A new demigod all around Santa build in NBA 2K23, and the last Center bill is straight up, y'all remember it that the Center build was straight up. When it comes to this Center, it gets a little bit technical, you can make this bill small for Paul force center. Obviously, this is a center bill, just make that Center Bill and wrap it up. It is the number one Center bill in the game.
NBA 2K23 Best Center Build - Best Demigod Center Build On NBA 2k23 Current Gen!
NBA 2K23 Best Center Build
Body Settings
Height: 7'0''
Weight: 218 lbs
Wingspan: 7'5''
Body Shape: Solid
Close Shot: 25-99
Driving Layup: 25-91
Driving Dunk: 25-92
Standing Dunk: 25-99
Post Control: 25-99
Mid-Range Shot: 25-83
Three-Point Shot: 25-82
Free Throw: 25-92
Pass Accuracy: 25-92
Ball Handle: 25-64
Speed with Ball: 25-64
Interior Defense: 25-88
Perimeter Defense: 25-69
Steal: 25-68
Block: 25-99
Offensive Rebound: 25-89
Defensive Rebound: 25-91
Speed: 25-77
Acceleration: 25-73
Strength: 25-76
Vertical: 25-87
Stamina: 25-99
Primary takeover: spot-up shooter
Secondary takeover: post scorer
NBA 2K23 Badges
Shooting Badges
Agent 3(Bronze), Amped (Gold), Corner Specialist (Gold), Deadeye (Silver), Space Creator (Gold), Volume Shooter(HOF), Blinders (Silver), Catch&Shoot (Gold), Claymore(Gold), Clutch Shooter (HOF), Comeback Kid (HOF), Green Machine(Gold), Guard Up (Silver), limitless range (Bronze), Middy Magician(Silver), Slippery Off-Ball(HOF)
Finishing Badges
Acrobat (Bronze), Aerial Wizard (HOF), Fast Twitch (Silver), Fearless Finisher (Bronze), Giant Slayer (Gold), Limitless Takeoff (Gold), Posterizer (Silver), Pro Touch (Gold), Rise Up (Gold), Slithery (Gold)
Playmaking Badges
The quick first step (Silver), Unpluckable (Gold), Vice Grip (Gold)
Defense/Rebounding Badges
Anchor (Gold), Boxout Beast (Gold), Brick Wall (Bronze), Challenger (Bronze), Chase Down Artist(HOF), Off-Ball pest (HOF), Pick Dodger (Bronze), Pogo Stick (Gold), Post Lockdown (Bronze), Rebound Chaser (Silver), Work Horse (Gold)
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