're killed here because you'll still keep the incantation.
Elden Ring Patch 1.07 Bleed Build Step 3
Bloody Slash: Fast travel back to the Third Church of Marika and follow the Path South to Fort Height. Just run past all the enemies in the Fort and bait the knight up the ladder. It's recommended that you have the flame of the redmane equipped at this point. Once you're at the top of the ladder go ahead and summon your spirit wolves to help you with the fight. Just wait for the wolves to take the aggro off of you and your flame of redmanes to break his poise. Follow up with a critical and rinse him repeatedly until he's dead. Rewarding with the bloody slash ash of war which we will need later.
Dectus Medallion: Be sure to loot the chest behind you for the second half of the dectus medallion. You now have permanent access to the Grand lift and therefore the Altus Plateau.
Morning Star: Head Southeast to the Weeping Peninsula and pick up the morning star. It's a good blunt weapon that will help new players with a certain boss later.
Faith Knot Crystal Tear: Head west along the North shore of Weeping and grab the faith knot tear. You can easily dispatch the three enemies guarding it with flame of the redmanes. This will give us the faith needed to use flame, grant me strength.
Bandit's Curved Sword: Right up the hill to the Church of Pilgrimage and rest at the Site of Grace. This is where we're going to farm the main weapons that we'll use for this Elden Ring best 1.07 dual curved sword build. At this point, stop to put the sacred blade ash of war on your katana. Reforming an enemy right next to the Site of Grace that'll drop the Bandit's curved sword. This enemy will normally reanimate which adds time to the farming. However, with the sacred blade ash of war, you can quickly kill the enemy safely from a range and sacred blade prevents him from reanimating. We actually want a second bandit's curved sword so you're just going to repeat this process by fast traveling back to the Church of Pilgrimage and farming this enemy until a second Bandit's curved sword drops for you. The bandits curved sword actually hit four times on a runnier jumping attack, so we're going to use them to get a lot more bleed procs out of the game.
Elden Ring Bleed Build 1.07 Step 4
Dexterity-knot Crystal Tear: Fold the router on the east side of Stormville Castle and make your way to the small island in Liurnia. You can just avoid a couple of enemies on this island and ride straight to the altar with the dexterity knot crystal tear. This will give you 10 extra dexterity and a nice little damage booster of the game.
Smithing-Stone Miner‘s Bell Bearing (1): Go northeast to the Roya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel and rest at the Site of Grace to do some flask upgrading. While you're here you're also going to want to equip the morning star and put the flame of the redmanes ash of war on it. The enemies in this tunnel are weak to fire and the bosses are weak to blunt damage. You now have a weapon that does both. Also, go ahead and throw your tears in your flask. Use your flask in your buffs and head into the Fortgate. Summon your spear wolves to provide a distraction. Use a couple of flame of the redmanes to break poise. Follow up with a critical and then back off to let the dogs take aggro again.
After breaking poise the very first time on the crystalline, the fight becomes very trivial. The wolves should keep them basically permanently staggered so there should be no real threat to you. Finish the fight out to be rewarded with the Smithing Stone Miner‘s Bell Bearing (1). This will allow you to buy unlimited amounts of Smithing-Stone 1 and 2 from the round table now. Head north and use your dectus medallion to use the grand lift of ductus and head into the Altus Plateau.
Elden Ring Bleed Build After Patch 1.07 Step 5
Blood Blade: Head north of the Grand Lift of Dectus. Follow the path that you take to the teardrop scarab. If you stray off the path, there are several giant crabs waiting to ambush you from under the water. Finishing off this will reward you with the bloodblade ash of war that gives us the ability to have two weapons with the bleed affinity super early on.
Smithing-Stone Miner‘s Bell Bearing (2): Follow the path East to the Sealed Tunnel, roll through the invisible wall, and follow this path down and backstab the vulgar militiamen head over the chest for the smithing-stone miner‘s bell bearing 2 which gives you access to buy unlimited smithing stone 3 and 4 from the round table.
Smithing Stone 5: While you're here on the Sealed Tunnel, you can actually farm smithing stone 5. depending on your patience you can actually farm the 24 smithing Stone 5 right here in order to take both of your weapons to plus 15 immediately. This is optional as you'll be able to both find these and buy them later on. But at the very least while you're here you might as well farm a couple of them, it's pretty easy.
Elden Ring 1.07 Bleed Starter Build Step 6
Elden Ring Bleed Build 1.07 Gear: We're heading back to Fort Faroth in order to do the best early-game unlimited run farm. So fast travel back to Fort Fort Faroth then go ahead and rest at the Site of Grace. Put the two blood-based ashes of war on your bandit's curved swords. Be sure that you select the blood affinity rather than the standard and then equip these weapons. You're going to ride down to the slumbering dragon and perform jump attacks by just jumping and pressing lb or l1 depending on the controller that you're using.
Use the gold pickled fowl foot when he's around 20 health and mount your steed. It's very important that you're already on your steed when he dies. When you see his tail twitch indicating that he's died, you need to go back to the Site of Grace as fast as possible. If you're too slow will not work. When you get back up, the dragon will still be there but you will get the runes for the kill, allowing you to repeat this process indefinitely to both level weapons and stats.
Go back to the round table and turn in the two bell bearings that you retrieved and purchase enough smithing stones to where you have exactly 24 of each smithing stone 1, 2, 3, and 4. The amount will vary depending on how many you picked up to go ahead and level your weapons to plus 12 or plus 15 if you farm the extra 24 smithing stone 5.
Best Elden Ring Patch 1.07 Bleed Build Tips
You now have two very strong weapons that have great blood loss build up. You can now do the Elden Ring rune farm several more times but much faster now that you have stronger weapons with a much higher blood loss build up. At this point just repeat the farm as many times as you want until you have the stats that you personally desire. A good balance would be to kill the dragon two more times and use the stats for this most op Elden Ring Patch 1.07 Samurai build. At level 36 with these stats and these weapons with the buffs that you have, you should have no problem destroying bosses at this point. Just remember that you're running and jumping L1 attacks, hit four times instead of two so you proc bleeds a lot faster and deal a lot more overall DPS that way.
Elden Ring 1.07 Bleed Build Stats
Vigor - 25
Mind - 11
Endurance - 20
Strength - 17
Dexterity - 35
Intelligence - 9
Faith - 18
Arcane 20