Here is the Diablo 2 resurrected Druid-related information, which includes the druid setting and diablo 2 weapons, the main theme is Reaper's Toll Owns On Druid. A similar setup in fact didn't change any variables outside of two with this build, here is a different weapon and a different Helm in Diablo 2 Resurrected.
Diablo 2 Resurrected Druid Guide - The Reaper's Toll Owns On Druid Relevant Information
This is the Fury slash feral rage druid.
Feral Rage
When In Werewolf Form
Go Into a Frenzied Rage To Steal
Increasing Amounts of Life From Your Enemies
With Successive Hits
Current Skill Level: 11
Mana Cost: 3
Duration: 20 Seconds
Attack Rating: + 120 %
Run/Walk Speed: + 19-47 %
Life Steal: +4- 52 %
A Reaper's toll and to keep it kind of budget all right, this isn't a perfect Reaper's tool, it's pretty close at Max, they can reach 240, enhanced damages is 233, and they can at Max reach 15 lifestyle overhead, and this one is 14.
The Reaper's Toll
The Reaper's Toll

Required Level: 75
Required Strength: 114
Required Dexterity: 89
Durability: 65
Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
+190-240% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignore Target's Defense
Adds 4-44 Cold Damage, Duration 0-2 Sec.
11-15% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
33% Deadly Strike
33% Chance To Cast Level 1 Decrepify On Striking
Requirements -25%
(Ladder Only)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)
Two-hand Damage: 39 To 469
Durability: 65 Of 65
Required Dexterity: 89
Required Strength: 114
Required Level: 75
Polearm Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
33% Chance To cast Level I Decrepify On Striking
+ 20% Increased Attack Speed
+ 233% Enhanced Damage
Ignore Target's Defense
Adds 4-44 cold damage
14% Life Stolen Per Hit
+ 33% Deadly Strike
Requirements - 25%
314 / 314
Socketed ( I )
Reaper's toll that for sure it looks like, it does have a very fast attack speed here with the Shale Rune, so if had that before put the Chevron in it or not, and haven't checked the breakpoints, so in just a moment here, how fast this player can actually attack, the mercenary is using one as well, and basically how looking at it right now is the more the merrier, it's only a level one to crapify, so it has a very small radius of effect.
So if both casting, it's going to be pretty epic and defensive which is primarily why Reaper's toll try this in an ethereal one, and with a tomb Reaver as well which is going to be even better by far,
of course, it ignores Target's defense, some cool damage that epic live bleach stated, and 33 chance of a deadly strike.
Immortal King's Forge
Immortal King's Forge

Defense: 228-238 (varies)(Base Defense: 43-53)
Required Level: 30
Required Strength: 110
Durability: 24
+65 Defense
12% Chance To Cast Level 4 Charged Bolt When Struck
+20 To Dexterity
+20 To Strength
+25% Increased Attack Speed (2 items)
+120 Defense (3 Items)
10% Life Stolen Per Hit (4 Items)
10% Mana Stolen Per Hit (5 Items)
Freezes Target +2 (Complete Set)
War Gauntlets
Defense: 238
Durability: 24 Of 24
Required Strength: 110
Required Level: 30
I 2% Chance To cast Level 4 Charged Bolt When Struck
+ 65 defense
+ 20 To strength
+ 20 To dexterity
10% Life Stolen Per Hit
+ 120 Defense
+ 25% Increased Attack Speed
+ 250 T Attack Rating
Immortal King
Immortal King's Stone Crusher
Immortal King's Pillar
Immortal King's Forge
Immortal King's Detail
Immortal King's Soul Cage
Immortal King's Will
Immortal King's Detail
Immortal King's Detail

