With this Elden Ring Consumable Tier List 2023, we rank the best foods to eat in the game that give you the most powerful buffs!
Elden Ring Best Food Consumables Tier List & Ranking 2023
Elden Ring has plenty of consumable items, weapons, tools, and other gadgets you can use to make your runs easier, but there's one specific category of consumable that almost never gets used or talked about - Food. With the exception of one or two Elden Ring items you kind of don't eat in this game, there is a pretty diverse selection out there, we limit it to consumables for now and even then that still gives us 29 options.
1 - Holyproof Dried Liver (S Tier)
Holyproof Dried Liver on the other hand kicks absolutely decent, not only does it give you a massive 35% Holy damage resistance compared to the 15% with others, but it might be the only liver item that still has a purpose by the end game.
2 - Boiled Crab (A Tier)
You only find Boiled Crab at mid-game but a 20% damage reduction on anything is pretty much asking to be useless by the time you've reached the end. The difference is unlike most other food items, they don't even need to be crafted, Bogart just has a bottomless well of these things begging to be exploited, that's actually peculiar. Boiled crab remains one of the best food in Elden Ring.
3 - Exalted Flesh (A Tier)
30 seconds is either a lot of time or a mere blink depending on how you're using it, 20% physical attack only gets better as you get stronger but it's not a buff, you'd want to use just as you start a huge fight. This is also the closest we think the game ever gets to just giving you barbecue chicken, even the description goes out of its way to point out the fiery spices it's seasoned with. But 20% physical attack is one of those buffs that just never get old and there does seem to be a scarcity of physical attack Buffs in the game that don't have huge drawbacks.
4 - Dragon Heart (S Tier)
Dragon Heart is a consumable item, the more you consume the more draconic powers you unlock at the Cathedral. They also give you these really cool decorative contact lenses for your serpent Ken cosplay with green skin. And if you lose them for any reason, you can just go to the mirror in Fia's room and change them back. If you don't mind getting rocks stuck in your teeth then we imagine it's a good charbroiled oops outro whatever.
5 - Neutralizing Boluses (B Tier)
Boluses is actually a term in real life that either refers to pre-chewed food condensed into a rounded Mass so it's easy to swallow or a dose of medicine and a pill. The item description actually specifies that you're eating crushed-up cave Moss which fits neither description, it probably doesn't taste very good, there aren't that many in the game, and you have access to an incantation that neutralizes poison and rot pretty early into liernia and coincidentally right as poison stops being a problem you run into.
6 - Preserving Boluses (B Tier)
Preserving Boluses are also made of cave moss and the concept of food coloring doesn't exist in Elden Ring. So the fact that these are scarlet-colored makes us really nervous from a food perspective, this just looks like cave moss infested with rot. They're definitely useful, we can't get through a single paragraph of anything rot related without inevitably mentioning how good it is for crossing Lake of rot, and the fear of running into a rot build in PvP warrants taking a few of these with you.
7 - Thawfrost Boluses (B Tier)
Thawfrost Boluses seem to increase vastly in use depending on what Legacy dungeon you're in. Just about every enemy in the Mountaintop has some sort of frostbite damage they can do to you. Deathrite Birds, Ancient Heroes, Albinorex, Commander Nile, Watch Dogs, Snails, these are also made out of cave moss, so there are no comments we can add to the Taste but Frostbite still can deal with and unlike hemorrhaging it has lasting effects after it procs, making pill popping and actually a good reaction to have.
8 - Invigorating Cured Meat (B Tier)
We are willing to be a little nicer to this one only because the amount of sanguine Nobles in Mogwin's Palace makes this item at least kind of worth considering, it's better to ingest this before you run into one instead of wasting a few seconds taking a dose of vitamin while some dick in a bathrobe keeps throwing reduviid at you. It looks tastier than both of its dysfunctional step brothers and is par for the course with these jerky strips.
9 - White Cured Meats (B Tier)
White Cured Meat is better as single items even if they don't offer as much resistance, the effect lasts twice as long, and offering fewer means it takes less time to wait for the status bars to diminish. The bonus ends up lasting for a full 120 seconds minus about 15, that's three times the seconds compared to using the original cured meats bar delay included. Not to mention red meat is also bad for your heart so we are unofficially considering these meats, as the healthier options even if one of them still looks like it was dipped in Clorox.
10 - Fireproof Dried Liver (B Tier)
Fireproof Dried Liver gives you 15 fire damage resistance which is pretty massive, not because of the percentage that's kind of lame but because everything that gives you resistance to fire should just be coveted since fire is everywhere in this game. 15% reduction isn't significant but it's not insignificant either, it's also a dried liver.
11 - Boiled Prawn (B Tier)
The detail on that iconography is honestly stunning and that little bit of extra steam of the meat there is just it's not necessary. 15% physical defense for a full minute and you can snatch it up before you've even technically started playing the game, it looks delicious, it's never useless, and it's one of the few food items in the game that no one bothered to soak in medicine.
13 - Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot (B Tier)
This one for all the freaks out, there in the audience whoever wanted to have feet in your mouth well here you go, increasing Rune gain by 30% is pretty powerful for the first half of the game, but it mostly depends on how you use it. It has 3 minutes of uptime, so you can totally just pop it at the beginning of a boss fight and unless you're playing with a blender we don't think you'll find three minutes to be a problem.
14 - Pickled Turtle Neck (B Tier)
This is just a turtleneck from soft, no need to make it sound like we're trying to summon Exodia, it's got 60 seconds of uptime with a relatively low stamina regen bonus, but it does stack with pretty much every other stamina region item in the game. It's a little useful in a lot of situations and that makes it a very good item probably with a very nice flavor as well. This one was pickled in a bitter medicinal solution, so it probably tastes like battery acid.