Defense: 194 (Base Defense: 41-52)
Defense: 247 (Base Defense 41-52)
Required Level: 29
Required Strength: 110
Durability: 24
16 boxes
+36 Defense
Lightning Resist +31%
Fire Resist +28%
+25 To Strength
+105 Defense (2 items)
+25% Faster Hit Recovery (3 Items)
+100% Enhanced Defense (4 Items)
Damage Reduced By 20% (5 Items)
+2 To Masteries (Barbarian Only) (Complete Set)
Defense 245
Belt Size: + 12 Slots
Durability: 24 Of 24
Required Strength: 110
Require Level: 29
+ 36 Defense
+ 25 To Strength
Lightning Resist +31%
Fire Resist+28%
+ 100% Enhanced Defense
+25% Faster Hit Recovery
+ 105 Defense
+ 250 To Attack Rating
Immortal King
Immortal King's Stone Crush
Immortal King's Pillar
Immortal King's Soul Cage
Immortal King's Soul Cage

Defense: 1301 (Base Defense: 487-600)
Required Level: 76
Required Strength: 232
Durability: 60
+400 Defense
5% Chance To Cast Level 5 Enchant When Struck
Poison Resist +50%
+2 To Combat Skills (Barbarian Only)
+25% Faster Hit Recovery (2 Items)
Cold Resist +40% (3 Items)
Fire Resist +40% (4 Items)
Lightning Resist +40% (5 Items)
+50% Enhanced Defense (Complete Set)
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1000
Durability: 60 Of 60
Required Strength: 232
Required Level: 76
5% Chance To cast Level 5 Enchant When Struck
+2 To Combat Skills ( Barbarian Only )
+400 Defense
Cold Resist+15%
Lightning Resist +15 %
Fire Resist + 15%
Poison Resist + 65 %
Socketed (1)
Fire Resist + 40 %
Cold Resist + 40 %
+ 25% Faster Hit Recovery
+ 250 To Attack Rating
Immortal King
Immortal King's stone Crusf
Immortal King's Pillar
Immortal King's Forge
Immortal King's Detail
Immortal King's Soul Cage
IK gauntlets, this is some weird ik hybrid kind of budget sort of build, so put these on, because the nice stats you get 10 lives stolen per hit 2500 attack speed, and 250 attack rating with the set, and the nice stats that the belt gloves and boots already give 31 lightning res here 28 fire, then Strength bonus faster hit recovery.
Some pretty nice mods firing cold res more faster hit recovery, some magic Vine, so actually hitting massive diminishing returns, now switched out the mall with the mole on you have all Ik except for one part and the benefits were pretty damn nice, but now actually losing a lot of the benefits, so as well start switching out at this point and put on laying of hands gloves maybe for Budget, put on durial shell or something and put on laying of hands gloves.
Then get a carry-on win for the life leech, and then mantled heel here for Mana leech.
Raven Frost
Required Level: 45
+ 250 To attack Rating
Adds 15-45 Cold Damage
+ 20 To dexterity
+ 40 To Mana
Cold Absorb +20 %
Cannot Be Frozen
Manald heal
Required Level:15
7% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+20 to life
Replenish Life + 8
Regenerate Mana 20 %
Of course, right now a raven frost or cannot be frozen High Lords for the deadly strike 20 IAS one to all skills lightning res, all that stuff, and his res is pretty damn High.
Level 88 Druid
Strength 245
Feral Rage
Dexterity 125
Defense 2017
Vitality 360
Stamina 506 / 506
Life 1096 / 1096
Energy 60
Mana 314/ 314
Fire Resistance 75%
Lightning Resistance75%
Cold Resistance 70%
Poison Resistance 75%
All are maxed except for cold res and check this out 35 chance of crushing blow 65is and 81 chance of a deadly strike. The Druid the Millie Droid specifically has an edge when it comes to deadly strike, because unlike the Barbarian, he doesn't have a deadly strike or a Critical Strike implemented into his skills, so if you get it on gear, it might take you a little further, it's kind of check this out.
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- 1. What Is The Reapers Toll In Diablo 2 Resurrected?
- 2. How To Get The Reapers Toll In Diablo 2 Resurrected?
- 3. Which Builds Are Good To Use The Reapers Toll In Diablo 2 Resurrected?
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- 2. How To Get Immortal Kings Forge In Diablo 2 Resurrected?
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