15 - Stanching Boluses (C Tier)
these aren't as useful in PvP as people think, they are the animation review stuffing them into your face that keeps you still for a good couple of seconds, so someone with a competent enough blood build can just take that opportunity to stack that backup. And if you thought that preserving boluses looked disgusting, these boluses look like they were marinated in Kool-Aid for three days. They're fine but the sheer power of blood builds makes it worth nothing more than a low C.
16 - Clarifying Boluses (C Tier)
Almost as much as the existence of Stimulating Boluses, this one is really weird. We can't imagine how the application of Madness would work in real life like, you're just walking down the street and suddenly your mind is assaulted with low res images of Eldritch monsters and unsettling truths. In today's world, we call that psychosis here have some flu venosine and you'll be fine, better yet Nam on some of this yellowed moldy cave moss. There's no way these taste good, we think that weird earthy aftertaste medicine pills have that you always try to avoid but it hits your tongue just right for some reason and you feel like you just swallowed a cup of dirt. But they're great in PvP though.
17 - Dappled Cured Meat (C Tier)
Dappled Cured Meat could be reasonably argued as the food we've seen in the whole game, 7 minutes on 60 seconds is not as long as it feels like but the amount of resistance it offers makes it great to preemptively use if you get inconveniently invaded. It looks tasty enough even if someone did drench it in Pepto-Bismol and then try to cook it with a pair dryer, it's a nice well-rounded item that we can see going far in PvP, but it's probably more effective that you use a particular cured meat depending on what status ailment you're going up against. Since there aren't that many instances when you're being threatened with more than one or two at the same time.
18 - Spellproof Dried Liver (C Tier)
Spellproof Dried Liver gives you 15% magic damage resistance. Magic fortification gives you more bang for your buck by a landslide here, it's barely even a contest, and it's also a body buff so you can't even stack them with barrier incantations.
19 - Lightningproof Dried Liver (C Tier)
You would get the best use out of this item in Fara Missoula and by that time you've already approached the in-game and have probably stumbled upon golden lightning fortification. The reality is unlike fire or magic, the lightning element doesn't become a common threat until very late into the game, it's a decent item, it's just that we never really needed to use it that much.
20 - Rowa/Golden/Frozen Raisins (C Tier)
Raisins are probably one of the most unproductive foods you could eat, they're boring, they get stuck in your teeth and people put way too much sugar in them for some reason. But raisins in the Elden Ring aren't actually as useless as people would have you believe, don't get me wrong, they're almost useless but it's always convenient to just have a few of them, every so often you'll catch a glancing Blow from a ground crawling attack or you'll just jump weird and something will just hit your horse. If you're content wasting a flask on a health bar that isn't even yours then go on ahead no one's stopping you, but if they're useful once every hundred hits then they're still useful.
21 - Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot (C Tier)
50-item discovery is teetering on the edge of worthlessness if it doesn't sound like a lot then that's because you're right, it isn't we actually feel like we get even fewer items than usual when we use these. We don't know what boost amount would be considered broken or too useful, but if it drove us crazy enough to check the regulation bin file just to make sure we weren't getting punked, then we don't know it could probably be higher farming for materials we may or may not forget to use is already one of our least favorite pastimes. So the only situation we would ever use this would be to get a rare piece of armor or something also there's no such thing as a silvery medicinal solution. We are pretty sure one of the merchants dipped this in Mercury.
22 - Rejuvenating Boluses (D Tier)
If you want to climb that weird Sauron looking Tower next to the ductus lift worm faces, that's about all these are good for and the mausoleum knights. The existence of this item is questionable at best, first off black mold is referred to as an especially toxic species of microfungus with a dark green or black hue. This doesn't look like something we should be ingesting, it looks like something that should be soaking in bleach. Most enemies that inflict death blade are either easily avoided or easily killed.
23 - Immunizing Cured Meat (D Tier)
We are putting together a very serious effort trying to think of what this one could be used for and the only thing coming to mind is melania's second phase where you actually have time to eat it and do something about that extra build up, you can cross a lake of rot with it, plenty of other things you can do that with though.
24 - Clarifying Cured Meat (D Tier)
It is slightly more useful thanks to its boost of Madness resistance but there's still plenty of room to be dissatisfied with it because that bar takes its sweet time going down. Madness is also one of the more scarce elements in the game despite an entire ending being framed around it. We love these a little more if they weren't dipped in Bleach honestly.
25 - Raw Meat Dumpling (D Tier)
You know that freezer you have in your basement that no one uses and every once in a while you go down there and take a look at the month-old steak that everyone else forgot about except you, so you just look at it and you're like it can't be that bad you go and warm it up and take a big bite out of it and you remember that the freezer never worked. Surprise now you have food poisoning, you have about 40 seconds to do something about it before you die. And if you don't have a build that involves Kindred of Rod exultation there's no reason you should have any of these on you anyways, they're gross, they're unhealthy, and it's pretty much the Elden Ring equivalent of eating raw chicken and giving yourself a tapeworm.
2 6 - Stimulating Boluses (F Tier)
Stimulating Boluses have that Robitussin flavor of almost fruity but not quite fruity, kind of like buying Dixie low from the supermarket and tasting that almost meaty flavor but you can't help but feel like you're eating part of what used to be a yoga mat. There are two enemies that inflict sleep and they're both crabs. Their existence is pain and dread, and their presence in this game considerably upsets us.

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